One of the traditional traits of heroism is mercy, so audiences naturally expect protagonists to spare their enemies. This goes for movies and TV, of course, but it also extends to video games. Even in a medium where killing enemies is the point, players anticipate their heroes to spare a life. However, some protagonists toss that policy out the window.

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Certain characters kill their foes without hesitation. Sometimes, the heroes are pushed too far and tumble over the moral line. Others simply enjoy the carnage. Whatever the reason, it's darkly refreshing to see these gaming protagonists break the mold and shatter the sugarcoated cliche.

7 Jak - The Jak & Daxter Series

Jak and Daxter in Jak 3

In the first Jak & Daxter title, the titular hero fights against his assailants without hesitation. His brawling and mystical Eco powers let him dispatch monsters quickly and efficiently. That said, the story never dwells on the body count.

Only in the sequels does Jak start taking pleasure in it. Imprisonment and experimentation make him a much more intense hero, constantly seeking danger and challenge. He gets a massive arsenal of weapons and vehicles, and he enjoys using every one of them to wreak untold havoc. This mirrors players' excitement whenever they get a deadly new toy. That said, Jak somehow has even more fun with these tools.

6 Dante - The Devil May Cry Series

Dante in Devil May cry 3

Here's a hero who loves carnage even more than Jak. This half-demon makes his living exterminating the legions of Hell. They say that if you do what you love, then you'll never work a day in your life.

Dante definitely has that covered. Throughout the Devil May Cry series, he dances through hordes of hostiles, reducing them to ribbons with his sword and handguns. What few pauses he takes aren't hesitation, but to deliver a snarky one-liner. He doesn't treat any of this seriously, death least of all. That's understandable from his perspective. When descended from a demon and regularly tackling the undead, murder would lose some meaning.

5 Trevor Phillips - Grand Theft Auto 5

Trevor in Grand Theft Auto 5

Being big-time thieves, violence was always in the cards for Trevor and his friends. However, an irreverent attitude mixed with a decade of substance abuse make this balding crook utterly unpredictable. By the time Grand Theft Auto 5's story unfolds, Trevor is a drug dealer in the Californian desert, surrounding by some of the dumbest, most degenerate people imaginable. What's more is that he makes it his mission to be the worst of them.

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Simply looking at Trevor the wrong way can send him into a wave of homicidal zaniness. Whether stomping a man's skull in or mowing down a rival gang in a hail of bullets, he does all these horrific acts just for some momentary catharsis. Once the rage dissipates, he doesn't feel regret. Instead, he's mildly amused at his handiwork, showing the depths of his moral depravity. He obviously isn't going to work on his issues anytime soon.

4 Kratos - The God Of War Series

Kratos and Helios in God of War 3

This Spartan warrior was already bred for battle. The endless affronts and misfortunes only stoke his anger. While serving the Greek gods, his bloodlust results in his family's death. He doesn't renounce his violent ways, though.

Instead, Kratos turns his rage on the very gods who used him in the first place. Over the God of War saga, he proceeds to slaughter the entire pantheon of Olympian deities. Hacking off limbs, crushing bones, and barehanded decapitations are just a few methods he employs. Such savagery is shocking even by gaming standards.

The 2018 reboot sees Kratos regret his vengeful pursuits. However, that doesn't stop him from falling back on the same instincts, especially in defense. When monsters or other enemies threatens him or his son, he still rips them apart without mercy. He's just a bit slower while doing it.

3 Everyone - The Assassin's Creed Series

Protagonists in Assassin's Creed

This one goes without saying. Killing people job description in Assassin's Creed, and every protagonist has done that job effectively. It's surprising how easy it is for some of them to transition from gentle life to clandestine assassin.

Nevertheless, they all carry out their duties without fail. A typical scenario sees them climb a colossal structure or navigate a cluttered crowd before leaping down onto their targets. They then strike the killing blow with their trademark hidden blade. The circumstances vary with each narrative or time period, but it always ends with the hooded figures sending their victims to an early grave. They claim it accomplishes some societal good. Oftentimes, though, this seems like an easy excuse for simple vengeance.

2 Styx - The Styx Series

Styx in Styx:Shards of Darkness

These stealth titles thrive on the same concept as Assassin's Creed. The eponymous goblin sneaks around and takes out anyone in his way before they know what hit them. The difference is that the methodology is infinitely more twisted.

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Dealing death is a game to Styx. Not only does he cook up increasingly painful methods of snuffing out foes, but he's determined to top himself and brag about it, often chuckling at his handiwork. He even lambastes the player for dying in the game and making him look bad. It must not feel good to have the shoe on the other foot.

1 Doomguy - The Doom Series

Doomguy in Doom

The king of first-person shooters, the demon-slaying hero of Doom shoots first and asks questions never. This silent protagonist takes down armies of hellspawns with his guns, grenades, fists, and even the occasional chainsaw. That's how his series has always worked, as there's rarely time to contemplate anything else.

That mantra is more imperative in recent entries like Doom Eternal. The armored soldier often encounters so many enemies that he can't afford to hesitate. He must constantly stay on the move and let loose with his weapons. After all, the monsters won't show him any mercy; they prove that with their slaughter of the human race. Thus, the crisis calls for a hero who also goes all-out.

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