Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt features a wide array of weapons that players can gather while navigating the city of Prague, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. This guide will break down each archetype's best-performing weapons, making it easier for players to know when to make a swap during a match.

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt is a Battle Royale by Sharkmob, set in the World of Darkness. Players take on the role of kindred during a bloodhunt on the streets of Prague, navigating streets and rooftops in an effort to gather weapons and survive another night amid the chaos.

RELATED: Beginner Tips for Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt You Need to Know

Brujah Brute


The Brujah Brute is one of the two available Brujah Clan Archetypes, performing excellently in mid-close range combat. With access to the Clan Power "Soaring Leap" to traverse the city rapidly and the Archetype Power "Shock Wave Punch" to knock enemies back while deflecting bullets, the Brute is a fantastic frontline fighter. They're further supported by their Passive Power "True Grit," which allows them to regenerate up to half of their health while not taking damage.


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Naturally, as a close-range combat specialist, the Brute performs excellently with melee weapons. The Katana is probably the best choice for the Brute, providing them with a powerful melee weapon that can also function defensively using its block ability. As blocked bullets will fly back towards the shooter, this can also be used offensively to decimate reckless foes using automatic weapons.

Scourge Blades

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Similarly, the Scourge Blades perform excellently with the Brute, allowing them to dish out rapid melee damage, while healing in the process, and also granting a dash attack that can be used to reposition and close-in on foes. The dash can be used on the ground or in the air, allowing the player to reposition themselves mid-jump or even boost forward to get some extra distance before landing.

Double-Barreled Shotgun

Vampire the Masquerade Bloodhunt_Weapons_Double Barrelled Shotgun

The Double-Barrelled Shotgun is a risky but highly dangerous weapon. Though it can only fire twice before needing to reload, aiming for the head at close-range can deal devastating damage. This is best used in conjunction with a strong melee weapon, allowing the Brute to open with a blast or two from the shotgun before swapping to melee and rushing in.

Brujah Vandal


Much like the other Brujah Archetype, the Vandal acts as a similarly dangerous close range combatant, using their clan power "Soaring Leap" to launch themselves across the city and into battle. Their Archetype Power "Earth Shock" allows them to leap forward and slam the ground, causing a shockwave that knocks foes into the air, while their Passive Power "Adrenaline Rush" grants them damage reduction while close to their enemies.

Scourge Blades

Vampire the Masquerade Bloodhunt_Weapons_Scourge Blades

Since the Vandal has damage reduction at close range, they can be much more aggressive with melee weapons than other archetypes. This, paired with the healing from melee attacks and the dash attack of the Scourge Blades, makes this weapon an excellent choice for the Vandal. Dashing into combat with three Choleric (Orange) Resonance buffs will allow the Vandal to tear their foes apart in moments, while Adrenaline Rush keeps them safe from reprisal.


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The Katana remains an excellent melee weapon in the hands of the Vandal, allowing them to deflect bullets. This pairs nicely with their Adrenaline Rush Power by allowing them to become tremendously difficult to hurt at close range.

Pump-Action Shotgun

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Fitting for a close-range fighter, the Pump-Action Shotgun is deadliest up close and features a larger magazine than the double-barrelled shotgun, making it ideal for longer fights where reloading could be too dangerous. Paired with the Vandal's knack for closing the distance on foes and knocking them off-balance, this weapon can quickly dish out a ton of damage.

Nosferatu Saboteur


The Saboteur is the first of two Nosferatu Archetypes currently in the game, using stealth and traps to outmanouever and eliminate their foes with trickery. Their Clan Power "Vanish" allows them to turn invisible and increase their speed dramatically for short periods, while the Archetype Power "Sewer Bomb" lets them set proximity detonated poison traps. All of this, paired with the Passive Skill "Unseen Passage" to render them partially invisible while crouching, makes them experts at hit-and-run tactics and luring foes into deadly traps.

Marksman Rifle

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The Marksman Rifle features a decent ammo clip and excellent accuracy, making it a fantastic mid-long range weapon capable of dealing great damage with headshots. Its above-average ammo clip size for its weapon type makes it a decent emergency weapon at closer ranges too. The Saboteur can sabotage their sniping position with sewer bombs before attacking, then retreat as foes approach to lure them into the bombs and spring the trap.

