
  • The Sabbat is a group of vampires who see themselves as superior to humans and aim to shape society with vampires as rulers.
  • The Sabbat originated from a rebellion known as the First Anarch Revolt during the Inquisition, and their founding Clans, the Lasombra and Tzimisce, played crucial roles.
  • The Sabbat has faced multiple civil wars, has strict rituals and hierarchy, and is currently facing internal conflicts due to the Beckoning and the Gehenna War.

Fans of supernatural horror can relish in the World of Darkness as a vampire in Vampire: The Masquerade. Called Kindred, vampires in this set of TTRPG games constantly struggle to maintain their humanity while satiating their hunger for blood. And while the Camarilla Sect enforces the Masquerade to ensure Kindred remain like humans, the Sabbat Sect want vampires to claim their place as the rightful rulers of the mortal realm.

In Vampire: The Masquerade, the Sabbat is a misunderstood Sect, often associated with radical vampires out to cause wanton violence. However, players who want to try games like Sins Of The Sires might want to learn more about the Sabbat before they engage in a Vampire: The Masquerade experience.

Updated September 16, 2023, by Rhenn Taguiam: With The Chinese Room taking the reins in developing Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2, players meet a beseiged Seattle from a different perspective. While the Emerald City is still at the brink of war between unknown Kindred parties, players now take the role of a Vampire Elder instead of a freshly-sired Kindred. As a more experienced vampire, players have a bigger role to play in the fate of Seattle at the brink of an all-out supernatural war. However, instead of maintaining order, a player may want to indulge in their vampiric nature — exactly the kind of tenets the Sabbat preach. Before becoming a part of the Sword of Caine, players may want to know a brief background on the Sect, its origins since the First Inquisition, as well as its Paths of Enlightenment.

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13 A Primer On The Sabbat

Vampires in a visual presentation

Often a misunderstood Sect, the Sabbat could simply be described as a group of vampires who see themselves as superior creatures to humans. Self-proclaimed as the Sword of Caine, the Sabbat’s tenets shape them into monstrous beasts that constantly wage the Gehenna War against the Antediluvians and their sympathizers, specifically on behalf of Caine, who suffered death at the hands of his own children.

At its core, the Sabbat wants to shape society with vampires lording over mortals. They see being subjected to the Beast as a means to achieve this. Despite their indulgence in their vampiric powers, the Sabbat is far from invincible. Their tenets, which often cross into inhumane territory, are usually a turn-off, and their habit of Blood Bonding their members could be used against them. However, some vampires see the excess of “freedom” in the Sabbat a more worthwhile option than being controlled by the Camarilla.

12 Enter The First Inquisition

A gargoyle from Vampire The Masquerade looking over a city

As with the other Kindred Sects, the Sabbat also saw their roots connected to the First Inquisition. Before the Sabbat formed during the Convention of Thorns, they were a part of a rebellion known as the First Anarch Revolt. In this rebellion, younger Kindred fought back against their Elders, who pit them against witch-hunters and inquisitors who targeted the supernatural.

However, a crucial part of this history began in the 13th century, when the Albigensian Crusade ended up revealing the truth of vampires to the Catholic Church. This resulted in the creation of the Inquisition, who forced Elders to commit atrocities such as mass embraces in an effort to defend themselves. This tactic would become a Sabbat signature.

11 The First Anarch Revolt

A group of vampires in the Sabbat

The creation of the Sabbat coincided with the First Anarch Revolt. Having occurred during the Inquisition, the First Anarch Revolt started when elders (older vampires) decided that it was much safer to hide behind a “masquerade” and form a secret organization of vampires instead of taking up arms against the Inquisition that was killing neonates (younger vampires).

Realizing that their elders were more than willing to sacrifice them for their own survival, the neonates decided enough was enough and turned on their elders. The first largely-known instance of Kindred taking up arms was when the Brujah Tyler led a resistance against the Ventrue Hardestadt the Elder, who was at the time leading the meetings that created the Camarilla, and ended with Tyler diablerizing the Ventrue.

10 The Lasombra & The Tzimisce Connection


There’s a particular reason why the Sabbat favor the tradition of diablerie or sucking a vampire dry, and this may be connected to the Sabbat’s founding Clans: the Lasombra and the Tzimisce. After news of Hardestadt’s defeat spread, it was these two Clans that started to move against not just their respective elders, but also their Clan’s progenitors, the Antediluvians.

