If fans of the Bram Stoker novel Dracula want to sink their teeth into the gaming genre, there are titles out there to sate the thirst for gothic vampire tales steeped in blood, drama and tragedy. While the games might not hit all of these notes, they will offer a satisfying and dark fantasy experience to enjoy, and give players a taste of what it's like to be one of the restless undead.

Related: The Best Vampire Games (That Aren't Castlevania)

From multiplayer games, to action/adventure titles to RPGs, there is a game out there that will be suited to everyone's taste, even for those with a more distinguished palette.

9 Catlevania Series

Alucard fighting through enemies on a 2D side-scrolling map.

Castlevania is an entire series of games boasting around 40 titles including spin-offs. In its expansive catalogue, there are the 2D side-scrolling style of games such as Grimoire of Souls, as well as fleshed out 3D action/adventure titles such as Lord of Shadow, offering variety for its fanbase to enjoy.

Castlevania offers a unique take on the classic story, expanding and altering its lore. In the franchise, Dracula declares war on mankind after they execute his wife on the grounds of witchcraft.The famed clan of vampire hunters, the Belmont family, and Dracula's dhampir son Alucard oppose the legendary vampire and his war on humanity, fighting through waves of the demonic creatures he summons to face off against the legendary figure himself.

8 Legacy Of Kain: Blood Omen 2

Kain calling upon his vampiric powers.

Lauded as one of the greatest game titles in the vampire genre, Legacy of Kain is a series following the exploits of the titular vampire thrpugh a unique and original world. The game series offers action, adventure, exploration and puzzles for the players to enjoy, with Blood Omen 2 shifting its focus slightly away from the latter which was prominent in earlier installments in the franchise.

Related: Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain Gets Modern PC Release 25 Years Later

Not only that, Blood Omen 2 features Kain resuming his role as the player character, following Raziel taking the lead in Soul Reaver, with the team behinds its development investing more in Kain's character and developing him and his story further. Blood Omen 2 takes a dive into Kain's past and his attempts to build his own empire.

7 Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt

The Enforcer class from Bloodhunt, leaving a trail of bodies in their wake.

For those looking to experience the power of vampires with little mind for story or world-building, gamers should look no further than Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodhunt. Based on the tabletop RPG Vampire: the Masquerade, Bloodhunt is a battle royale where each player assumes the role of a vampire, given the option to choose from select clans featured in the TTRPG, with more to be added in the future.

It's a fun, fast and action-packed game that gives players powers to stun enemies, leap through the skies or shroud themselves with invisibility, depending on the chosen clan and subclass. While fans of VtM's intricate lore might find little to enjoy, fans of battle royales will find plenty of fun to be had here.

6 Vampyr

Vampyr main character Johnathan Reid using his powers to dispatch a vampire hunter.

Dontnod's vampiric RPG is a far cry from Life is Strange, the game series that put them on the map, but they surprised gamers with the finished product, with a surprising amount of depth in the mechanics, plotline and lore.

Set in Victorian London post WW1, army medic Johnathan Reid returns home, and is turned into a vampire. He awakens in a mass grave of bodies, his thirst blinding him. He stumbles up to a woman and drains her blood, realizing all to late its was his sister he feasted on. With such a harrowing opening, the shadow of his sin hangs heavily over his head for the rest of the game, and brings about the question--can a vampire retain their humanity and resist the urge, or are they all doomed to give in to their bloodlust? The choice is ultimately in the players hands.

5 Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption

A screenshot showing the UI of the game, as well as the PC exploring an area of the map.

Though somewhat aged and weighed down by mechanical limitations, Redemption provides a sprawling and expansive RPG experience to those that can stomach the dated graphics and gameplay. Redemption primarily follows the story of Christof a 12th century French Crusader embraced into vampirehood.

The game progresses through the ages in a story with impressively ambitious scope, running up to the late 20th century when Christof finds himself in London and New York, searching for his lover who was kidnaped centuries ago. As one would expect of a vampire game, the player will find themselves equipped with vampiric powers to aid them in their quest, and will be faced with difficult choices that may cost them their humanity, as is the burden all vampires face.

4 V Rising

Promotional art opf V Rising featuring a white-haired woman on a throne, a spell in one hand, a skull in the other.

For those looking for a gothic vampire experience designed to challenge players, look no further than V Rising. Developed by Stunlock Studios, V Rising offers an immersive and open world for players to explore, and the option to upgrade their castle, gain allies and conquer enemies, all the while avoiding the dreaded death gaze of the sun.

Related: Best Games Set In The 19th Century

V Rising offers a surprisingly rich experience, with a deliciously gothic world, scores of monstrous enemies to better, and even a Dracula expansion to give players keeps a bit of Transylvanian royalty flair, something sure to excite fans of the book.

3 A Vampyre Story

A screenshot from the game featuring the main character and a snowy cemetery.

Devilishly charming, this point and click adventure game follows the story of Mona, a woman forced into vampirehood and spirited away to a castle to live with her vampiric kidnapper, until an unfortunate incident with a stake frees her from his grasp. Mona then sets off to return to her home in Paris, though the journey is anything but smooth sailing.

This game has plenty of charm, and with naming conventions such as Baron Shrowdy von Kiefer it certainly doesn't take itself too serious, but the light-hearted nature of the game works hand-in-hand with its creative art direction, and the story of a woman coming to terms with what she has become. It's an adventure not to be missed.

2 Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong

Galeb leveraging gis vampiric powers in a conversation with a mortal.

For those who enjoyed Dracula for how it built on the vampire mythos, fans should definitely take a deep dive into Vampire: the Masquerade, which builds unique and ambitious vampire lore, such as different species (clans) blessed with distinct powers and cursed with specific drawbacks. Vampires exist in secret amongst human, masquerading as part of the living to remain unnoticed by the elevating threat of hunters that have grown increasingly dangerous with the aid of technology.

Swansong incorporates three of the clans, bringing a different style of play for each of them as they investigate and uncover conspiracies swirling in the nights of Boston, all the while being careful to keep their bestial nature in check. Galeb of Clan Ventrue can use powers such as Dominate to bend the will of others, Presence to charm or persuade, and Fortitude to soak damage. Emem of Clan Toreador is a siren that can seduce her prey with Presence, see beyond the veil of the living with Auspex, and Celerity if she ever needs a quick exit. Lastly is Leysha, one of the prophetic Malkavians plagued by premonions thanks to her Auspex power, able to manipulate the minds and memories through Dominate, and Obfuscate that allows her to make herself invisible to the eyes of others.

1 Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

The blonde, pig-tailed owner of the Asylum club Jeanette, addressing the player in her club.

Hailed as one of the greatest RPG's of the early 2000's, Bloodlines wasn't always so popular. Arriving as an unfinished mess of a game plagued with so many bugs most players couldn't even boot it up, Bloodlines was written off by critics and gamers alike, but saw a revival years later when dedicated fans took it upon themselves to fix it with the Unofficial Patch, making the game playable, improving graphic fidelity and adding bonus content.

Ever since then, it has garnered acclaim from RPG fans worldwide, as it bring in an excellent, modern-gothic story detailing the struggles of vampirehood for fledglings, and the staple White Wolf faction and clan politics that have made the franchise popular to begin with. Featuring a cast of colorful NPCs, the ability to choose from 7 of the core clans and multiple endings, Bloodlines is a must for all vampire fans.

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