On top of the massive arsenal of weapons players have available to them in Vampire Survivors, they also have a large selection of passive items to boost their build even further. These items have a variety of effects, whether that's increasing damage, improving survivability, or just offering quality-of-life boosts. When paired with some of the best weapons in the game, these items can make a player almost invincible.

Vampire Survivors can be quite a complicated game to get into, and players might struggle trying to decide which items to add to their build. To get them started, players can find a list of the best passive items in Vampire Survivors here.

8 Crown

Vampire Survivors Crown Passive

The Crown is a fantastic passive item in Vampire Survivors, as it allows the player to level up much faster. The Crown increases XP gain by 8% at every level, reaching 40% at its highest level.

This is a great item to pick up early on. It allows the player to rapidly move through some of the earlier levels, and set their build up much quicker than usual. By having a strong build early on, players will dramatically reduce their chances of being killed.

7 Torrona's Box

Vampire Survivors Torronas Box Passive

Torrona's Box is an item that should be approached with caution, especially by less experienced players. For the first 8 levels, this item will increase the player's Might, AoE, Duration, and Projectile Speed, increasing up to 25%. However, once Torrona's Box is increased to level 9, it will massively increase the number of enemies the player will face, and provides enemies with a significant boost, too.

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Depending on how confident the player is, this can actually be a good thing. As long as the player has a strong build, extra enemies mean more gems, which means faster levels. Alternatively, if players have the Banish ability unlocked, they can banish Torrona's Box at level 8, meaning they don't have to worry about their enemies receiving a buff.

6 Clover

Vampire Survivors Clover Passive

Clover is one of the more unpredictable items in Vampire Survivors. It's difficult to actually see the effects of this item, but it can really help boost the player's chances of survival. The Clover simply increases the player's luck, which affects their chances of getting multiple items from a chest, or hitting certain crit attacks.

This item is particularly good when used along with the Pentagram, as it reduces the chances that the weapon will destroy all the on-screen items. However, players will want to make sure they already have a strong build before picking up this item, which is why it ranks a little lower than some of the others on this list.

5 Candelabrador

Vampire Survivors Candelabrador Passive

The Candelabrador is one of the more situational passive items in Vampire Survivors, but in the right build, it can be invaluable. The Candelabrador increases the area of weapon attacks by up to 50%. This item works incredibly well on weapons that already affect a large area, such as the Lightning Ring. The bigger these areas are, the more damage they will do.

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Unfortunately, the Candelabrador does have some odd interactions with certain weapons. For example, it makes the King Bible circle the player more widely, instead of increasing the size of the books. Players who want to keep their area of protection tighter should stay away from this item.

4 Empty Tome

Vampire Survivors Empty Tome Passive

The Empty Tome passive item in Vampire Survivors reduces weapon cooldowns, ranking up to 40%. This simply reduces the time between weapons being fired, massively increasing the player's damage output.

Players will find this is especially helpful on weapons that have quite a slow firing rate. The Empty Tome also works nicely with the Laurel, reducing the time it takes to recharge. This passive item works with a lot of the weapons in Vampire Survivors, meaning it's rarely bad to pick up.

3 Attractorb

Vampire Survivors Attractorb Passive

Attractorb is one of those passive items that doesn't sound too good on paper, but once the player tries it, they'll feel lost without it. The Attractorb provides players with an amazing quality-of-life ability: it increases the pickup range for items. This includes gems and power-ups.

Once the item is fully leveled up, players will find they don't even need to move around to collect gems. They can simply stand in one spot and gather gems passively, allowing them to level up with very little risk.

2 Spinach

Vampire Survivors Spinach Passive

Spinach is easily one of the best passive items in Vampire Survivors. It has universal use, and will fit into any build. The Spinach will boost damage by 10% for every rank, going up to 50%. This passive item is almost a mandatory pick, and provides players with the extra damage boost they'll need in the later levels of their run.

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Spinach is incredibly simple to use, and doesn't require much thought or planning. It's unlikely that Spinach will ever be a bad pick, and provides plenty of value for its slot.

1 Duplicator

Vampire Survivors Duplicator Passive

The Duplicator is arguably the best passive item in Vampire Survivors. This item will increase the amount of projectiles that are fired, up to an additional 2 projectiles per weapon. It is slightly rarer than some of the other passive items, but it's worth tracking down.

Players will find they get the most value from this item on weapons that already have a low projectile count, such as the Axe. An extra two projectiles can increase its damage output massively. This is true for all other projectile weapons too: extra damage will get players through the later rounds in their run, and makes the Duplicator an incredible choice.

Vampire Survivors is out now for Android, iOS, PC, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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