Vampire Survivors third DLC, Emergency Meeting, is a crossover with Among Us. The quest to locate the Vampire has reached the stars above, but Survivors take heed, there might be an Imposter Among Us.

The Emergency Meeting DLC for Vampire Survivors adds 15 new weapons (9 Evolutions), 9 Playable Characters, 8 New Passive Items (Which are needed to achieve some of those evolutions), 6 new music tracks, a new stage, and a new adventure mode to help introduce the new content. The new stage, Polus Replica, is crucial to unlocking some of the new characters and items and can be navigated more easily with the help of a new Relic.

Vampire Survivors: Adventure Mode Explained (& How to Unlock Adventure Mode)

With the addition of Adventure Mode to Vampire Survivors, players have a whole new set of challenges to complete and stages to unlock.

Relics & Hyper Mode

There is only one Relic to find in the Emergency Meeting DLC, that being the Polus Replica Map, which provides a detailed map of the Stage to aid in navigation. Players can find it pretty easily by heading for the middle of the map.

To unlock Hyper Mode in the Emergency Meeting DLC, players will need to defeat the boss of the map: Suspicious Eyes. This monster will appear at the 25-minute mark and has tentacles that must be destroyed. Killing it shouldn't be too hard for players that have managed to make it to the 25-minute mark in the first place, admittedly.

Characters & Weapons

There are nine new playable characters in the Emergency Meeting DLC. Each uses one of the new weapons and opens up new gameplay options.

Crewmate Dino (& Report!)

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The first unlockable character in Emergency Meeting, Crewmate Dino can be unlocked by opening a coffin in the middle of the new stage. Crewmate gains stat bonuses whenever any player's weapon reaches its maximum level. Naturally, this synergizes well with weapons like the Bracelet and the Peachone/Ebony Wings/Vandalier, since these weapons can be leveled up, evolved, and then leveled up again to gain additional bonuses for Dino.

Crewmate's Starting Weapon is the Report!, which fires waves to the left/right (depending on the direction Dino is facing) that can knock enemies back while also dealing damage. While this weapon is initially a bit underwhelming, it becomes tremendously powerful after leveling up enough and can eventually be evolved into the Emergency Meeting if you also have a max-level Mini Crewmate. This evolved weapon can fire waves in any direction and periodically destroys all enemies of a certain type (selected at random) on the battlefield.

Surviving 15 Minutes with Crewmate will unlock the Report! for other characters.

Imposter Rina (& Sharp Tongue)

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Imposter Rina can be unlocked by evolving the Report! into the Emergency Meeting (which requires players to also have a max-level Mini Crewmate.) Imposter Rina becomes stronger and gains temporary invincibility after killing a large number of enemies (or a single ally.)

Imposter's Starting Weapon is the Sharp Tongue, which stabs out at enemies and deals damage in a line originating from the character. Leveling up the weapon increases the number of tongues that can stab out at once and the damage they deal, along with increasing their area to facilitate better AOE damage. With a max-level Mini Imposter players can evolve the Sharp Tongue into the Impostongue, The Impostongue lashes out at the strongest enemy on screen periodically, dealing damage to it and all enemies in a line between that enemy and the player character.

Surviving 15 minutes as the Imposter will unlock the Sharp Tongue for other characters.

Megalo Imposter Rina

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Megalo Imposter Rina is a seemingly weaponless version of Imposter Rina with much higher starting stats. Despite not displaying a Starting Weapon, Megalo Imposter Rina begins play with an invisible Sharp Tongue that does not take up a weapon slot. To unlock Megalo Imposter Rina you'll need to defeat 100,000 enemies in a single run playing as Imposter Rina, which becomes easier when using Limit Break and Endless Mode to massively increase their power, and when using levels of Curse to increase enemy quantity.

Engineer Gino (& Lucky Swipe)

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Engineer Gino can be unlocked by Evolving the Sharp Tongue into the Impostongue, which is most easily managed by starting as Imposter Rina and grabbing the Mini Imposter on the Polus Replica Stage, then leveling up both of them to their maximum levels. Engineer Gino can select an extra Passive Item at levels 2, 12, and 22, allowing them to amass extra items beyond the usual limit with good planning.

The Lucky Swipe weapon causes an ID Card to periodically swipe across the screen near the player's position, damaging all enemies in its path. It swipes a number of times determined by the Amount stat. After maxing out both the Lucky Swipe and a Mini Engineer, the Lucky Swipe can evolve into Crossed Wires, which strikes in four directions instead of just swiping from left to right. The Crossed Wires drags wires across the entire screen before electrifying them, causing them to deal constant damage to anything touching them while they remain. This makes them slower than the Lucky Swipe but greatly improves their area of effect.

