In Victoria 3, a country's population is the primary factor in determining its success or failure. Every country has its own Pops (population). These can differ substantially in terms of quantity, occupation, culture, and religion, as well as a variety of other similar factors. Population is a country's primary source of labor, which keeps the country afloat. Furthermore, Pops work hard to earn money for their country, and in return, it offers them a great quality of living, decent income, and respectable laws.

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To win over the Pops, the player will need to first learn about the many sorts of Pops and the jobs they have. As a country's population rises, it naturally has more people to employ in various sectors, increasing its potential for economic success. In this article, let's discover everything there is to know about Victoria's 3 expanding population.

Increasing Population In Victoria 3

Increasing Population In Victoria 3

As discussed previously, the population growth of a country is an indicator of its potential for advancement. However, the process behind population growth is extremely complex. As a general rule, population expansion corresponds with a rise in Healthcare and Technology advances, as well as the people's wealth, which results in a higher Standard of Living. However, this in itself is subject to several variables. Each of these variables may have a positive effect on population growth on its own, but may also have a negative one on the other.

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With an increase in Healthcare, the Standard of Living rises, the life expectancy of the population also rises, whereas the birth rate falls. When discussing population growth, several factors come into play, but they are all connected to rising Standard of Living.

Immigration And Emigration

Immigration And Emigration

Immigration and Emigration is the most straightforward aspect. Naturally, the gamer would want to keep their Standard of Living at a level where immigration is high and emigration is low. In addition to a better Standard of Living, changes to the law that lead to cultural acceptance and employment possibilities would reduce emigration and boost immigration.


Victoria 3

In the same way, the Standard of Living is linked to the Wealth of the population, which is related to the growth of the same. Let's say the player has a poor family on Staple Farm; the family will attempt to have children to help out on the farm, hence the birth rate will go up. One could assume that an increase in income would result in a lower birth rate and, consequently, a net decrease in population. However, this is not the case, since an increase in wealth also greatly reduces the mortality rate, which enhances population growth overall.

Healthcare And Technology

Healthcare And Technology

Changes in Healthcare and Technology are reliant on the population's mortality rate. The Health System Institution can be enabled by enacting Private/Public Health Insurance and Charitable Hospitals from the Health System Law group in the law menu. Furthermore, the gamer should be able to view the points distributed to Medical Degrees and Pharmaceuticals Technology in the Society tech tree (the quantity of points will influence the degree of the mortality reduction).



Each particular occupation will naturally demand a given skill set and, accordingly, a certain wage. As a result, the Pops will have different social standards, which will affect how they see political power or which political party they favor (which would most likely be those who seek to raise their standards).

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The player has the option to invest the appropriate amount in any industry they desire. Moreover, the player can create their society this way by investing in the industries they want their Pops to work in.



Pops who keep the constructions in the game running are part of the Workforce. Those who are not, are called Dependents, and they have to rely on opportunistic jobs, etc., that pay them little or nothing. More workers in the workforce are always preferable to having more dependents. Furthermore, the gamer will have a great deal of dependents when the game first starts, but as they grow and implement reforms, more and more dependents will have no choice but to join the workforce.

This could be accomplished by adopting measures like changing the rules regulating women's rights, or eliminating child labor. Even though, initially, it may make citizens more dependent due to lower income, over time they will become literate, resulting in a more competent workforce with higher earnings.



A country's prosperity may be roughly gauged by looking at its citizens' Standard of Living (this is usually determined by whether or not their demands and requirements are being addressed, which is directly related to their wealth). The wealth of the population is established by the wages they get, which they then spend on needs. Moreover, they will get wealthy as their incomes increase.

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The Pop's Standard of Living is divided into three tiers: Lower, Middle, and Upper Strata, depending on how wealthy they are. A person's Standard of Living may depend on the Strata into which they are categorized. It's worth noting that if it drops too low, it may result in Turmoil.

Victoria 3 is available on Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux.

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