Few franchises have been as influential in the past decade as Dark Souls. The series essentially kick-started an entire genre of Souls-likes. More obviously, comparisons between Dark Souls and other games are abundant. The game is notorious for a brutal learning curve and high difficulty, crushing any unprepared game player. However, the game also maintains some fairness, with endless attempts at clearing the game. The only thing preventing someone from clearing Dark Souls is willpower.

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However, what if it wasn't an average knight, but someone entirely different? Which game protagonists could challenge the world of Dark Souls and make it out alive? This is taking into account the bonfire system and the knight's ability to revive and challenge the world again. Are there any protagonists that, given enough time, could make it through? Obviously there are plenty, but for now let's go over some of the spicier options of who would and wouldn't survive in Dark Souls.

10 Would Survive: Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles)

Shulk, on the surface, is just a guy. With any normal sword, he's hardly as capable of a fighter as someone like Dunban, also from Xenoblade Chronicles. However, Shulk obviously wields the ultimate sword: the Monado. The Monado uses the ether of the world and manipulates it to enhance the wielder's power.

In the game, Shulk frequently does impossible feats with the power of the Monado. The ability to cheat and see the future makes Shulk an easy candidate for someone who could survive in Dark Souls.

9 Wouldn't Survive: Tidus (Final Fantasy X)

Similarly to Shulk, Tidus is just a dude. More specifically, he's an athlete with a penchant for the one-handed longsword. He also has a buckler, but never really uses it. However, unlike Shulk, Tidus doesn't have a magical weapon; just a normal one. If Tidus were to use his ultimate weapon or an upgraded weapon to give him incredible power and speed, perhaps Tidus could survive.

However, Tidus is not exactly the most capable of fighters, especially at the start of the game. I wouldn't bet on a volleyball player to survive, even with infinite attempts.

8 Would Survive: Edelgard (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)

Edelgard is a trained knight and war criminal from Fire Emblem: Three Houses with a crest that enhances her power. With a sturdy shield and a heavy axe, the chaotic good Edelgard would be easily capable of tanking through Dark Souls. She wouldn't be able to combat roll as effectively, but that's a perfectly viable strategy.

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Even without her Relic Weapon, Edelgard would almost certainly have the skill and determination needed. And besides, she'd even be able to summon some demons of her own to battle the hordes of monsters.

7 Wouldn't Survive: Crash Bandicoot

Despite the recent comparisons the remake received to Dark Souls, Crash Bandicoot is hardly a capable fighter. Sure, he fights, but that's not exactly his forte. His main moves include a spin and temporary invulnerability. With a normal hit point count, Crash still wouldn't manage.

Spinning is a neat trick, but not an effective combat technique. Despite his games stacking up well, even Mario would do better. This poor bandicoot likely wouldn't even be able to beat Pinwheel, and that's saying a lot.

6 Would Survive: Any Pokémon Trainer

This one is a bit more sketchy, but it's certainly feasible for a Pokémon trainer to survive Dark Souls. Even taking away the fact that the Trainer would be able to catch the monsters they battle, having a team of six monsters would make survival a breeze.

As long as the Trainer doesn't get taken out before they can defeat the boss at hand, Pokémon are powerful enough to handle it. That's not even including Mythical Pokémon, all of which would make things even easier. The only trainer who might not be able to survive is Hop, since Hop can't beat anyone.

5 Wouldn't Survive: Cuphead And His Pal Mugman

Again, another game compared frequently to Dark Souls with a protagonist who wouldn't be able to even get close to the end. Now, Cuphead does have a lot of power and could make it decently far given enough time. However, his fragility is his biggest weakness.

It's only possible to kite a boss around for so long before they pull out some cheese. Even at the peak of skill and ability and with his pal Mugman, Cuphead wouldn't be able to survive in Dark Souls.

4 Would Survive: Kirby

This one is a given. Kirby may usually fight easy bosses, but that doesn't make him less dangerous. Kirby is the cutest Eldritch horror in gaming. Not only could he simply fly over all of the challenges, but even locked into a room with these bosses, Kirby would easily take care of them.

Besides, the incredible power Kirby could receive from absorbing these bosses is staggering. On top of all of that, Kirby is a ball of pure determination; nothing would shake him. Kirby doesn't fear the monsters in Dark Souls; the monsters fear Kirby.

3 Wouldn't Survive: Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Country has sometimes been compared to Dark Souls in difficulty, despite DKC being a game that long predated Dark Souls. As it turns out, difficult games existed before Dark Souls became popular. It's hard to believe, but it's true.

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Now, sarcasm aside, Donkey Kong would stand a fair fight and survive for a long time. DK has brute strength that can break down any brick wall given enough time. However, in fights that require more brain than brawn, DK wouldn't be able to secure a victory. Donkey Kong would not be able to survive in Dark Souls.

2 Would Survive: Villager (Animal Crossing)

At first glance, the Villager from Animal Crossing wouldn't stand a chance. However, when survival is the name of the game, The Villager is unstoppable. Think of how many D.I.Y. recipes the Villager would construct while collecting resources.

It's clear the Villager can and will handle an axe and a ranged weapon with ease. They can chop a tree in three swings of an axe! And, best of all, the Villager would always get a three minute unskippable cutscene when a Dark Spirit enters the game, preventing player-kills. Given enough time to prep, the Villager always wins.

1 Wouldn't Survive: Master Chief (Halo)

Master Chief of the Halo series seems like a protagonist that would survive easily. With an array of incredible firepower and a digital assistant in his ear, the Chief is certainly capable.

However, ammunition only lasts so long. Since arrows aren't refilled at bonfires, it's safe to assume that gun ammo wouldn't be either. This leaves the Chief with only his Power Sword and a clunky power suit. He's hardly someone that could be considered mobile. Although given enough time it is possible, it is unlikely that Master Chief would be able to survive in Dark Souls.

NEXT: 5 Games To Play If You Like Dark Souls (& 5 You Should Avoid)