Surviving 15 Minutes as Engineer Gino will unlock the Lucky Swipe for other characters.

Scientist Mina (& Science Rocks)

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Scientist Mina is unlocked by evolving the Lucky Swipe into Crossed Wires using the Mini Engineer. Scientist Mina loses 10% Luck every 10 levels (capping at -90% Luck) but picks a per-level bonus every 10 Levels. This allows Mina to quickly snowball in strength when played well.

Scientist Mina's Starting Weapon, the Science Rocks, throws out rocks periodically that deal some damage where they land. You can walk over these rocks to collect them and trigger a larger damaging explosion. This makes them excellent for strategically clearing large groups of enemies, though it can make early waves tricky due to the random nature of the rock's positioning. With the Mini Scientist, the Science Rocks can be evolved into Rocket Science. Instead of throwing out rocks, this creates eight blue tiles around the player periodically, which cause damage explosions when stepped on. Some of these tiles will be numbered, and stepping on numbered tiles in ascending order will trigger a deadly finishing move by firing flames from the top of the screen.

Reaching level 50 as Scientist Mina will unlock the Science Rocks for all characters.

Shapeshifter Nino (& Just Vent)

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Shapeshifter Nino is unlocked by evolving the Science Rocks into Rocket Science using the Mini Scientist. Shapeshifter Nino periodically changes forms but will revert and drop excess body parts when damaged. These body parts can be collected as healing items, helping Nino to recover if they take damage.

Shapeshifter Nino's Starting Weapon, Just Vent, creates vents on the ground that a set number of enemies and light sources can be swallowed by, leaving behind their EXP gems and other item drops. While very underwhelming in this initial form, Just Vent evolves into Unjust Ejection with help from the Mini Shapeshifter. The Unjust Ejection opens an airlock on the left or right side of the screen (whichever is opposite to the direction the character was last moving in) and pulls enemies into it. This deals a ton of damage to enemies that get pulled in.

Surviving for 15 Minutes as Shapeshifter Nino will unlock Just Vent for all characters.

Ghost Lino (& Lifesign Scan)

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Ghost Lino and the Lifesign Scan can both be unlocked in the same run. You will need to go to Polus Replica Stage and pick up the Lifesign Scan weapon from the medical room on the right side of the stage (or use the Mad Groove Arcana to bring it to you instead.) After doing this, players will need to level up the Lifesign Scan to 7 to unlock it for other characters. The next job is getting it to level 8 and maxing out the Mini Ghost, allowing the Lifesign Scan to evolve into the Paranormal Scan and unlocking Ghost Lino in the process.

Ghost Lino begins with the Lifesign Scan, a weapon that restores HP based on both Recovery and Amount. After evolving it into the Paranormal Scan it will also periodically boost a random stat for the rest of the run, making it an excellent early evolve for building up a lot of power.

As for Ghost Lino themselves, they're a ghost and therefore unable to take or deal damage, fading away once the time limit for a stage is reached. They can also walk right through walls. Finding a way to actually kill an enemy with them is crucial to unlocking one last character, however.

Guardian Pina (& Clear Debris)

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Guardian Pina is unlocked by killing one enemy as Ghost Lino, which requires a smidge of trickery. While there are several ways to go about this, the easiest way is by taking Guardian Pina to Cappella Magna and picking up one of the Rosaries. This will instantly kill all enemies on screen and meet the requirements for this unlock.

Guardian Pina has Ghost Lino's ability to walk through walls but is fully combat-capable. They also increase the Armor and Recovery of nearby allies and have a chance to gain +1 Revive whenever someone revives. Their weapon, Clear Debris, causes vertical pillars of debris to appear periodically and deal damage to any enemies caught in them. The individual pieces of debris can pierce through multiple enemies before disappearing, but this weapon is very slow by default. With help from a maxed out Mini Guardian, Clear Debris can evolve into Clear Asteroids, which periodically spawns asteroids that behave similarly to the debris but can move in any direction instead of being restricted to a column.

Reaching level 50 with Guardian Pina will unlock Clear Debris for all characters.


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Finally, players can unlock Horse by killing 6,000 suspicious-looking enemies. These appear all over Polus Replica, so it's likely players will have already unlocked Horse while trying to get characters like Megalo Imposter Rina. Horse gains more projectiles every 20 levels, capping at +4, and begins with the Hats weapon. The Hats weapon scatters a variety of hats around the character periodically, each of which has different random properties. Unlocking Horse also unlocks the Hats weapon automatically.