Sniper Rifle

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The big brother of the Marksman Rifle, the Sniper Rifle has an excellent scope and deals tremendous damage, but the small clip makes it harder to use should enemies draw closer. Using it with the above trapping strategy can work tremendously well, and the increased range makes it easier to get off a few shots before the enemy gets close and forces a retreat. Using Unseen Passage makes it easier to conceal the player's location between shots and while reloading.


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A more unconventional weapon, the Crossbow (not to be confused with the hand crossbows) is a mid-range weapon whose bolts create toxic clouds upon impact. This allows the Saboteur to establish zones of damage around them that will keep dealing damage over time. The clouds created by the crossbow stack with those created by Sewer Bomb, allowing a cunning Saboteur to create a short-lived field of incredible damage over time by shooting their bombs with the crossbow. As bombs can be detonated while still in the air with a well aimed shot, this can even be used to detonate a Sewer Bomb immediately after throwing it, creating huge damage fields on command with a little precision.

Nosferatu Prowler


The Prowler is a hunter and tracker, using their abilities to relentlessly pursue foes and take them down. With the Clan Power "Vanish" to turn invisible and move rapidly for short periods, and the Archetype Power "Scouting Famulus" to reveal foes in an area via their commanded bats, the Prowler can seek and chase foes easily. Meanwhile, their "Sense the Beast" Passive Power allows them to track blood trails left in the air by wounded enemies, making it very difficult to escape them.

Marksman Rifle

Vampire the Masquerade Bloodhunt_Weapons_Marksman Rifle

The Marksman Rifle features a decent ammo clip and excellent accuracy, making it a fantastic mid-long range weapon capable of dealing great damage with headshots. Its above-average ammo clip size for its weapon type makes it a decent emergency weapon at closer ranges too. This can be useful for dealing damage to retreating foes, or for initiating combat when the enemy are a rooftop away. Paired with Scouting Famulus to aid in tracking foes and leading shots, this can be a truly devastating weapon.

Scourge Blades

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An excellent melee weapon, the Scourge Blades are fantastic for chasing down foes and healing via their melee damage. Using them in conjunction with Choleric (Orange) Resonance Buffs can make them truly terrifying.


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This exceptionally powerful rifle fires nine shots with increasing speed and recoil while the trigger is held. This makes it excellent at dealing high burst damage at mid-long range, and even single-firing it can deal immense damage. Being precise with this weapon, while somewhat tricky when burst firing due to the recoil, can deal incredible damage via headshots.

Toreador Siren


The Siren is an excellent all-rounder with access to powers that aid in their survivability and acquisition of blood resonances. The Archetype Power "Blinding Beauty" allows them to blind foes in an area around them, while the Clan Power "Projection/Dash" lets them send out projections of themselves that they can then choose to teleport to. Finally, their Passive Power "Kindred Charm" makes nearby mortals friendly towards them and their team, allowing them to grab a snack and gain essences without a nearby mortal spotting them and causing them to become bloodhunted.

Silenced SMG

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A Fantastic short-midrange weapon, the Silenced SMG can deal out damage quickly and efficiently without too much recoil. It loses a lot of accuracy over long ranges, but, since powers like Blinding Beauty require the Siren to stay near their foes anyway, that shouldn't be a problem.

Dual Pistols

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Despite appearances, the Dual Pistols are fast and deadly, especially at close range, allowing players to deal a ton of damage quickly and, as with the SMG, without much recoil. The Dual Pistols are deadly and effective at most ranges, though they perform best at close-midrange.

Dual Crossbows

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Another dual wield weapon, the Dual Crossbows fire explosive bolts, dealing excellent damage upon a direct hit and still inflicting some harm even if they miss by a small amount. This makes them a solid choice for keeping foes on their toes.

