There are few things more satisfying than witnessing the end of a well-written video game character's story. Whether their tale takes place throughout one game or multiple doesn't necessarily matter so long as their ending feels deserved and appropriate.

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There are some characters, however, who seek to leech off of the happy endings earned by their peers. These characters will often undergo a severe change during their story to present themselves as noble and honorable but, sometimes, that isn't enough. Countless video game characters have been graced with unearned happy endings, with some being far more frustrating than others.

5 Chloe Price - Life Is Strange

Chloe Price Life Is Strange

The climax of Life is Strange forces the player to decide how the story ends. Max Caulfield, a photography student, discovered a way to manipulate the way time flows, a power that severely alters her life. She spends the majority of the game using these otherworldly abilities to help her friends in whatever way she deems right, but tampering with the fabric of space and time demands a heavy price be paid.

It becomes known after Max uses her powers for the first time that a storm is heading toward Arcadia Bay. She eventually learns that her obsession with rewinding time is what brought this storm into existence, but she struggles when deciding what to do in response. Choosing to save Chloe will result in Arcadia Bay being destroyed while saving Arcadia will force Max to sacrifice Chloe. Both choices require great sacrifices to be made, but subjecting an entire town to the onslaught of a tornado just so one person can live a normal life isn't right.

4 9S - NieR: Automata

9S contemplates revenge in NieR Automata

9S begins his journey in NieR: Automata as an intelligent young man who only sees the good in people. The further he delves into Earth's vast wastelands, however, the more his mind begins to break. After witnessing the death of his closest friend, 9S becomes transfixed by thoughts of revenge. This lust for justice changes him as a character, so much in fact, that he is unrecognizable by the end of his story.

9S was forced to witness some truly horrific things. To make matters worse, the small glimmer of hope he retained after seeing these horrors is all but expunged after he learns his true purpose; YoRHa created all androids to be expendable. This causes 9S to completely lose his mind. Though the post-credit scene revealed that 9S could be resurrected, perhaps it would be better for him to accept his fate and allow A2 and 2B to live the rest of their new lives without worry.

3 Joel Miller - The Last Of Us

the last of us part 1 joel

Having lost his only daughter amidst a zombie outbreak, Joel becomes a cold and closed-off man. He has no interest in interacting with anyone, that is until he is approached by Marlene who asks him to accompany a young girl across the country to the Fireflies. Though he is reluctant at first, he grows to see Ellie like a daughter and vows to protect her from anyone who seeks to cause her harm.

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Joel and Ellie are eventually captured by the Fireflies and brought to their headquarters. Upon awakening, Marlene informs Joel that Ellie is being prepped for surgery. It is made clear to him that Ellie's brain needs to be dissected to create a vaccine, but Joel has no intention of losing anyone else to the outbreak. He fights his way through the hospital, killing all those who stand in his way before escaping with Ellie. When questioned about what happened, he lies to Ellie, informing her that the Fireflies were unable to make a cure. Joel is one of the most endearing characters to appear in a video game, but his questionable actions revoke his right to a happy ending.

2 Tidus - Final Fantasy 10-2

Final Fantasy 10 Iconic Tidus

The climax of Final Fantasy 10 saw Yuna's quest to defeat Sin finally come to a close. She, alongside her loyal companions, all joined forces to put a stop to Yu Yevon's reign, but only a select few were permitted a happy end to their story. Toward the end of their journey, Tidus learns that he is nothing more than a dream of the Fayth and that defeating Sin will erase him from existence. He doesn't comprehend this reveal at first but later embraces it even though it leads to his demise.

Tidus fades away once Yu Yevon is vanquished. He achieved his purpose and saved the world but, for some reason, he was resurrected in the game's sequel. Completing everything Final Fantasy X-2 has to offer will reward the player with a cutscene where Tidus is revived in the ocean bordering Besaid Island. He emerges from the sea to be greeted by Yuna who proceeds to explain how her actions made it possible for him to return. Seeing Tidus get a second chance at life is heartwarming, but the game's story doesn't do anything to make it feel deserved.

1 Xehanort - Kingdom Hearts 3

Xehanort from Kingdom Hearts III

Xehanort's obsession with summoning Kingdom Hearts has ruined countless lives but never once has he paused to consider the impact of his actions. Several Kingdom Hearts entries have documented his multiple journeys, but Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road chose to finally showcase a more endearing side to him. Xehanort was once an honorable keyblade wielder who harbored no ill will. Sadly, this kind-spirited youngster was manipulated by the Master of Masters and sent down a much darker path than the one he was destined for.

Even though Xehanort's past portrayed him as a noble young man, the horrors that befell the world because of later actions cannot be ignored. He has laid waste to too many lives throughout his existences, but his chance for redemption was only truly wiped clean when he struck down Eraqus, his childhood best friend. He eventually accepts defeat in Kingdom Hearts 3 and fades away wearing a smile. He never apologizes to his victims for the pain he caused them, but for some reason is allowed to have a happy ending anyway.

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