Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 was teased and announced through Paradox Interactive’s dating appTender. Today the first faction for the game, The Pioneers, has been revealed.

Historically in the pen and paper lore, and the PC game Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, it was clans who ruled the streets. The origin of a new vampire’s sire was responsible for what clan that vampire was now a part of. The source of the player’s allegiance is changing in Bloodlines 2 with the announcement of factions, a united group of vampires from any and all clans.

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The player will have the chance to choose which of five distinctly different factions to become a member. If the plot and gameplay are anything like the first game, this choice could provide some of the great replayability gamers enjoyed from Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, especially considering how long it will take to complete Bloodlines 2.

In the core conflict the five factions vie for control of Seattle. As the first to settle and rule Seattle, The Pioneers have a lot at stake. They helped build and have ruled the city under the leadership of the longest reigning prince, Lou Grand. And it’s a beautiful city. Even in just the pre-alpha build Bloodlines 2 gameplay demo, Seattle at night has a glittering charm that’s impossible to not get drawn into. Having been among the first here, they are nostalgic for what the city once was, and have dreams of what it could be again.

vampire the masquerade bloodlines 2 npc

Over the last 20 years in the game the Pioneers have lost much and their grip on the city has weakened. The other factions are attempting to wrest away the last of bit of control The Pioneers have left. This has left the faction turning to one another for support, making them very tight-knit and wary of any new vampires looking to join. The player will likely have to jump several hoops to win them over. They still have a lot of influence and wealth, however, and they will no doubt look for ways to exploit that fact throughout the course of the game which may make all of the hoop jumping worth it.

Despite the precursor's relative failure of a release back in 2004, it gained a cult following in the years since. A lot of gamers today consider Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines one of the best games in its genre. That’s no small praise considering its current-day contenders like Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

There was no small amount of excitement when Bloodlines 2 was announced at this years E3. Still, Paradox Interactive will have its work cut out for it, despite their sense of humor when announcing new games.

Keep checking back for more info as the four other factions are revealed.

Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines 2 will release in March 2020.

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Source: VG247