Very few things in the world are simply black-and-white, and audiences subsequently find themselves identifying with and even admiring the villains in their favorite movies. While, in some instances, this sentiment might be rather disturbing (such as the strange following for The Boys' Homelander), other perceptive open-minded antagonist fans may just have a point.

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Certain villains are no strangers to redemption and are fortunate enough to have their antagonistic narratives rewritten, allowing them to save the day instead. Disney's Maleficent, Nebula from Guardians of the Galaxy, and DC's Catwoman are prime examples of this. Other antagonists also deserve the chance to shine as their unique attributes could easily fit into the hero's role if the narrative perspective is slightly skewed.

8 Magneto and Mystique (The X-Men Franchise)

Villains Who Would Make Perfect Heroes Mangeto and Mystique in Braveheart Murron MacClannough, William Wallace, X-Men, MCU

Magneto and Mystique only became villains after being oppressed and discriminated against, and they decided to (rather aggressively) fight for their rights and stand up for all mutant-kind. William Wallace is also fighting those same battles in Braveheart after facing countless devastating losses at the hands of the egotistical English forces.

While this mash-up may no longer be historically accurate, The Legends of Tomorrow have shown fans how entertaining it can be to insert superpowered entities into past timelines (subsequently echoing the successful Isekai anime trope.) If one inserts Erik into Willaims role and Raven takes the place of Murron MacClannough, Magneto would surely align with the Scots and lead them all to victory!

7 Shere Khan (Jungle Book)

Villains Who Would Make Perfect Heroes Shere Khan in Doctor Dolittle Disney Universal Pictures

If one logically assesses the situation in The Jungle Book, Shere Khan has every right to despise humanity since they are the sole reason behind his species' endangerment. Therefore, inserting him into The Life of Pi may have disastrous results and potentially produce a significantly shorter storyline, but Shere Khan is not a lost cause!

It is quite likely that after a few therapy sessions with Dr. Dolittle, this tiger could be set straight, especially considering Shere Khan was once quite an admirable character as a cub. He is a classy and sophisticated feline who would add exceptional entertainment value as a prickly protagonist fighting for animal rights (although it's maybe best to limit his interaction with people.)

6 Lex Luthor (The DCEU)

Villains Who Would Make Perfect Heroes Lex Luthor Superman DCEU in Arrival Sci-fi

When removing the antagonistic tag, it becomes quite easy to see how many attributes Lex Luthor has going for him (that easily slot into many superhero's checklists). He is highly intellectual, experienced with technology, not easily intimidated, and incredibly wealthy (so, just like Batman and Iron Man, then?) While he may have his flaws, Lex is motivated to save humanity from the overpowered alien above any other selfish desires, making him the perfect hero for many sci-fi films.

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Although Lex's specialty might not be linguistics, his near-genius intellect would undoubtedly become a valued addition to Louise Banks' team in Arrival. This particular situation requires an exceptionally strategic approach, and it would not take much to convince Lex to take up that responsibility.

5 Yzma (The Emperor's New Groove)

Villains Who Would Make Perfect Heroes Yzma in Snow White and the Huntsman Universal Pictures Disney

Is Yzma really so bad? She is just trying to save the realm from a deranged, incompetent king, after all, and has the adequate experience to take on the role herself. Besides, if she honestly wanted Kuzco dead, she would not have entrusted the crucial task to Kronk, of all people.

If Yzma were to become the official Advisor to Snow White, she would not have allowed her ward's throne to be usurped in that fashion and would have had that manipulative Ravenna packing before she got her hooks into King Magnus. After being generously rewarded for her devoted service, Yzma's ego would be appeased, and she would have no further need for underhanded tactics against the crown.

4 Thanos (The Avengers Franchise)

Villains Who Would Make Perfect Heroes Thanos in Avatar MCU Avengers Disney

There wouldn't be an entire “Thanos was right” movement if the guy didn't have his attributes, and Walle-e shows what could have happened to the world if Thanos had not gotten involved (but let's not give the kids nightmares by sending this oversized entity in to "save the day!") However, if Thanos were to fight against humanity in Avatar, the eminent bloodshed would be easier to handle.

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The sole reason why Pandora is being invaded in the first place is that the natural resources on Earth have been exhausted, and alternatives must be found. Coincidentally, Thanos wishes to eradicate the constant conflict that results from fighting over resources, with overpopulation as the catalyst in the equation. The Na'vi may lose some loved ones in the process, but the sacrifice will surely be honorable if it is for the sake of protecting Pandora.

3 Annabelle (The Conjuring Universe)

Villains Who Would Make Perfect Heroes Annabelle in Home Alone Kevin McCallister The Conjuring Universe

What better way to amp up the absurd yet successful comedic factor of the Home Alone movies than by adding a demonic doll to the line-up! Demons have been known to latch themselves onto children in the past (why else would they regularly possess kids' toys?) especially considering that Annabelle is believed to be the spirit of a seven-year-old girl.

As a territorial entity, Annabelle could potentially focus on protecting her home rather than attacking Kevin McCallister directly (at least, initially). While Kevin and his family might not survive the whole ordeal at the end of the day (unless they get a fancy glass case from the Warrens), the main goal of Home Alone is to keep the house safe, is it not? So... Objective achieved!

2 Erik Killmonger (Black Panther)

Villains Who Would Make Perfect Heroes Killmonger in Django Unchained Black Panther MCU Quentin Tarantino

Killmonger has one of those origin stories that create a righteous villain whereby his actions are almost justifiable, considering his tragic past. Erik simply wanted to see his deceased father's noble dream come to fruition and eliminate the undignified oppression of all descendants of Mother Africa.

While Killmonger's M.O. may align quite nicely with Malcolm X, his exceptional fighting skills would be more beneficial in Django: Unchained. Killmonger could either replace the lead character or fight alongside Django and King Schultz, significantly and stylishly adding to the overall bloodshed while abolishing slavery along the way.

1 Loki (The MCU)

Villains Who Would Make Perfect Heroes Loki as Christian Grey 50 Shades of Grey Thor The Avengers Disney MCU

One cannot discuss such a controversial topic without throwing some fanservice into the mix! Now, while Loki may play jump rope with the villain role, many fans would love to see them use that rope for other activities (wink, wink!) Their advanced intellect, egotistical personae, and love of mind games fit well into Christian Grey's domineering vibe, and MCU fans already know Loki has a thing for leather!

Not many could deny the possibility that Loki possesses a sadomasochistic side, aligning their character perfectly into the BDSM role of the 50 Shades of Grey franchise. And while Jamie Dornan did an absolutely stellar job, many fans would be elated to see Tom Hiddleston strutting around in those iconic grey sweatpants (and less!)

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