
  • Insomniac's unique take on Venom in Spider-Man 2 deviates from the traditional Eddie Brock narrative, offering a fresh, surprising twist.
  • Possibly introducing Eddie Brock in an upcoming Venom game poses a challenge for Insomniac to seamlessly integrate this iconic character.
  • Insomniac's Venom game must find a balance between predictability and originality to ensure Eddie Brock's potential inclusion feels natural and engaging.

Insomniac's Spider-Man universe has brought forth an exciting new take on the hero, and the introduction of one of his most iconic foes, Venom, was a highlight of Spider-Man 2. As Insomniac's narrative is set to expand with an upcoming Venom game after Marvel's Spider-Man 2, the developer faces one glaring problem with the villain.

The arrival of Venom in Spider-Man 2 was expected, but the most surprising part about the character is that the game deviated from the most well known narrative of Eddie Brock being taken over by the symbiote. In fact, Eddie Brock was completely left out of the game. Instead, the symbiote latched onto a variety of characters, with Harry and MJ being the most surprising, and although this was a divisive choice, it was a unique approach to revealing the iconic villain. Now, with the confirmation of Insomniac working on a Venom game, introducing Eddie Brock may be easier said than done.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Sandman Fight Had a Big Hurdle to Overcome

The developers behind Marvel's Spider-Man 2 reveal that the boss fight against the iconic Sandman was very challenging to get exactly right.

Eddie Brock As Venom Presents A Challenge For Insomniac

Seeing Eddie Brock finally making an appearance in Insomniac's Spider-Man universe will be incredibly exciting, but handling his storyline may be tricky if he's introduced in Venom. It's likely that Insomniac's Venom game will greatly differ from the Spider-Man games in order to offer players something new, but there still remains the question of who will be featured as the character. If this is the moment Insomniac brings Eddie Brock into the picture, it could feel awkward.

Making Eddie Brock's Introduction Feel Natural

The hardest part about the Venom game starring Eddie Brock is that it will be incredibly difficult for it not to feel forced. Up until now, Eddie Brock hasn't played a role in Insomniac's Spider-Man universe, and having him show up out of nowhere could be incredibly jarring. Eddie Brock's place in the story needs to feel natural, and throwing him straight into the action without giving the character proper exploration pre-symbiote could prove to be a bad move for the overall story. Introducing Eddie in this way could feel rushed, and players deserve to spend some time with the character in order to really understand him.

Insomniac's Venom Game Can't Be Too Predictable

Eddie Brock may be the most well known host of Venom, but that means it would also be the most obvious decision. That's not necessarily bad, but Insomniac has made it clear with Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 that it has its sights set on telling unique stories in this universe that haven't been seen before. There are some interesting routes Insomniac could go with the universe it has created, and putting Eddie Brock in the role of Venom could be so obvious that it ends up being boring. Insomniac now has a tricky balancing act on its hands. It would be interesting to see how the studio adapts Eddie Brock, but it could also prove to be too forced to be believable in the game's world.

High Hopes For Insomniac's Venom

Although featuring Eddie Brock as Venom could be exciting, Spider-Man 2 set up a trend of the symbiote jumping to multiple characters. If Eddie Brock is featured as a character, he may be best used momentarily as the symbiote continues to find different hosts throughout the game.

Getting to fight and play as Venom in Spider-Man 2 was something many had been waiting for, and although the execution was divisive among some players, it will be exciting to see how Insomniac handles a game where Venom is the main character. The confirmation of the Venom game is exciting, but it could also be a big challenge to pull off correctly. There's no telling what direction the game could go, but if it chooses to showcase Eddie Brock as the symbiote's newest host, then the story needs to be handled with extra care.