Not all weapons were created equal in Vampire Survivors. The developers knew this, which is why it's rarer for some weapons to be given as a choice upon gaining a new level. This information shouldn't be anything new for long-time players of this game. Weapons and accessories are given a rarity value, a numerical designation between 1 - 100. A lower number indicates the item will be offered less frequently.

This is why players always seem to get the Whip, Axe, and Knife as choices, rather than weapons like the Cherry Bomb and Song of Mana. A rarity of 1 for equates to a roughly 0.4% chance of getting the item; a rarity of 100 equates to about a 3.5% chance. This rarity rating applies to both weapons and accessories. Which among them are the rarest for players to find?


10 Gatti Amari

Selecting the Gatti Amari in Vampire Survivors
  • Rarity: 50

The Gatti Amari is the starting weapon of Giovanna. It starts out incredibly weak, but by the time it reaches level 8, it is capable of filling significant portions of the screen with cat fights. These cat fights are of the cartoon variety — all that can be seen is a cloud of smoke with continuous slash marks flashing inside it.

There are several other weapons with a rarity of 50; the Song of Mana, Peachone, Shadow Pinion are just a few examples. A rarity rating of 50 gives players a 1.8% chance of getting the item as a choice.

9 Bone

Selecting the Bone in Vampire Survivors
  • Rarity: 1

This is an excellent all-around weapon. The Bone bounces off enemies, walls, and the edge of the screen. When enemies are closing in from all sides, this weapon really begins to show its worth. The Bone is also great in that it doesn't evolve and scales with all stat changes; this gives the player more flexibility when picking accessories.

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Mortaccio starts with the Bone, and it's phenomenally rare for another character to be able to use this weapon. There is only a .4% chance of getting this weapon, so players wanting to use this pretty much need to select Mortaccio as their character.

8 Carrello

Selecting the Carrello in Vampire Survivors
  • Rarity: 1

This odd weapon sends a speeding mine cart toward the enemy. These carts bounce off walls and the edge of the screen. The number of times this weapon can bounce can be increased with the Duplicator accessory. If a character's movement speed is high enough, they can walk behind these carts indefinitely — so long as it doesn't bounce off of something.

The Carrello is the starting weapon for one of the newer characters in Vampire Survivors, Ramba. Unlike most of the other weapons on this list, players might want to skip the Carrello if it's offered as a choice. It's just not a good weapon, unless the player wants to tailor the character's build to exploit the bouncing mechanic.

7 Celestial Dusting

Selecting the Celestial Dusting in Vampire Survivors
  • Rarity: 1

At first glance, this weapon seems kind of useless. The Celestial Dusting sends a stream of flowers in the opposite direction the character is moving. The faster the character's movement speed, the faster these flowers are sent flying. The petals of these flowers explode when they come to a stop, sending damaging petals out in an X pattern.

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It is incredibly unlikely that a player will ever get this weapon as an option due to it only having a 0.4% chance of appearing. This is a shame. It would be interesting to see how this weapon could be exploited by characters like Concetta, who increases weapon area 1% per level with no limit.

6 Cherry Bomb

Selecting the Cherry Bomb in Vampire Survivors
  • Rarity: 1

Some people have been playing Vampire Survivors since its initial release, and have yet to be given the Cherry Bomb as an option when going up a level. The Cherry Bomb, Bone, Celestial Dusting, and Carrello all have the same chance of appearing, yet it feels like the Cherry Bomb is rarer than the other weapons with a rarity of 1.

Cavallo starts with the Cherry Bomb, and this is probably why he is such a popular character. The Cherry Bomb bounces off enemies, objects, walls, and the edge of the screen. These bombs can explode; with the Candelabrador accessory, these explosions can cover a large portion of the screen.


5 Empty Tome

Selecting the Empty Tome in Vampire Survivors
  • Rarity: 50

The Empty Tome is one of the best accessories in Vampire Survivors. There is a simple reason for this: it works with every weapon. This accessory shortens the cooldown times of the character's weapons. Some weapons are not improved by increases in certain stats. For example, the Lightning Ring is not affected to changes in duration since the weapons effects are instantaneous.

The Magic Wand also evolves into the Holy Wand if the character has the Empty Tome when getting a treasure chest. Even if the player doesn't have the Magic Wand, and doesn't plan on getting this weapon, the Empty Tome is still an accessory the player should get if given the opportunity.

4 Wings

Selecting the Wings in Vampire Survivors
  • Rarity: 50

This is a weird accessory to be rare. The Wings boost the character's movement speed by 10% per level, to a maximum of +50%. Most players prefer accessories that boost the performance of their character's weapons, or make them harder to kill. Moving too slowly is just not a problem for most characters.

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The Wings is used to evolve the newest weapon introduced into the game, the Shadow Pinion, into the Valkyrie Turner. This accessory is also good to get if the player has the La Borra weapon, because the movement of the circular zones created by this weapon scales with movement speed.

3 Duplicator

Selecting the Duplicator in Vampire Survivors
  • Rarity: 50

There are very few builds that aren't improved by the Duplicator accessory. This useful item adds up to two projectiles to every weapon, for weapons that scale with changes to Amount (which is most of them). The Duplicator can make a so-so build noticeably better. Itcan also make a difficult run much more manageable.

Mortaccio, Cavallo, O'Sole, and Ramba can increase their projectile amount to as much as +6 if the Amount power-up is purchased and the Duplicator is acquired while playing. Six extra projectiles make some of the less useful weapons, like the Knife, worth picking up.

2 Skull O'Maniac

Selecting the Skull O'Maniac in Vampire Survivors
  • Rarity: 40

The Skull O'Maniac, along with the next accessory on this list, has the distinction of being the rarest in Vampire Survivors. This accessory gives the character the Curse status, which is not a good thing. The Curse status causes enemies to appear more frequently and in larger numbers, move faster, and have more health.

There are only two reasons for a player to get this accessory. The first is if they wish to evolve the Song of Mana weapon into the Mannajja. The second is if they wish to give themselves a challenge. A good trick for players getting this accessory to evolve the Song of Mana is to select the Skull O'Maniac, then use the Banish ability on it when it's given as a choice again. This will limit the Curse to the minimum.

1 Tiragisu

Selecting the Tiragisu in Vampire Survivors
  • Rarity: 40

It's always a nice surprise when the Tiragisu appears in the list when gaining a new level. This accessory gives the character two Revives at max level. This basically grants two extra lives. Considering how difficult Vampire Survivors can be, having two free attempts really increases the chances of lasting thirty minutes.

This accessory is required to merge the Phiera Der Tuphello and Sparrow the Eight into the Phieraggi. It is easily one of the best accessories in the game, and a player should think carefully when it's made available — it may not be given as an option again in that run. A rarity of 40 gives the item a 1.46% chance of appearing.

Vampire Survivors was released on Dec. 17th, 2021, for the PC and macOS.

Source: Vampire Survivors Wiki

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