Arcanas are an interesting addition to Vampire Survivors. These cards add a new layer of complexity to the game and allow for some incredibly powerful builds. In total, there are 22 arcanas in the game. Each one needs to be unlocked separately. This takes some time, as many are unlocked by surviving on a certain stage for 30 minutes; some require getting a character to a certain level.

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Before a player can begin unlocking the individual arcanas, they first need to unlock the ability to use arcanas. This is done by collecting the relic known as the Randomazzo. This guide will help players unlock the use of arcanas, as well as a few beginner tips for their use.

Getting The Randomazzo

Getting the Randomazzo in Gallo Tower in Vampire Survivors

The Randomazzo relic is located in the Gallo Towerstage. This stage also needs to be unlocked. Getting the character to level 60 in the Dairy Plant unlocks the Gallo Tower. The Dairy Plant is unlocked after reaching level 40 in the Inlaid Library; the Inlaid Library unlocks after getting a character to level 20 in the Mad Forest.

After unlocking Gallo Tower, the player needs to go there and begin heading up when the run starts. The Randomazzo is far to the north, so the player shouldn't delay. The player will also need to be strong enough to defeat the relic's guardians, so players also need to stop and occasionally go up a few levels.

Finding the relic is made a little easier due to the green arrow that appears onscreen and directs the player to its location. Once the Ramdomazzo is collected, the player can exit the stage if they wish. This not only unlocks arcanas, but it also gives the player their first arcana - Sarabande of Healing. This arcana doubles all healing and damages the enemy when the player heals.

Using Arcanas

The Gemini Arcana in Vampire Survivors

Toggling arcanas on and off is done from the stage selection screen. When turned on, the player gets to pick one arcana at the start of a stage. This selection is from all unlocked arcanas. At minute 11, and minute 21, the player is given another arcana, but this time, the player picks one from a random selection of four. Rerolls can be used to get four new arcanas from which to choose if the first four don't include the desired arcana. A fourth arcana can be purchased from the merchant for 20,000 gold.

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Tips For Using Arcanas

Gold Fever with Big Trouser_Unlocking Arcanas in Vampire Survivors

Arcanas work best when the player has a plan, rather than picking them blindly or without regard to the weapons and passive items they've collected. When an arcana build is planned well, it can make Vampire Survivors too easy.

As a rule of thumb, the Mad Grooze arcana is a great one to pick at the start of the run. This will bring all of the stage items and uncollected experience gems to the player every two minutes. This saves the player from having to run across the stage for twenty minutes collecting the stage items. When the player is making a gold run, the Disco of Gold arcana works well with Big Trouser; this build is even better with the Stone Mask, Clover, and Greatest Jubilee.

The physical weapons, like the Axe and Knife, are made much deadlier with the Slash arcana; this doubles critical hit damage.

Vampire Survivors is available now on PC and macOS.

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