Cutscenes fulfill many roles in gamin, they create suspense, show off action or even create a cinematography-type experience making players feel as if they are experiencing a film instead of playing a game. However, another great thing about cutscenes is how they assist a title in telling its story.

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Countless genres rely on its cutscenes to explain past events in-game as well as help to move on the story as the players witness a substantial event that they may need to solve or escape from. Although many games have used cutscenes only a few have used them to help in making great storytelling.

10 Dragon Age Inquisition – Meeting Corypheus

Corypheus looking very angry at the player in Dragon Age Inquisition

Dragon Age Inquisition blends its cutscenes into the dialogue as the player progresses through the story. In many of the cutscenes that gamers will experience they will still get to have control of their character's dialogue options.

Dragon Age is rich with story so many cutscenes have great storytelling, but one is by far the best, and it isn't the scene where the whole camp bursts out into song. Meeting Corypheus for the first time is a suspenseful moment, as is witnessing his troops march over the snowy hills with the opposite party the player didn't save and therefore revealing the real story.

9 Dishonored – Wrapping Up The Story

Corvo from Dishonored

Dishonored doesn't actually have many cutscenes and many that are inside the game are only brief moments of dialogue before the player is thrown back into its grim world. By far the best storytelling cutscenes appear at the end of the game once players have completed the main story.

Depending on how the player approached various situations in the game, the ending will be different. This also alters the final cutscene for Dishonored where the camera pans through freeze frames of the events in the future with the Outsider narrating and explaining what story came after.

8 Silent Hill – A Great Story Through Great Cutscenes

Image from Silent Hill 1 showing Harry Mason inside the school office.

Known notoriously by players as being one of the greatest horror games available to play with an intriguing story to go along with it. Silent Hill didn't only make its success through its scares but also its interesting cutscenes that tell its dramatic story.

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Although it faces the graphics of 1999 this doesn't stop Silent Hill from using cutscenes to introduce its monsters as well as present the main character's struggle in the fog as he searches for his daughter. Going deeper into the game reveals more of its story in these eerie scenes.

7 Call Of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombies – Easter Egg Ending

Four of the characters from Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombies

Fans of the zombie game modes on Call of Duty will recall that there is actually a deeper story in play across the variety of maps. By far one of the most intriguing cutscenes that play out is during the Tag Der Toten DLC map where players can unlock its Easter Egg ending.

It's quite an emotional scene for those that have been playing Zombies over the years as it concludes the story of some fan-favorite characters who have been on the search for a way to finally stop the zombie virus.

6 Horizon: Zero Dawn – The Outcast

Baby Aloy smiling and pointing in Horizon Zero Dawn

Starting a new franchise can be difficult especially when it is showcasing an all-new story that has not been done before. Horizon: Zero Dawn does this beautifully as it introduces the main protagonist Aloy as a baby through a cinematic cutscene.

It introduces the player to not only the world they will be exploring as the fatherly figure Rost explains how they survive, but also how Aloy herself is seen as a bad omen of the Nora tribe. This five-minute scene already helps players understand the story being told.

5 The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild – Flashbacks

Link comforting a crying Princess Zelda in the rain in Breath of the Wild

Breath of the Wild is quite an open tale, players are free to explore wherever they wish with hardly anything stopping them as well as a few cutscenes to explain what is really happening. As Link is arguably a silent protagonist he doesn't explain what is happening either.

Related: The Longest Cutscenes In Video Game History (& How Long They Are)

While exploring the world of Hyrule players can stumble upon Link's forgotten memories that will send the player into a flashback cutscene revealing things from the adventurers long gone past while urging the player to continue the main story.

4 The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion – Lore Of The Land

Cover art from the Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion

Another great opening cutscene plays when starting a new game in Oblivion. The Elder Scrolls franchise is filled with interesting lore and this cutscene introduces only a small fraction of it. The game starts by introducing the current Emperor who warns that there is a danger on the horizon.

It gives not only the first glimpse of the story of the game through the gates of Oblivion that the emperor demands to be sealed shut, but also a sneak peek at the world of Cyrodill. The home of the Imperials and the world players will be adventuring in.

3 Borderlands 2 – So You Want To Hear Another Story

handsome jack president of hyperion

Starting out strong players are already privy to the events of the previous game as well as what's to come due to the great starting cutscene of Borderlands 2. The memorable line from Marcus who asks the player if they want to hear another story that then leads into the drawn cutscenes revealing its tale helps those that may have never played the first game.

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This then transforms into the actual cutscene of the game that introduces the different characters gamers can play such as Zero or Maya and many more as they search the train for Handsome Jack.

2 Red Dead Redemption 2 – An Emotional End

Arthur Morgan aiming a rifle in Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 is praised by many players for its in-depth and thoughtful story that explores the life and downfall of the character Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang. Throughout the adventure, players will interact with people from Arthur's past as well as introduce him to new friends that expand or elaborate on his tale.

However, by far the most emotionally charged scene with by far the greatest storytelling is near the end of Arthur's chapter. Without giving any spoilers putting the lid on Arthur's adventure after experiencing so much with him makes for a great storytelling experience.

1 The Last Of Us – How It Begins

the last of us part 1 visual changes improvements graphical fidelity environments

With not only a remaster but also a remake, the beginning of The Last of Us still hits home for many players. The opening cutscene reveals the beginning of the zombie apocalypse as they escape the city and reveals how the world players with be exploring began.

Not only this but the opening also reveals why the main protagonist Joel is the way he is, through the emotional scene at the beginning which may already have players in tears. This sets players up for the harsh story they will become a part of.

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