Toreador Muse

Vampire the Masquerade Bloodhunt_Toreador Muse

Equal parts support Archetype and expert on misdirection, the Toreador Muse combines AOE healing with the ability to use powers even when downed to become a very hard foe to put down. With the Clan Power "Projection Dash" they can throw out a projection of themselves which they can teleport to later, while the Archetype Power "Rejuvenating Voice" allows them to heal themselves and any allies around them or their projection. The Passive Power "Final Act" recharges all powers and allows them to use their powers while they are Downed, helping them to escape what would be certain death for other Archetypes.

Silenced SMG

Vampire the Masquerade Bloodhunt_Weapons_Silenced SMG

A Fantastic short-midrange weapon, the Silenced SMG can deal out damage quickly and efficiently without too much recoil. It loses a lot of accuracy over long ranges, but Muses often find themselves close to the action, especially during team fights.

Sniper Rifle

Vampire the Masquerade Bloodhunt_Weapons_Sniper Rifle

The big brother of the Marksman Rifle, the Sniper Rifle has an excellent scope and deals tremendous damage, but the small clip makes it harder to use should enemies draw closer. Since the Muse can throw out projections to send their healing over longer distances, they can retreat and make use of the Sniper Rifle effectively in team fights while still providing healing. Alternatively, using Projection Dash can allow the Muse to obscure their position and rapidly reposition between shots, concealing their location.

Tommy Gun

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Muses who want to stick close to their allies couldn't find a better friend than the Tommy Gun. High drum capacity paired with rapid-fire makes this weapon fantastic for long fights, though it does suffer from accuracy issues over longer distances.

Ventrue Enforcer


The only Ventrue Archetype currently in the game is a specialist in front-line fighting, disrupting their foes' powers while rendering themselves temporarily immune to damage. With the Clan Power "Flesh of Marble" they can become invincible for a brief period, while the Archetype Power "Unyielding Charge" gives them some forward momentum while silencing foes. Their Passive Power "Subjugating Presence" reduces the movement speed of nearby foes while alerting the Enforcer to their presence.

Burst Rifle

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The weapon of choice for the Entity is also an excellent weapon for the enforcer, providing high accuracy and a great firing rate, allowing them to deal damage reliably over a distance. Thanks to Flesh of Marble, the Enforcer can reload without worrying about reprisal, so keeping this gun loaded and firing is pretty straightforward.

Tommy Gun

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With its high capacity and excellent fire rate, the Tommy Gun makes for a fantastic close-midrange weapon that holds up well in protracted fights. As a result, it serves as a suitable alternative to the Burst Rifle if players don't wish to engage the Entity to take ownership of their weapons.

Pump-Action Shotgun

Vampire the Masquerade Bloodhunt_Weapons_Pump Action Shotgun

Fittingly for the Enforcer's focus on close-midrange combat, the Pump-Action Shotgun performs very well in their hands, with a decent magazine size and semi-automatic fire allowing it to deal respectable damage. The reload time is fairly fast and can easily be handled with good use of Flesh of Marble.

All Archetypes

These weapons are solid choices for any archetype due to their power and/or versatility.

Assault Rifle

Vampire the Masquerade Bloodhunt_Weapons_Assault Rifle

Easily one of the best weapons in the game, the Assault Rifle is a versatile weapon with good accuracy, fire rate, and magazine size, allowing it to be used at any range effectively. This makes it an excellent weapon for any build. That said, it pairs especially well with the Enforcer, Muse, Prowler, and Vandal.


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Another exceptionally powerful weapon, finding a minigun in a match is tremendously unlikely, but it makes up for the difficulty in locating it with incredible fire rate and damage output. This makes it a must for any build that happens across one, and it's especially dangerous in the hands of the Brute, Vandal, or Enforcer.


Vampire the Masquerade Bloodhunt_Weapons_Toggler

The Toggleable Machine Gun or "Toggler" is a versatile weapon capable of switching between two different firing modes. The first fires accurately at a fairly slow rate, while the second trades accuracy for a much faster firing rate. This makes it useful in a wide-variety of possible situations, and an excellent weapon for any archetype. It is especially useful to the Saboteur, Prowler, Enforcer, and Brute.

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt is available now for PS5 and PC.

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