From his first appearance in Vikings, Bjorn has always proven that he is dedicated to the women in his life. Throughout his childhood, Bjorn's adoration for his mother, Lagertha, and willingness to protect his sister Gyda, is clear. After Bjorn witnesses his father beginning an affair with Aslaug, he grows furious. The affair results in Bjorn and Lagertha leaving Ragnar and Kattegat behind. Despite their divorce, the love between Lagertha and Ragnar never goes away, and their marriage is one of the most favorable relationships in the series.

Despite his anger toward his father's affair as a child, Bjorn experiences similar struggles with women throughout his Vikings tenure. Bjorn demonstrates a pattern of falling in love with a woman, marrying her, and soon finds himself seeking comfort in someone else. Bjorn's entanglements with Porunn (Gaia Weiss), Torvi (Georgina Hirst), Astrid (Josefin Asplund), Snæfrid (Dagny Backer Johnsen), Elsewith (Róisín Murphy), Gunnhild (Ragga Ragnars), and Ingrid (Lucy Martin), have a recurring tragic theme, but not all of his love affairs leave him empty-handed. In fact, a few of them turn out to be great partners for Bjorn in different aspects of his life.

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Bjorn's first taste of love arrives shortly after his return to Kattegat. Porunn works in Kattegat as one of the slaves and despite their differences in status, Bjorn begins to fall for her. Aware of the affection between the two, Aslaug releases Porunn from her duties so that she can marry Bjorn. Unfortunately, Porunn begins to question if her affections were for Bjorn or the life he could offer her outside of being a slave. The overarching question of satisfaction is one that reoccurs throughout their relationship. Porunn discovers a desire to become a shield-maiden like Bjorn's mother and chooses to go into battle while pregnant. Porunn is gravely injured in the battle and the right side of her face is heavily scarred. She falls into a deep depression and believes she cannot satisfy Bjorn any longer because of the scars. She eventually leaves Bjorn and her daughter behind.

Torvi and Bjorn in Vikings

As Porunn pushes Bjorn away, he finds comfort in Torvi, who is also unhappy in her marriage. As the two spend more time together, they slowly begin to fall in love. After Torvi learns that her husband Erlendur plans to kill Bjorn, Torvi demonstrates her loyalty to Bjorn and protects him. Despite the rocky history of their pasts, Bjorn and Torvi build a family together. In addition to their children (Hali and Asa), Bjorn also mentors Torvi's son Guthram, from her first marriage to Jarl Borg. Torvi's even temperament and capable skills as a warrior make her an ideal partner for Bjorn. Like Bjorn, Torvi fulfills many roles in Kattegat through her alliance with Lagertha, and still manages to be a doting mother to her children. Torvi's devoted, calm nature does cause problems between the two, as Bjorn is always eager to find a new adventure. Unlike Torvi's balance, the roles Bjorn fulfills make it difficult for him to find time to father his children and pay attention to Torvi. As time passes, the priorities between the two change, and they part ways.

Following his failed relationship with Torvi, Bjorn has several flings that don't lead anywhere. Among them is Astrid, who is also a lover of his mother. There is never a glimmer of love or commitment between Bjorn and Astrid and given their shared stubbornness, that is likely for the best. Bjorn later takes an interest in Princess Snæfrid after she arrives with her father to aid Lagertha's defense against Ivar and Harald. Bjorn is quickly enamored with the princess and aside from their evident physical connection, the gravity of their relationship isn't significant. Following their defeat, Bjorn seduces Elsewith, the intended bride of King Alfred. Because of Elsewith's impending marriage to Alfred, their one-time love affair is done so in secret and results in nothing but Elsewith's own guilt.

Ingrid, Bjorn, and Gunnhild wedding

Season 5 introduced Gunnhild, who conducts herself better than most men on the battlefield. In fact, she even manages to draw blood from Bjorn. The confidence in her battle skills is only part of what makes her a great match for Bjorn. This confidence carries into conversation and the way she presents herself to others. Gunnhild doesn't lose herself in admiration of others, nor does she seek for others to tell her who she is or what she can be. Gunnhild is also incredibly kind and nurturing, which does create problems for her. As well-matched as Bjorn and Gunnhild are, Bjorn finds himself receiving the attention of Ingrid, a slave that serves Gunnhild. Bjorn tries to resist temptation but fails. When Gunnhild discovers them together, she suggests that Bjorn take Ingrid on as a second wife. Despite her willingness to present a positive front to Bjorn, it's clear she is not fond of the arrangement.

As Bjorn lies on his deathbed, it is Gunnhild that rallies the people of Kattegat to stand behind him. She encourages him and helps him get ready to take his final ride into battle. After his death, Gunnhild expresses interest in continuing to rule Kattegat in the manner Bjorn would want. Ingrid fights Gunnhild on this, wanting the crown for herself. The battle between Gunnhild and Ingrid is temporarily stalled by the arrival of King Harald, who decides to marry both Gunnhild and Ingrid. Instead of joining their union, Gunnhild drowns herself so that she can be reunited with Bjorn in Valhalla.

Gunnhild and Torvi in Vikings

Many of Bjorn's partners prove to be some form of what he needed at a specific time in his life. Given the various roles Bjorn has to assume throughout his life as a son of Ragnar, a bountiful explorer, and a courageous leader, finding a partner that is willing and capable to aid Bjorn without trying to deceive him is difficult. However, of Bjorn's many partners, Torvi and Gunnhild appear the most willing. Both women are capable warriors who are also qualified to offer council to Bjorn.

Despite their similarities, Gunnhild is the best partner for Bjorn. Upon their first meeting, Gunnhild isn't easily wooed like many of Bjorn's previous partners. This quality intrigues Bjorn and sets them up to be unlike any of the other partners Bjorn has had in the past. Unlike Bjorn's relationship with Torvi, he, nor Gunnhild, are seeking escape from anyone or anything. Gunnhild had recently lost her husband, but when speaks of him, there is no evidence of profound grief or sadness. After Bjorn's death, Gunnhild is clearly in mourning and does seek comfort in Erik. Her attitude after Bjorn's death is perhaps the best testament to her love for him. Unable and unwilling to seek any further, Gunnhild was unable to live without Bjorn, cementing that they had a bond that none of Bjorn's previous partners could hold a candle to.

Vikings is now streaming on Peacock.

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