Yesterday's Game Awards highlighted the best games of 2019, but while topics like narrative, score, and direction were applauded at the awards, some aspects of game design went unnoticed. Not every game asks players to engage in combat, but for those that do, enemy design can be the difference between a masterpiece and a lackluster title.

With fantastic titles offering some truly exceptional enemy designs, there were tons of monsters and enemies to fight through this year. The following enemies are an example of the best to come out of gaming in 2019 based on anything from design, to lore, to overall impact on the gaming industry this year.

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Demon Tide (Kingdom Hearts 3)

demon tide boss fight

The Demon Tide plays a pivotal part in the story of Kingdom Hearts 3, even if the game hasn't given a complete insight on where exactly this Heartless came from. First introduced as the Demon Tower in Fragmentary Passage, the Demon Tide returns as a whole new beast that periodically shows up to impede the heroes throughout the story of Kingdom Hearts 3. A key aspect of this Heartless' design that sets it apart from every other of its kind within the series is the way that the Demon Tide changes sizes and imposes a differing threat every time it arrives throughout the story.

One fan theory centered around the Demon Tide also opens up a fascinating opportunity for the origins of this specific Heartless. Some fans have looked to Kingdom Hearts Union X and the fate of the Keyblade War, imagining that the amalgamation of Heartless is caused by the countless fighters who fought and died in the Keyblade Graveyard.

This theory explains how this Heartless that seems to be multiple smaller enemies fused together came to be and why it is the only one of its kind. While fan theories should be taken with a grain of salt, Kingdom Hearts 3 did confirm one from way back when Birth by Sleep released.

Eight Bit Overlord (Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night)

fighting eight bit overlord

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night accomplished an incredible amount in 2019, first by completely remastering its graphics before even releasing at all, and then by beginning the Metroidvania trend that became a through-line for the year. However, one boss fight in particular pays more homage to the genre defining games that came before it. The Eight Bit Overlord plays on the classic Castlevania series that creator Koji Igarashi earned his namesake for.

There are a number of impressive enemy designs in Bloodstained, but none really capture the genre as majestically as the Eight Bit Overlord. The fight against the Eight bit Overlord goes farther than being a simple reference to classic pixel art as well. This intense battle is one of the most demanding of the entire game, leaning heavily on the gripping difficulty that popularized the original Castlevania series that Bloodstained draws so heavily from.

Giant BTs (Death Stranding)

The enemies of Death Stranding run the gambit from narratively intriguing to mechanically offputting, but the BTs, more than anything in the game, stand out as one of the title's most interesting features. This is no more pronounced than when players are assaulted by the beastly Giant BTs that appear as boss fights, sicked on players by Higgs. The design of the Giant BTs are what really makes them stand out, taking the form of massive animals covered in a layer of tar and on occasion wearing a golden mask similar to the man who sent them to attack Sam.

Two of the BTs from the final act of the game push the designs to the limit, one pitting the player against a giant BT with humanoid features and a disturbing head made of chiral crystals and taking the shape of two hands reaching for the sky. The final boss of the game takes the form of a massive BT whale that flies through the sky before swooping down to crash into the player. While both of these bosses in particular deserve a spot on this list for being the best BT encounters in the game, none of the BTs differ enough to be counted separately.

Goliath (Devil May Cry V)

goliath boss

An early boss in Devil May Cry V, Goliath appears seemingly out of nowhere and completely steals the show. His massive size and wild attacks make for an intense fight that sets the standard for the other bosses throughout the game. Goliath even returns later in the game as Mirage Goliath with a brand new paint job and an even more intense fight.

His design stands out against a number of the other bosses as well, having this impressive, beastly appearance that dominates the battlefield. However, its the massive mouth that splits Goliath's belly that makes the design of this demon one of the best in the game. Seeing Goliath open his maw and suck in everything around him before heating it with hellfire and spitting it out is an incredible sight, as long as players don't get killed by the attack.

