The world of video games has evolved, and what was once a minute escape from reality transformed into experiences of narration and character development. The past few decades have seen games take a lot of in-depth character arcs and plot points that change the way the games are played.

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There are games with story arcs that the lead protagonists have to deal with, and then there are story arcs caused by the lead heroes themselves. Their decisions through the story narratives have often caught them doing more harm than good, and some of them are major plot points that carry the story forward.

5 Uncharted - Nathan Drake

Uncharted Nathan Drake surviving a plane crash

The Uncharted games are filled with treacherous journeys, vile environments, cunning associates, and devious villains, but at times the worst is Nathan Drake himself. The man has a way of putting himself in strange and awkward situations with his relationships, not to mention a knack for falling off a plane or ending up hanging atop of a cliff on a bogey.

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The quirky, chirping and troublesome Indiana Jones personality has never shied away from putting his life on the line to ensure that the hidden treasures and lost cities don't fall into the wrong hands. But one wonders if Nathan Drake really wants to keep them off the villain's charts or destroy them at the grand endings.

One way or the other, Nathan Drake is the one who helps his nemesis find their way to the lost cities. If only he had laid back and enjoyed an everyday life, Shambala and the Atlantis of Sand would still be marked as uncharted myths.

4 The Last of Us - Joel

Last of us Joel Ellie in a car travelling through the zombie apocalypse

One has to give it to the writers at Naughty Dog; they make some of the most lovable characters and narratives in the gaming world. Joel is one of those characters. The Last of Us was a masterpiece and is still considered one of Naughty Dog's best games. The game connected with the gaming audience and is held dearly to heart because of its tear-jerking narrative and character sketches that were beautifully executed.

Joel, a father who lost his biological daughter, develops a special bond with Ellie, who is the answer and cure to the chaotic situation in the world. However, when Joel is forced to decide between the option of saving the world and saving Ellie, the love for his new daughter brings out his selfish yet understandable human emotions.

Apart from being selfish towards the end of the story, Joel taking out the entire firefly base at the end of the first chapter makes for some dire consequences in the sequel, which the fans debate a lot over to this date.

3 God Of War - Kratos

Krtos with his dead family as per Ares's direction

The king of demigods, if one could call him that, Kratos, is not someone to have to pick a fight against. The man loves blood, gore, and carnage but has his own story to make it just. This man was destined to kill.

Despite the tragic and misunderstood grieving of his beloved brother Davos, it was at the point when the spartan commander met his match with the barbarian commander Alrik. In a desperate attempt to win the battle, Kratos pledged his lifelong allegiance to Ares and is blessed with the iconic twin blades that wreaked havoc in the rest of the franchise.

However, during one of the conquests under the order of Ares, Kratos instantly regrets his decision. The love of his life and the daughter he ought to protect meet their end in the hands of a bloodthirsty and enraged Kratos himself. And thus became the promise of his vengeance against the gods themselves.

2 Max Payne 3 - Max Payne

Max Payne 2 Bar Scene with his long lost friend Paul

If there was a video game personality that could compete with Batman's level of brooding, it would be Max Payne. The detective from New York who has been traumatized by his family's murder takes the vigilante route and seeks vengeance.

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However, it is not until the ending of Max Payne 2, and the beginning of Max Payne 3 that players are shown the transition of Max at both physical and psychological levels. Max decides to put himself up for hire as a private security contractor bumping into a long-lost friend Raul Passos. During his meeting with Paul, a series of unfortunate events eventually throw him into a life that spirals down another action-filled blood gushing rabbit hole. Oh, Maxie!

1 Spec Ops: The Line - Captain Walker

Spec Ops the line White Phosperous scene killing innocents in the area

Spec Ops: The Line has the best story-driven action set piece for a third-person military shooting game. The usual righteous patriotic save-the-world protagonist against the group of terrorists in the Middle East trying to sabotage the world crafts twists that the players were not ready for.

Playing as Captain Walker, the players are forced to live through the immoral decisions forced upon them by the higher command. Although a few of those can be forgiven, no one who ever played the game can forget the impact of the "white phosphorus" level.

The game plays out purely on the psychological layer and pays dividends at the end reveal, but however, killing innocents of life in the middle of the game made things worse not only for Captain Walker but also for those who were playing the game.

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