
  • The protagonist of Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 is no longer a Thinblood but is now an Elder, adding a new dynamic to the conflict in Seattle.
  • Characters from the larger Vampire: The Masquerade lore, such as Cuthbert Becket and Takuma Sonoda, could play significant roles in determining Seattle's fate.
  • The involvement of characters like Malloc and Theophilus Bell in the power struggle adds complexity and political intrigue to the game's storyline.

While Seattle remains a site of a power vacuum in Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2, new devs The Chinese Room switches things up with a reveal that the protagonist is no longer a recently-sired Thinblood but is instead an Elder recently woken from their slumber. This revelation, alongside the involvement of a cult-ish symbol and the supernatural-hunting Secret Inquisition, means there’s more at stake in Bloodlines 2 and its interpretation of the Emerald City.

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The Bloodlines 2 protagonist being an Elder means they’ve been a vampire for a while now, which makes their presence a game-changer in the impending conflict to strike Seattle. With the fight to control the city being much bigger than what’s been hinted initially, perhaps certain characters from the larger Vampire: The Masquerade lore could be a fitting addition to the events determining Seattle’s fate in World of Darkness.

10 Cuthbert Beckett

Cuthbert Beckett

Among Vampire: The Masquerade characters that need to be present in Bloodlines 2, Cuthbert Becket has potentially the most significant stake. Seattle being of value to Beckett isn’t tied to any power struggles but rather to his reputation as one of the foremost historians in the lore. Alongside Beckett’s reputation as a historian is his fame as a Noddist, a student of lore involving the first vampire Caine and the Book of Nod.

Being sired in the 1700s, Beckett bore witness to some of the world’s most meaningful events and their eventual stake in Kindred history. Should the power struggle in the Emerald City be relevant to Kindred society, Beckett may not want to miss the player’s influence in its events. Beckett appearing in Bloodlines 2 gameplay may be a neutral figure that advises players, much like in the first game, where he provides critical advice regarding the plot-heavy sarcophagus.

9 Takuma Sonoda

Malkavians in Vampire the Masquerade

Primogens are designated “representatives” of a Clan’s presence in a city, with Takuma Sonoda being that of the Malkavian’s in Seattle. Considering the city’s history with Anarch revolts, the rising number of Anarch refugees in the Emerald City became a concern that Takuma insisted the Prince deal with, resulting in the limiting of new vampires in the region. Unfortunately, Takuma took matters into his own hands and began hunting and even diablerizing outsiders.

Takuma’s serial diablerization became a cause of concern that even the Sheriff had to deal with, resulting in the Malkavian Primogen fleeing the city. Although his current whereabouts are unknown, a besieged Seattle is a prime spot for a runaway to return home and acquire a position of power. Players may encounter Takuma in their Vampire: The Masquerade gameplay as a Malkavian mentor or a potential target.

8 Malloc

Nosferatu in Vampire the Masquerade

Conflicts in Vampire: The Masquerade gameplay isn’t solely limited to Elders making bold political moves, especially since they need “pieces” on the board to play their part. Such a piece is Malloc, a skilled vampire programmer whose illicit activities attracted the attention of the Sabbat. After losing his spot as a computer science graduate student, an ill-fated vacation in Tijuana led to Malloc’s Embrace. Now answering to Bishop Cicatriz, the young Malloc was inserted in Seattle as a member of the Anarch resistance to cause instability within the Camarilla.

Seattle being prime for control in the story of Bloodlines 2 is the perfect opportunity for Malloc to put his Kindred skills to the test. Ever the ambitious person, Malloc’s activities go beyond reporting to Cicatriz about Seattle’s political situation. With Seattle in a power vacuum, Malloc could pave the way for players to help the Anarchs, only for him to try to become Seattle’s Baron when things get ahead.

7 Theophilus Bell

Theo Bell

The man known as Theophilus Bell was a slave rescuer before being inducted into the ranks of the Camarilla, where his strength of character and capacity to see the bigger picture perfectly represented the Brujah lineage of philosopher-kings. Although a staunch Camarilla loyalist, the Convention of Prague had a Theo Bell “snap” and kill members of the Camarilla leadership before defecting to the Anarchs.

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Despite his new status as a messianic Anarch figure, Theo became a judge of some of the most crucial Sect dealings. Theo Bell’s presence in Bloodlines 2 could transform Vampire: The Masquerade gameplay into a more political one, especially with his centuries of knowledge of vampire politics. Seattle’s brewing conflict could interest Theo, especially if a cult-like group has begun expanding their numbers.