Graveward (Borderlands 3)

graveward boss fight

Borderlands 3 really upped the ante when it comes to boss fights and designs, pitting the player against psychotic villains and powerful Vault Monsters. Graveward stands out among the list of monsters for both its impressive design, as well as the fact that it became the top farmed boss for some time after the game released. The size of this incredible monster isn't lost in the fight either, with the mechanics working around how the massive creature can move the arena that players are standing on.

On an initial playthrough of Borderlands 3, Graveward tends to stand out as one of the best boss fights in the game mechanically, and after completing the game the monster holds a second purpose. While it is no longer the case thanks to patches that balanced drop rates, Graveward was also one of the best sources for gun farming in the early versions of the game. Thanks to the monster's interesting mechanics and stellar design, players didn't mind going up against this giant over and over again.

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Guardian Ape (Sekiro)

guardian ape tending flower

For the game that recently won Game of the Year from The Game Awards, there must have been a number of interesting enemy designs to choose from. Well, of all the enemies found throughout the game, none seemed to resonate with fans more than the Guardian Ape. This immortal ape smashes the player with its wild attacks and grabs that can force a revival in an instant if Wolf's guard breaks down.

However, it's the surprise at the end of one of Sekiro's most difficult fights that really sets the Guardian Ape apart. Once the player has killed the Guardian Ape via decapitation and the screen confirms its death, the monster stands back up, revealing that even without a head, the beast is still immortal. This second phase plays dramatically different than the first, with the ape wielding a giant sword and attacking in a fluid pattern that is one of the most satisfying rhythms to fight, block, and deflect through in the game.

Leeches (Gears 5)

leech flock

Gears 5 brought a lot of new things to the Gears of War franchise, but none were more intimidating than the swarms of Leeches that promised to demolish players who weren't careful to wipe them out immediately. Leeches themselves hunt in packs, so they are rarely fought one at a time, instead choosing to attack the player as a Flock. However, even when they do come crawling at the player one at a time, a single Leech can still spell trouble if they get too close.

In proper Gears fashion, even the bugs that the enemies through at the player are massive monsters, nearly the same size as an average human as it slithers along the ground. When dozens or hundreds of these monsters gather together, it makes for some of the most intense encounters in Gears 5. One thing is certain, no player wants to find themselves low on ammo when forced to face off against a formidable Flock.

Mr. X (Resident Evil 2 Remake)

The Resident Evil 2 Remake first made waves early this year with the limited demo that launched shortly before the full game released. Upon that release, the world was graced with the updated version of Mr. X, a character who took the gaming world by storm and already earned his place on a list of Best Characters of 2019. It would be impossible to shout out the best enemy designs of the year without making mention to the re-imagining of this behemoth.

Mr. X was already an icon of horror gaming when he made his first appearance in the original Resident Evil 2, but the updated graphics and solid introduction of the character in the remake take him to new heights. Now Mr. X stalks the halls of the RCPD, making for a much more terrifying enemy that can catch the player unaware at any moment, as opposed to the scripted encounters from the original. The only thing that could be more terrifying than seeing that jacket and fedora come storming through the hall might be the Thomas the Tank Engine mod creative players made for PC.

Namielle (Monster Hunter World: Iceborne)

namielle introduction

Monster Hunter World is filled with incredible monster designs, as its namesake would suggest. Some of the most powerful and interesting monsters in the game earn the title, Elder Dragon, and one Namielle stands out as one of the best designs from the Iceborne expansion. Based on Lovecraftian horrors and actual sea creatures, Namielle has a sleek, disturbing design unlike any of the other monsters players had faced off against until now.

Encountering a Namielle in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne can be a challenging task, as the monster is constantly shooting water and lightning out at the player. However, when Namielle enters its Elder State the beauty in its design shines through, quite literally. Namielle glows brightly as it thrashes around and beats the player down with blights and status effects.

Ninth Sister (Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order)

The Ninth Sister

The Ninth Sister makes a grand appearance in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, although this isn't her first appearance in the Star Wars canon. A fan favorite Inquisitor, Ninth Sister helps to establish Fallen Order into the extended canon by introducing herself as an established character early on in the game. Aside from how Ninth Sister applies to the game's legitimacy, she also appears as one of the best boss fights in Fallen Order.

