
  • Some beloved video game characters, like Leon Kennedy and V from Cyberpunk 2077, are notoriously bad drivers.
  • Driving mechanics in games like GTA and Mafia can lead to hilariously bad crashes and mishaps for players.
  • Even powerful characters like Goku from Dragon Ball Z struggle behind the wheel, making for entertaining gameplay moments.

Driving is a core part of gameplay that makes itself apparent in most modern video games. After all, sandbox games in urban landscapes have become so popular in modern times that most players expect the latest open-world games to feature driving in some form or the other. For the most part, the majority of these titles deliver when it comes to integrating cutting-edge driving mechanics in their titles.

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It's a ton of fun for players to blast through these cities in their vehicle of choice. Meanwhile, other titles either let players interact with other characters who can drive in some limited capacity. Whatever the case may be, the truth is that not every video game character is gifted with the innate requirements that a driver needs. In fact, many people could argue that the following characters are the absolute worst behind the wheel!

10 Rosalind Starling (Lollipop Chainsaw)

Rosalind Starling in Lollipop Chainsaw

Rosalind Starling is the younger sister of the protagonist, Juliet Starling. She's a pretty happy-go-lucky person who can be pretty airheaded at times, so it's easy to see why she could be a bad driver.

In fact, her driving skills are so pathetic that they become a source of constant jokes throughout the game. Everyone is surprised at the fact that the authorities okayed the idea of giving someone so clumsy a driving license in the first place!

9 Carl "CJ" Johnson (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas)

gta san andreas driving school

This might be a bit of an unfair choice since the driving skills of CJ are totally dependent on how players drive in the game. However, given the infamous reputation of Grand Theft Auto games, it's only a given that road safety is the last thing in the minds of players while playing these games.

In fact, CJ's driving is so bad that Ryder calls him out multiple times whenever the protagonist is behind the wheel. Of course, given Ryder's actions in the game, he's the last person who should call anyone out in the GSF.

8 Lincoln Clay (Mafia 3)

Mafia III

The Mafia games have always prioritized realistic driving, and the third game is no exception here. However, this title doesn't shy away from integrating a more arcade-y style of driving, even if this can be switched out in the game.

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The end result is that Lincoln Clay ends up being a ticking time bomb behind the wheel if players choose to drive these vehicles without a care in the world. This inevitably makes for a ton of hilarious crashes, even if Mafia purists hate the idea of unrealistic driving in these video games.

7 Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil)

Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil 4

Leon is one of the most iconic characters in gaming history, with his presence being palpable across almost all Resident Evil games. He's also notorious for crashing whatever vehicle he drives in the games.

Sure, some people might argue that Leon's raw skills as a driver aren't that bad... but this excuse can only go on for so long. The fact that Leon ends up crashing almost everything he drives is certainly something to worry about!

6 V (Cyberpunk 2077)

Cyberpunk 2077 - A Big Group Of All The Cars And Motorcycles V Can Own

Cyberpunk 2077 is a great video game that has gone through somewhat of a redemption arc after its poor launch. The game has received several fixes and is now quite fun to play... but one aspect of the game that is still ridiculously poor to this day is the driving.

Cars feel floaty and the physics get all messed up when players are driving around the world. Couple this with the player's tendency to bend the rules while driving, and what players get is a volatile situation on their hands whenever they're behind the wheel — or handlebars — of any vehicle!

5 Maya Amano (Persona 2)

persona 2 mayo box art

Given how much the Persona series has blown up in modern times, it's a shame that many become don't check out Persona 2: Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment. These games may be hard to access, but fans of the series and Shin Megami Tensei, in general, will find a ton of things to love about these games.

A character who plays a central role in both Persona 2 games is Maya Amano, a character known for her horrible driving skills. Things get so bad that everyone in the party actively tries to dissuade Maya from driving almost anything, which makes for a source of great amusement indeed.

4 Everyone (Crazy Taxi)

Crazy Taxi gameplay

For what it's worth, there's no denying that the cab drivers in Crazy Taxi are pretty talented behind the wheel. It takes a ton of skill to pull off drifts, jumps, and everything else along the same lines without completely totaling a vehicle.

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However, part of being a good driver is ensuring that everyone around the car is safe, and the Crazy Taxy series hasn't really been all that big on safety at all. In fact, the games encourage dangerous and unsafe driving for the sole purpose of earning as much money as possible.

3 Aiden Pearce (Watch Dogs)

Watch Dogs Aiden

Aiden Pearce is a protagonist that a lot of people don't really like for his conflicting morals. The man lost his niece and decided to kill anything and everything around him just to hunt down the people who caused the death of a close family member.

This hypocrisy extends to the driving as well, with Aiden not really caring for anyone or anything around him as he drives around Chicago and terrorizes everyone with his hacks. This, combined with the poor driving mechanics present in Watch Dogs, makes Aiden one of the worst drivers in video gaming.

2 Noctis (Final Fantasy 15)

regalia type g mount in final fantasy 14

Final Fantasy 15 takes a rather unique approach to driving in an open-world video game, with the Regalia mostly being on rails and not really allowed to roam around the map freely. So, players will feel tempted to just let Ignis behind the wheel as they relax and hear some classic Final Fantasy tunes.

However, if players do decide to drive the car manually, then all sorts of hilarious shenanigans can occur as players wildly turn on a wide road. Crashing into a car can lead to a game over, and this issue is exacerbated even more once players get the flying Regalia Type-F!

1 Goku (Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot)

Goku and Piccolo driving in Dragon Ball Z

Goku's driving skills — or lack thereof — have already been documented in a hilarious filler Dragon Ball episode that has become quite legendary in its own right. So, fans were glad to see that this moment was captured in a memorable substory in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot as well!

Watching Goku and Piccolo struggle to ride a car once again was a blast. Goku might be one of the strongest warriors in the universe, but that doesn't count for anything behind the wheel.

More: GTA 5: Ranking The Most Difficult Vehicles To Drive