Vampire Survivors' Legacy of the Moonspell DLC adds a variety of new weapons to the game, many of which can be evolved into more powerful forms. While players that have purchased Legacy of the Moonspell are likely to be quite familiar with the evolution process, they may be unclear about the specific combinations that will cause the DLC weapons to transform. This guide is here to shine light on this matter and help fans evolve all the weapons in Vampire Survivors' Legacy of the Moonspell DLC.

Vampire Survivors: Legacy of the Moonspell DLC Evolutions

Before getting into specifics about Vampire Survivors' Legacy of the Moonspell DLC weapons, a general overview of how weapons are evolved may be pertinent. Quite simply, players that are trying to transform a weapon must get it to max level and then fulfill its evolution requirement, which is specified below. When those two things have been done, players should open a chest after the 10-minute mark to perform the evolution.

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Silver Wind

Players will unlock the Silver Wind upon surviving for 15 minutes with Miang Moonspell, a DLC character that is earned by opening the coffin in Mt. Moonspell. To evolve it into the Festive Wind, fans must get a Pummarola to max level.

Four Seasons

Players that evolve the Silver Wind will gain access to Menya Moonspell and her starting weapon: the Four Seasons. Fans can then evolve the weapon into Godai Shuffle by getting both a Candelabrador and a Spinach to max level.

Summon Night

The Summon Night is the starting weapon of Syuuto Moonspell, a DLC character in Vampire Survivors that is unlocked by evolving the Four Seasons. After surviving for 15 minutes with Syuuto, and unlocking the weapon, players can evolve it into the Echo Night by getting a Duplicator to max level.

vampire survivors dlc evolutions

Mirage Robe

Evolving the Summon Night will give players access to Babi-Onna, and they will unlock her starting weapon, the Mirage Robe, after surviving with her for 15 minutes. When that is done, fans can evolve the Mirage Robe into the J'Odore with a max level Attractorb.

Night Sword

Players can unlock the Night Sword by finding the weapon on the Mt. Moonspell stage, and the map in Vampire Survivors will lead them directly to it. With the weapon in hand, players can evolve it into Muramasa by getting a Stone Mask to max level.

Mille Bolle Blu

After defeating 6,000 Kappas in Vampire Survivors, players will unlock Gav'Et-Oni and the Mille Bolle Blu. Fans can then evolve that weapon into Boo Roo Boolle with the help of a max level Spellbinder.

Vampire Survivors is available on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and mobile devices.

MORE: Vampire Survivors: How To Unlock Scorej-Oni