
  • The Propertied Women law boosts workforce without affecting birth rate, maximizing growth in early game.
  • The Migration Controls law allows migration while preventing loss of discriminated pops, useful for reducing discrimination.
  • Protectionism maintains domestic supply of important goods, balancing tariffs and trade benefits.

Victoria 3 is a complicated grand strategy/economy simulation game from Paradox Interactive, and it's as addictive as it is complex. Players are charged with taking the reins of a Victorian-era country right at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution and must compete with other nations to come out on top.

13 Grand Strategy Games With The Best Economy Systems

Players who enjoy managing the economic aspects of their nations in grand strategy titles can't go wrong with this selection.

Victoria 3 features a fairly complex and granular system of laws that can be enacted by each country, giving it its unique feel as well as delivering powerful gameplay bonuses. Although laws in Victoria 3 can be very situational, some laws are just better than others.

1 Propertied Women

Boosts Workforce Without Dropping Birth Rate

Propertied Women Law

Propertied Women is a great choice of law in the Rights of Women category of laws because it increases workforce participation without dropping birth rates, something which other laws in this category do. This is great for players looking to maximize their growth from births, especially in the early game where migration may not be possible.

2 Migration Controls

Disallows Discriminated Pops From Migrating Away

Migration Controls Law

The Migration Controls law is a great choice of law for players looking for a migration boost, but who still have various discriminated pops in their countries which they don't want to lose. Migration Control allows migration from other countries if those pops will be tolerated or accepted while preventing currently discriminated pops from migrating in or out at all. It's perfect for scenarios where it's been difficult to pass laws to reduce discrimination.

3 Protectionism

A Good Balance Between Tariffs And Domestic Goods Use

Protectionism Law

Protectionism is often a great choice in Victoria 3 because while it's nice to reap the benefits of trade, sometimes what a country really needs is to maintain a good supply of a given good, such as lumber or coal, which might be in high demand elsewhere in the game world. With Protectionism, players can boost the efficiency of the Protect Domestic Supply decision when desired, giving a much-needed boost to their domestic supply of important goods.

10 Grand Strategy Games That Focus On Trade And Commerce

Trade and commerce are the cornerstones of many grand strategy titles, but which games handled it the best?

Improper control of goods is an easy mistake to make in Victoria 3, so this is very useful. It's especially useful in the case of rare goods that aren't produced often by AI-controlled nations, so the player's ability to trade is lower.

4 Interventionism

Giving The Player More Control

Interventionism Law

Interventionism is a great choice of law because it lets the player more freely decide which buildings can be subsidized. While other laws in the Economic System category allow various degrees of choice here, Interventionism is the best because it allows the player to subsidize any industry as well as have government-run railways.

This is often key in the late game because players need high levels of infrastructure provided by railways for their factories, but don't necessarily have the ability for them to run profitably.

5 Slavery Banned

Free The People, Fill The Treasury

Slavery Banned Law

As well as being the more moral option, banning slavery is also a really solid gameplay choice. This is because slave (and serf) based economies are simply weaker than their competition. With freed slaves, former slaves will have more money to spend on goods and services, boosting the domestic economy in a way that simply doesn't happen with slavery enacted.

So while slavery can work well for less specialized and industrialized economies, it fails to compete later on because a whole layer of supply needs is missing.

6 Proportional Taxation

Tax The Rich

Proportional Taxation Law

Proportional Taxation is a great law in the Taxation category, especially mid to late game, because it allows the poorer strata of pops to spend more of their money while taxing richer pops more to fill the treasury.

This is great for two reasons: one, it boosts the domestic economy as poorer pops buy food and purchase services; and two, it takes some money from the wealthier pops and puts it in the nation's coffers, somewhat lessening the wealthy pops' insatiable need for increasing amounts of fine art.

7 Public Health Insurance

Sick Workers Don't Work

Public Health Care Law

The Public Health law is really useful because it improves pops' overall health and reduces mortality. In a game where pops directly translate to the player's ability to produce anything, this is a big deal. And Public Health Insurance as a law in the Health System category is the best way to ensure that all pops receive a welcome boost, raising pops' standard of living.

8 Public Schools

Learning Is Fun... And Profitable

Public Schools Law

The Public Schools Law is a really useful law to enact because it boosts access to education, which raises qualifications and allows more pops to participate in much more specialized roles. This is great because many of the higher-value industries require high levels of qualified pops to work in them, so better-educated pops will fill factories much more quickly.

Victoria 3: How To Increase A Country's Population

Population is a key aspect of Victoria 3's gameplay. Here's everything players should know about increasing a country's population.

Perfect in later-game scenarios where there are just so many open jobs and not enough qualifications to fill them. Public Schools are awesome too because they enable much wider access, while also boosting Assimilation.

9 Total Separation

Freedom Of Religion

Total Separation Law

The Total Separation Law in Victoria 3 is a really useful law to have because it completely removes all penalties associated with pops of different religions by making every one of Victoria 3's many faiths accepted in a given country.

This is a fantastic option for vast countries with many disparate pops, but it works well for smaller countries with a major focus on immigration by widening the pool of acceptable pops for migration. This can give a major boost to the economy.

10 Multiculturalism

The More, The Merrier

Multiculturalism Law

Multiculturalism is a fantastic law to enact in Victoria 3 because it supercharges the economy if used in conjunction with other laws. By ending all discrimination against other pops based on culture - and religion too if used with the Total Separation law - countries can receive migrants from any other country in the game world.

This can be a massive boost to the economy as suddenly, every job has a worker. When used correctly, the Multiculturalism law can catapult even a small country with a low population to the top of the leaderboards.

Victoria 3

October 25, 2022