The first notable campaign occurred in Italy, where Gratiano de Veronese of the shadow-manipulating Lasombra led an attack on the sleeping Lasombra Antediluvian, which he diablerized. News of this attack spurned the flesh-crafting Tzimisce of Romania to action, where leader Lugoj diablerized the Tzimisce Antediluvian.

9 The Convention Of Thorns: Enter The Sabbat

A group of Sabbat vampires in a meeting

The First Anarch Revolt lasted seven years, until existing Kindred gathered in the Convention of Thorns in 1493. This resulted in a variety of things, including the formation of the Camarilla as the organization to protect Kindred with the Masquerade, and Anarchs being their own entities provided they don’t breach it.

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Those who didn’t approve of the Convention’s result, which was mostly the Tzimisce and Lasombra, separated into packs that began harassing the humans of the elders’ settlements, most of whom called them the beasts of “the sabbat” or the midnight hour of witches and devils. The Sabbat was formally created after Tzimisce and Lasombra met with other Anarch malcontents in Majorca, Spain.

8 Not Immune To Civil Wars

Sabbat vampires fighting on a bridge

While Sabbat principles prioritize Kindred independence and rejection of Antediluvian influence, the lack of any foundation of these beliefs is both the greatest strength and weakness of the Sect. As such, the Sabbat has actually had as many as four civil wars. These wars led to various groundbreaking elements in current Sabbat affairs, including:

  • First Civil War: Held between competing Lasombra and Tzimisce parties, their competition over mortal resources due to unsupervised neonates led to the massive loss of Sabbat properties. This resulted in the Purchase Pact that ended all hostilities, and the Code of Milan that became the basis of Sabbat beliefs.
  • Second Civil War: Held in Mexico and Canada, this led to the appointment of Melinda Galbraith as the Sect’s Regent and the ending of hostilities.
  • Third Civil War: Held when Brujah antitribu attempted to overthrow existing Sabbat powers in New York and led to the recognition of “Antitribu” Clans as equals in power, as well as the term “Panders” to describe Clanless Sabbat.

7 Modern Times, The Beckoning, & The Gehenna War

A Sabbat pack attacking someone

Unfortunately for the Sabbat, its current struggles didn’t end in modern times. They are currently facing a Fourth Civil War due to various events happening all at once. This has currently shaken the current status quo of the Sabbat:

  • The Beckoning: This mysterious event is forcing Kindred of 9th Generation or older to head to the Middle East due to reasons unknown.
  • Gehenna War: Sabbat unable to explain the Beckoning have been thrust into a panicked frenzy, leaving their own holdings to head to the Middle East and find remnants of the Antediluvians and eliminate them once and for all.
  • Mass Defection: Sabbat not willing to be in the crossfires of these unnecessary wars have begun mass defecting into the Anarchs.

6 The Paths Of Enlightenment

Vampires in the night

When a Kindred decides to become a member of the Sabbat, they essentially discard their Humanity and any opportunities of fulfilling the Masquerade. Instead, a Sabbat member follows a Path of Enlightenment that corresponds to their preferred way of connecting to the Beast. While this runs the risk of the Sabbat coming to contact with the Second Inqusition, they give the Sabbat much-needed freedom from the confines of the Masquerade. Some of the known Paths include:

  • Path of Caine: This aims to emulate Caine, seeking to “prove” oneself to the Beast and make it worthy of their control and respect.
  • Path of Cathari: This has the Kindred revel in their nature as predators, indulging in excess.
  • Path of Death and the Soul: Obsessed with death, this Path treats beings as experiments and toys to tinker with, ensuring the Beast doesn’t inconvenience their efforts.
  • Path of Power and the Inner Voice: Those who choose this Path aim to subjugate everything around them, even the Beast, with their will and personality.
  • Path of the Sun: Reserved for Thinbloods who take pride in their separation from Antediluvian influence, especially since they can face the sun without consequence.