6 Isabel Giovanni

Isabel Giovanni

While the once-powerful Giovanni Clan had to make parley with other Clans of Death as a part of the Hecata, its previous height was encapsulated by the dealings of Isabel Giovanni. Although Giovanni Elder looked down upon women, Isabel’s Necromancy and keen diplomatic nature “earned” her Embrace and the respect of her peers. As a vampire, Isabel uses her charm and wit to represent the family in the United States, occasionally being a spy for the family.

Foregoing her reputation of feeding only from the heads of the beheaded, a diplomat-spy like Isabel could represent the independent Hecata throughout the events of Bloodlines 2. Although leaning towards the Camarilla, Isabel can also roam Seattle as a negotiator for the Hecata’s stake with other Vampire: The Masquerade Sects, such as the Sabbat and even the Anarchs. Being a Hecata, Isabel could also train players in the art of Oblivion, a Discipline that calls upon spectral powers beyond the blood.

5 Lucita De Aragon

Lucita de Aragon

Although born with high standing, Lucita de Aragon was a free spirit who came to blows with her Lasombra brethren. While raised as royalty, the daughter of Alfonso II of Aragon spent the Dark Ages training to be one of the most feared Lasombra alive. Previously an Archon for the Camarilla, Lucita found herself the Archbishop of the Sabbat in Madrid. However, the modern nights saw Lucita largely absent in Kindred affairs.

While she spent much of her unlife leading her pack of Sabbat, Lucita is an adventurer by heart. The Vampire: The Masquerade game may have Lucita herself present in Seattle to study its power struggle, especially if this opens an opportunity for Sabbat control. Likewise, the defection of the Lasombra to the Camarilla may force Lucita into hiding, with the embattled Emerald City being a haven as she gathers her forces.

4 Caipahas Smith

Caipahas Smith

While the Second Inquisition of Vampire: The Masquerade is a grave threat to vampires in the modern era, none of them could compare to Caiaphas Smith. Born in 1815, his lifelong devotion to killing vampires has extended beyond his perceived mortal lifespan, relying on sustenance from the vitae of Kindred he kills to sustain his life. Such was Caipahas’s threat that he was tagged “avoid-on-sight” for all Camarilla Kindred.

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With Seattle on the brink of war, Caiaphas may find himself infiltrating the city and perhaps killing the powers-that-be that caused mayhem in the mortal city. Should the Vampire game offer players the choice to go against fellow Kindred, perhaps Caiaphas Smith can serve as a mentor. Although human, his training in Hedge Magic could give players an interesting Thaumaturgy alternative.

3 Ramona


Although sired in Los Angeles, the Gangrel Ramona had roamed various cities to survive her first horrifying nights as a Kindred. While notable for being the Gangrel Clan’s signature character, Ramona saw the height of her activities in the Clan Novel saga, where she managed to avenge her dying friends at the hands of Leopold, a Toreador maddened by a powerful eye.

While based primarily in Los Angeles, Ramona could be a traveling NPC that players can encounter in Seattle throughout the events of Bloodlines 2. Being the Gangrel’s signature character, Ramona can train Gangrel players in Vampire: The Masquerade gameplay, specifically in the ways of survival.

2 Therese/Jeanette Voerman

Jeanette and Therese Voerman

Essentially two sides of the same coin, the twins Jeanette and Therese Voerman served as the poster girls for the first Bloodlines game. While Jeanette owned the Asylum nightclub, Therese became the Baron of Santa Monica, essentially leading the Anarchs in the city. It’s only throughout the events of the game that players discover the Malkavian twins being the same person, although this discovery didn’t remove the sheer charm of either character.

While the twins don’t have any immediate business in Seattle in Bloodlines 2, the area’s relative distance to Los Angeles may pique Therese’s interest in the ongoing power struggle. Players may even encounter Jeanette in their Vampire: The Masquerade gameplay as someone looking to expand the Asylum in the fragile Emerald City.

1 The Cab Driver

The Cab Driver

Introduced as the NPC taking players to further destinations in the first Bloodlines game, their gameplay with the Cab Driver implies he’s more than meets the eye. Aside from the Auspex Discipline revealing a purple aura commonly associated with vampires, dialogue with certain characters implies the Cab Driver is more involved in the Vampire: The Masquerade story than players anticipate.

Dialogues with the seer Rosa implying a “father” standing behind a “smiling man” may refer to the game’s final cutscene where the Cab Driver appears behind Smiling Jack. If theories are to be believed, the Cab Driver may be vampire progenitor Caine himself. If Caine’s presence had indeed facilitated Santa Monica’s events in Bloodlines, it’s not surprising if Caine had a hand in Seattle’s conflict in Bloodlines 2 and has been watching it unfold firsthand.

Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
Hardsuit Labs
Paradox Interactive
Action RPG