With so many different clans to choose from that are completely unique in their own way, choosing what clan to pick when diving into the gothic and dark TTRPG Vampire: the Masquerade can be tough. Brujah are by far one of the most accessible, as they are close to D&D's Fighter and Barbarian class. But new players might still need a guiding hand even when picking clan Leather Jacket, and this guide will do exactly just that, teaching them to unleash their inner rebel to great effect at Vampire tables.

Vampire: The Masquerade - What Clan You Should Play Based On Your Favorite D&D Class

For D&D players, here are the clans they should consider playing in Vampire: The Masquerade based on their favorite class.


8 Consider The Campaign

Brujah Would Fit Better Among Anarchs

Nines outside if a mansion, looking off to one side with a guilty expression.

This is a key tip that is useful for any table and any system. Players are being allowed into the GMs game, and thus, they need to be considerate of the story they want to tell when creating a character. Though good DMs will make room for characters players really want to try, it's only right for players to extend the same courtesy.

Thus, if the Storyteller is looking to run a game set in a Camarilla or Sabbat domain, players need to consider carefully why their Brujah is here rather than raising hell with the Anarchs. Did they defect for background reasons? Are they searching for their kidnapped sire, or are they a double agent looking to dismantle the city on the inside? These are a few ideas players can use when creating a Brujah in a non-Anarch game.

7 Potence Is a Brujah's Greatest Asset

Players Should Definitely Not Overlook This Discipline

A vampire using soaring leap to jump to incredible heights.

Brujah have access to three clan disciplines: Presence, Celerity and Potence. Presence allows the Brujah to threaten people into submission, Celerity increases their agility, and Potence allows them to dish out mass amounts of damage. While all disciplines are great and would definitely be of benefit to the player, Potence is certainly the must-have.

The 9 Best Vampire: The Masquerade Disciplines, Ranked

Vampires in the World of Darkness have access to disciplines, sources of power that often grant terrifying abilities. Here are the best ones.

Most likely Brujah players will act as the muscle of the party to back up their charismatic, physically weaker coterie mates and, as such, they had better make sure their stats are reflective of this. Spending points into Potence will make sure they have muscles for the times diplomacy fails.

6 Brujah Are Passionate

Their Passion Drives Them Forward

Damsel aiming a shotgun at the reader Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines 2

Most who are vaguely familiar with VtM and its clans might write off the Brujah as angry trouble-makers unable to keep their temper in check. While to a certain extent this is true, reducing Brujah to this sole stereotype would be doing this clan a disservice.

Brujah are also passionate, perhaps the most passionate clan of all. Whether it is a goal they pursue, an ideal they cling to, Brujah are tenacious in the pursuit of their passions, and are very unlikely to change it due to their stubborn nature, which should be kept in the mind of Brujah players. Whatever they do in the night, whatever coterie they side with, it is just another step towards achieving their ambitions.

5 Remember To Reign In The Temper

Brawn Can Also Have Brains

A brujah stands in front of a burning car in Vampire the Masquerade

Brujah suffer from the clan bane Violent Temper, which means they are more prone to falling into the clutches of a Fury Frenzy, woe betide anyone in their immediate surroundings when that occurs. But this is something Brujah are fighting against on most nights, and something players need to be mindful of.

Rather than letting their rage always get the better of them in every scenario, Brujah should always do their best to reign in that fiery temper, or they risk becoming the most wanted vampire in the city. Sometimes, they need to let loose and punch, and other times they need to be calm and diplomatic. Knowing what approach works best for each scene is key to becoming a Brujah role-player master.

4 Embrace Individualism


Not Every Brujah Needs To Be A Biker

GTA5 biker crew

Not every Brujah needs to don a leather jacket, style their hair in a mohawk and screech through the night roads on a bike with an engine as loud as a jet plane. Though there are some Brujah that definitely fit this archetype, creating an individual character is certainly befitting of their clan nature, as they are all about nonconformity.

11 Most Iconic Motorcycles In Video Games

Fast and furious, these video game motorcycles remain some of the most iconic vehicles seen in gaming.

As such, it is important to have a Brujah character that not only has a distinct appearance but a completely distinct attitude. Skip the angry rants and foul language, be an individual, use words that could rival the greatest poets, even be a poet. This will result in a much more unique and fleshed out character that will undoubtedly be more fun to play as and for other players and the ST to play with.

2 Remember Carthage

Brujah Begrudgingly Remember History

Blood Hunt Brujah

'Remember Carthage' is a phrase most veteran Brujah likely bitterly mumble to themselves when faced with a particularly uppity Ventrue or annoying Toreador. Carthage was a city Brujah once called home, where it was said kine and kindred lived together in peace, until the Ventrue aligned with the Toreadors to destroy it.

Not many Brujah from that era exist in the modern nights, but that doesn't mean none of them hold a grudge regarding it, which can affect how they view and speak to Ventrue. Brujah players should brush up on their history, and decide if they have any sort of connection or feelings about Carthage, and if it might have an effect on how they role-play at the table.

1 True Brujah

The Brujah Were Once Great Philosophers

Qauntum Break time powers

The Brujah aren't all angry rabble-rousers that struggle to keep their tempers in check. There are those that call themselves True Brujah, who trace their lineage back to the Antedeluvian, hence why they put true as part of their name. They are the antithesis to the Brujah descended from the usurper Troile, cold and without passion, and are feared because of their manipulation over time. They were thought to be Great Philosophers, but finding one in modern nights is exceedingly rare.

Depending on the Storyteller, Brujah players might want to swap out from the angry, passionate Brujah to the calculated and emotionless True Brujah, if that style of play suits them better. Regardless of their choice, every Brujah should still remain aware of the existence of True Brujah, and hope they never run into one in-game.

MORE: Vampire: The Masquerade – Tips For Role-Playing An Anarch