When players come across Ninth Sister on Kashyyyk, she challenges the player with the first real fight against a fellow force user in the game. This is of course not counting the early encounters with Second Sister, but considering that those are scripted and end early, Ninth Sister really is the first of these fights that truly demands the player's attention. Her brutal combat system can dominate players who aren't ready for her intense strength and force powers to bash through Cal's stamina.

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Raptidon (The Outer Worlds)

The Outer Worlds introduced a ton of fascinating characters and monsters to gaming in 2019, but the design of the Raptidon stands out high above the others. With an incredibly colorful aesthetic, Raptidons define the art style of The Outer Worlds that set the game apart this year. Additionally, these giant alien monsters also make for some of the most intense enemy encounters when they first appear, testing the limits of the player early on.

The art style of The Outer Worlds lends itself to incredible monster designs, with others like the Mantisaur deserving an honorable mention. However, even among so many interesting creatures, the Raptidon still comes out as the best alien to come from the distant planets within the game.

Rats (A Plague Tale: Innocence)

Rats are nothing new to the game worlds, but the way that A Plague Tale: Innocence utilizes rats as both a set piece and an opposing force is incredible. Not only do the swarms of rats remind the player of the bleak reality that the de Rune children are trapped in, they also pose a constant threat as players have to maneuver through hordes of the creatures as they continue pushing forward through Plague Tale. Holding up a torch and seeing the swarming mass open up around the player and swirl around like a river of those little beasts is breathtaking.

It's the way that the rats are rendered as well that makes them so intriguing as an obstacle in Plague Tale. Being able to follow each individual rat as it approaches, gets scared away by the flame, then scurries back into the group is a frightening example of how far gaming technology has come. This showcasing of AI and rendering software seems to have been a fad in 2019.

Swarmers (Days Gone)

swarmers charging

Following the fad of having hordes of enemies cram together to make a singular, imposing swarm, Days Gone boasted about the waves of Freakers that would attack players from early on in development. Swarmers, the standard enemy of Days Gone, are just regular zombies on their own. However, when these enemies gather together and begin chasing the player in massive waves, they become the most terrifying zombie army in any game.

The concept behind these swarms tends to be less about gunning down the endless horde, but instead escaping it. There aren't enough bullets, guns, or bombs in the world of Days Gone to take out swarms of these enemies. This is one of the first times that a game has taken what most players consider cannon fodder and turns them into an unstoppable force that truly captures the horror of what they are up against.

Sylvanas (World Of Warcraft)

Sylvanas is in no way new to World of Warcraft, but the game's constantly expanding lore and story has seen her take on a brand new role through in the extended universe around the longstanding title. Thanks to the way that the game has been presenting the story of WOW through expansions and patches, players have slowly been unraveling the story as it stands. However, in one of those story patches this year, Sylvanas was revealed to have been a villain, aligning with the evil origins of the Horde.

For those interested in the lore of the Warcraft series, turning Sylvanas all the way from a fairly dark character to full on villain is a fascinating turn of events for the world. Sylvanas still hasn't been introduced as a future Raid Boss, but rumors have been milling about all year in anticipation to take on this legend of Azeroth once and for all.

Zinogre (Monster Hunter World: Iceborne)

monster hunter world zinogre

Another enemy coming from Monster Hunter World: Iceborne has to take its place on this list, as a fan favorite monster from the series made its console debut in 2019. Zinogre first premiered in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd, the third generation of the Monster Hunter Portable series. Since the Monster Hunter series had been relegated to being primarily portable since Monster Hunter Tri released on the Wii, there hadn't been much hope to see Zinogre in console quality HD until Monster Hunter: World released in 2018.

However, it wasn't until the Iceborne expansion released this year that this fan favorite monster was finally brought to current generation systems. Recently, a red and black Zinogre variant known as Stygian Zinogre appeared as a part of one of Monster Hunter World's free title updates. And with the monster's epic design and glowing aesthetic, Zinogre deserves the affection it's been shown by fans and Capcom recently.

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