5 A Penchant For Mockery

A Sabbat vampire with a younger vampire

Given how the Sabbat came to life as a rejection of the Convention of Thorns, it’s notable how a lot of Sabbat culture and organization is tied directly to mocking various aspects of Kindred and human life, including:

  • Hierarchy: Loosely modeled after the Catholic church, the Sabbat specifically chose a hierarchy similar to the Church as a mockery of its tenets.
  • Mass Embraces: Unlike the Camarilla that carefully selects its members, the Sabbat usually conduct Mass Embraces to create cannon-fodder Kindred in their fights. This is horrifying for those who want to preserve the Masquerade, but the Sabbat just don’t care.
  • Code Of Milan: Many the Sabbat don’t appreciate the Code Of Milan, as the codification of Sabbat principles goes against the very nature of the Sabbat, that of true freedom.

4 Blood Bonds & Vaulderie

An Assamite or Banu Haqim attacking a vampire

While Kindred mostly drink blood from mortals, it’s totally possible for vampires to drink blood from their own kind. However, this runs the risk of Blood Bonds, which forces Kindred to become addicted and wholly attached to the owner of the vampire blood they drink. It’s these Blood Bonds that elders use to subjugate younger vampires in recent times, and the same system that vampires joined the Sabbat to escape.

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Tzimisce, among the Sabbat, found a solution, however. They discovered that they can cut their existing Blood Bonds through a ritual called the Vaulderie, which had Sabbat packs contribute their own blood and have everyone drink it. Thing is, the Vaulderie removed existing Blood Bonds but replaced them with a weaker bond that had members of a Sabbat pack be much closer with each other - effectively just replacing one bonding system with another.

3 Strict With Rituals

A Sabbat priest conducting a ritual

While the Camarilla expects strict adherence to its Traditions, so does the Sabbat but with a more rigorous and stricter outlook. Due to their culture resembling that of a religion, the Sabbat have two sets of Ritae they expect Sabbat members to adhere to and follow. Major Rituals are often done en masse and under the guidance of elder members, while minor Rituals often become personalized from pack to pack and city to city to fit their personalities. These Rituals are divided into two:

  • Auctoritas Ritae: Resembling that of religious commandments, the Auctoritas Ritae are 13 rituals that all members of the Sabbat practice. These are practiced extremely casually, and Sabbat members are expected to participate.
  • Ignobilis Ritae: These are informal Rituals that are optional but are much more personal compared to the Auctoritas Ritae. These help Sabbat packs grow closer.

2 Dog-Eat-Dog Organization

A vampire casting a ritual

The oldest among Sabbat progenitors uphold a dog-eat-dog philosophy to this day, expecting Sabbat members to be more independent and forceful in their pursuit of power as they grow in influence in the organization. As such, the Sabbat has a strict and rigid hierarchy in its organization. Typical of the Catholic Church, the Sabbat also follows a similar hierarchical format:

  • Regent: Generally the ultimate authority of the Sabbat, they rule from the Sabbat stronghold in Mexico City.
  • Cardinal, Priscus: The primary advising bodies of the Regent, the Cardinal oversees large geographical territories of the Sabbat while the Prisci are prominent elders in the Sect.
  • Archbishop, Bishop: More local leaders of the Sabbat, the Archbishop is analogous to the Camarilla Prince while the Bishop leads several packs while following a particular theme.
  • Templar, Paladin: These are the enforcers of Sabbat will.
  • Pack Priest, Ductus: These are leaders of Sabbat packs, with the Pack Priest being the honorable leader and the Pack Priest supervising Ritae.
  • True Sabbat, False Sabbat: General terms for members of the Sabbat, anyone who wants to be a part of the Sabbat will have to transition from a False Sabbat into a True Sabbat.

1 Factions

A Sabbat vampire having another vampire hostage

Given how the Sabbat values the personal freedoms of its Kindred members, it’s not unexpected for the Sabbat to form various factions with their respective ideals and philosophies. Sabbat may be inclined to join factions that share their perspectives, the most popular ones being:

  • Loyalists: They believe all Kindred must be truly free to pursue their choices, like in the original Anarch Revolt.
  • Moderates: They see the Sabbat as an organization whose progress is barred by the original Anarch Revolt’s spirit.
  • The Status Quo: They simply want to keep things as they are, and strive to protect the current versions of the Purchase Pat and the Code of Milan.
  • The Orthodoxy: They aim to strengthen the religious hold of the Sabbat within their ranks.
  • Ultra-Conservatives: They believe Gehenna is upon the Sabbat, and the Code of Milan isn’t allowing Sabbat to do everything they can to protect the Sect.

Vampire The Masquerade: Sins Of The Sires was released on March 24, 2022, for PC.

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