Video games that feature Valentine's Day often offer romantic and heartwarming storylines that players can experience. These games usually involve characters falling in love, expressing their feelings, and going on romantic adventures. Some popular examples of video games that feature Valentine's Day include Animal Crossing: New Horizons, where players can decorate their island and exchange gifts with their virtual romantic partners.

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Another example is Stardew Valley, where players can woo and marry one of the game's many NPCs using the Valentine’s Day mod. These games provide a fun and interactive way for players to celebrate the holiday of love or heartbreaks. That said, not everyone likes to experience Valentine’s day in games, especially if they’re one of these characters.

10 Doomguy

doom guy

Doomguy, the protagonist of the Doom series, is a relentless and unstoppable force of destruction. He is a fierce warrior, skilled in both close-quarters combat and using an arsenal of powerful weapons. He is also a demon slayer tasked with fighting hordes of hellish creatures to save humanity.

Given his focus on violence and bloodshed, it's likely that Doomguy would have little interest or appreciation for Valentine's Day, which is traditionally associated with romance and love. Instead, he would probably see it as just another day to continue his never-ending battle against the forces of evil.

9 Marcus Fenix

Marcus Fenix

Marcus Fenix is a serious and stoic character from the Gears of War video game series. He is a former prisoner and a skilled soldier who is deeply committed to protecting humanity from the alien threat known as the Locust. He is a man of few words and is driven by a strong sense of duty and loyalty to his comrades.

Given his intense focus on fighting the Locust and his history of loss and trauma, it is likely that he would view Valentine's Day as a frivolous and unnecessary distraction from the important work of protecting humanity. He probably would not have time or interest in celebrating it.

8 Venom Snake

Venom Snake

Venom Snake, also known as Big Boss, is a highly skilled soldier and leader of the military group known as Diamond Dogs. He is constantly busy with operations and battles, leaving him little time for personal matters.

Valentine's Day, with its emphasis on romance and leisure, would likely be seen as a distraction from his important work. Additionally, his traumatic past and the harsh realities of war have likely left him emotionally closed off, making the holiday even more unappealing to him.

7 Trevor Philips

Trevor Philips

Trevor Philips is a character in the video game Grand Theft Auto 5 known for his extreme impulsiveness, aggression, and penchant for violence. He has deep-seated anger and a lack of empathy, making him capable of committing heinous acts without remorse. Given his unstable and selfish nature, it is likely that Trevor would despise Valentine's Day, as it is a holiday centered around love and affection, which are emotions he likely does not possess or understand.

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Additionally, the societal expectations and commercialism of the holiday would likely rub Trevor the wrong way, as he values independence and self-gratification above all else. In short, Trevor Philips is a highly unstable and violent individual who would likely have no use or appreciation for Valentine's Day.

6 Hitman Agent 47


Hitman Agent 47 is a highly skilled assassin who is known for his emotionless demeanor. He is a genetically engineered being with no past or family and is programmed to complete his assignments without any emotional attachment. He is incapable of feeling love and would likely not care about Valentine's Day as it holds no significance to him.

Agent 47 is focused solely on completing his tasks and has no room for emotions or personal desires. Therefore, Valentine's Day would be just another day for him to achieve his mission and assassinate his targets.

5 Max Payne

Max Payne

Max Payne is a deeply depressed individual who has lost everything that ever mattered to him. He is consumed by feelings of guilt, grief, and anger over the death of his wife and child, for which he blames himself.

Max Payne is also haunted by memories of the violence and corruption he has witnessed and been a part of as a police officer. He has lost faith in himself, humanity, and the justice system. Given his state of mind, it is unlikely that he would have any interest in or appreciation for Valentine's Day, a holiday that is supposed to be about love and happiness.

4 Duke Nukem

Duke Nukem

Duke Nukem is a fictional character and the protagonist of the Duke Nukem series of video games. He is typically portrayed as a macho, womanizing bachelor who is more interested in kicking alien butt and saving the world than in romantic relationships.

As such, it is unlikely that he would celebrate Valentine's Day, a holiday traditionally associated with friendship, romance, and love. Instead, he would probably be more focused on his next mission or having a party with multiple women. Duke Nukem is a symbol of stereotypical masculinity and probably won’t have time for love.

3 Death


Death, from the video game series Darksiders, is a mythical being known as a Horseman of the Apocalypse. As one of the four horsemen, Death is responsible for reaping the souls of the dead during the end of times. As such, he is not associated with the idea of love and would probably not celebrate Valentine's Day.

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Instead, Death's role is one of destruction and judgment, not romance and celebration. Additionally, as an immortal being, Death may not be capable of experiencing emotions as humans do.

2 Kratos


Kratos, the protagonist of the God of War series, is known for his serious and intense demeanor. He is driven by a need for revenge against the gods who have wronged him and will stop at nothing to achieve it. He is a fierce warrior with a powerful sense of determination and deep personal loss.

As a result of his backstory and personality, it is unlikely that Kratos would have much interest in or appreciation for Valentine's Day, as he is not about romance. He may see it as a frivolous and meaningless distraction from his mission.

1 Batman


Batman, the dark knight of Gotham, is often portrayed as a solitary and brooding figure. Despite this, he has had several romantic relationships throughout his comic book history, including with Catwoman and Talia al Ghul. However, as a vigilante who is constantly battling crime in the city, he likely would not have the time or inclination to celebrate Valentine's Day.

In fact, his dedication to fighting crime and protecting the people of Gotham would likely take priority over any romantic pursuits.

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