In the dark world of Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt, Kindred struggle to survive in an all-out battle royale, fighting not only fellow vampires from other Sects but also the mysterious Second Inquisition - humans not only aware of the existence of vampires but also properly equipped to deal with them.

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With seven Archetypes across the most prominent vampire clans currently available for players, fans and newcomers to Vampire: The Masquerade can indulge in Bloodhunt as an introduction to the larger Masquerade TTRPG. However, there are certain vampire Clans in the roleplaying game that could definitely work as Archetypes in the battle royale.

10 Gangrel: The Outlander


Among the Clans present in Bloodhunt, it’s perhaps the nomadic Gangrel that are best equipped to survive the horrific nights after the Second Convention of Prague. While their origins remain a mystery, their feral and animalistic leanings lead to many associations not just with werewolves but other enigmatic entities such as the fabled Ennoia, the daughter of Lilith herself. Often nicknamed the Outlander, a Gangrel can be the perfect addition to the Camarilla’s hunters in Bloodhunt.

Of their Clan’s Disciplines, it’s perhaps Fortitude that gives them the best defense in combat as this uses blood to strengthen their body - making them dangerous in packs or groups. Thanks to Animalism, the Gangrel can employ similar animal-based moves such as the Nosferatu, this time perhaps controlling rats and other strays to spy for them. Lastly, their Protean gives them some control over their bodies, allowing them to mend their flesh for healing or creating animalistic defenses and protrusions, enhancing their performance in melee.

9 Malkavian: The Lunatic


Often misunderstood and represented among the Clans, the Malkavian are known for their rather unique outlook of the world, as evidenced by their apparent fractured perspectives, hence the nickname Lunatics. Equipped with heightened senses, the Malkavian can perhaps use Auspex to a more potent degree to add more things seen through Sense the Unseen such as enemy hitpoints. Their specialization in Obfuscate can allow them to blend with the shadows, enhancing their capabilities of taking enemies by surprise.

Perhaps the Discipline with the most potential is Dementation, where Malkavians use their skill in dominating one’s mind to actually “inject” madness into their victims. In the game, Malkavians can use this to “shut down” the sensory abilities of others, perhaps disrupting Sense the Unseen or even causing graphic glitches for a limited time. Through the mysterious Madness Network, Malkavians can “tap” into the minds of people around them to perhaps mark relevant things on the map even further.

8 Tremere: The Wizard


Of all Clans, it’s the Tremere that perhaps has the most bizarre origin. The original Tremere was a Mage who wanted to unlock the secrets to immortality and have diablerized Saulot, the Salubri progenitor, to acquire massive power. Known popularly as Wizards or the Usurpers, they’re generally mistrusted among Kindred due to their strict hierarchy and mastery over magic.

However, it’s this magical nature that can make them such deadly hunters in Bloodhunt. For instance, their enhanced senses can make their Auspex capable of marking relevant targets on the map. Likewise, their Dominate can help them feed on people faster or even stun enemies. Lastly, Blood Sorcery can conjure a wide variety of combative effects - such as blood shields, blood projectiles, and even causing blood explosions.

7 Lasombra: The Shadow


Perhaps the representative Clan of Sabbat leadership, the Lasombra are known especially for their tendency to do whatever it took to achieve their goals. In V5 lore, Second Inquisition attacks in the Sabbat Sect have encouraged various Lasombra to defect to the Camarilla, and the Bloodhunt game is a great way for them to prove their worth.

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Similar to the Ventrue, the Lasombra can use the blood to enhance their physical strength through Potence, and even exert their will upon the minds of others with Dominate. This can allow them to punch their way through enemies and stun them in their tracks. What’s more notable for the Lasombra is their Obtenebration, however, which allows them to control shadows to a horrifying extent, earning them their Shadow nickname. Through this Discipline, Lasombra can use shadows for teleportation, generate tendrils, and even unleash projectile attacks.

6 Tzimisce: The Fiend


Another Clan traditionally within the Sabbat, the mysterious Tzimisce and their fondness for arcane lore and scholarly studies earned them a reputation of being “priests” among the Sabbat, but some Tzimisce defected to the Anarchs and Camarilla as a statement against their more traditional elders. And true to their mystery, Tzimisce have a reputation for playing with their own flesh - and even the flesh of others - for their benefit, curiosity, and desire for the next stage of evolution.

Similar to the Gangrel, these Fiends can tap into Animalism to take control of animals and use them as spies in combat. Through Protean, a Tzimisce can not only heal their wounds but even create horrifying protrusions such as claws and talons to enhance their potency in combat. And with Dominate, the Tzimisce can have a foe in their grasp and stop them from ever escaping through sheer mental domination.

5 Ravnos: The Daredevil


Known as tricksters, Ravnos have the reputation and the infamy of being Daredevils and “unliving” dangerously, often getting unnecessary attention among themselves. And while the awakening of the Ravnos Antediluvian Zapathasura almost had all Ravnos frenzied to the Final Death, the remnants of the Ravnos remain as brave as ever. Their nature as daredevils can be the can-do attitude a vampire needs to outlast others in Bloodhunt.

As natural charmers, Ravnos can tap into the Discipline of Presence to feed easier and even charm others into making it hard to attack them in Bloodhunt. Likewise, their control over animals through Animalism can help them use other strays to find them items or even unveil enemies. Lastly, their talents with Obfuscate can not only turn them invisible but even cause mirages or illusions to confuse enemies.

4 Banu Haqim: The Warrior

Banu Haqim

Descendants of Haqim, the Banu Haqim have a rich history within the World of Darkness, first beginning as a proud Clan of warriors dedicated to protecting the First City. Unfortunately, their fights with other Clans and even the Tremere have had curses inflicted upon them, such as an insatiable thirst for vampire blood and the pain - instead of pleasure - associated with diablerizing them.

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One could say the other Clans fought with the Banu Haqim out of fear, and such was the case. The Banu Haqim is also an organization, complete with Warrior, Sorcerer, and Vizier Castes that specialize in certain tasks. This is why Banu Haqim Warriors are often employed as assassins, which can be a possible reason for their existence in Bloodhunt. Through Celerity, a Banu Haqim can have bursts of speed to chase enemies, whereas Obfuscate can render them invisible. Perhaps deadliest is their Quietus, or their unique blood magic, that can render areas around them silent, create poisons, or even acidic spits.

3 The Ministry: The Serpent


Formerly the Followers of Set, the Ministry is a Clan of vampires that believe Set is not just their founder, but a literal god - with “godhood” being a phase all Ministry members must aspire to. While receiving a reputation for being tricksters and corruptors, Ministry members today have flocked to other Sects for recognition.

In terms of innate vampiric talents, the Ministry can become much stealthier thanks to Obfuscate but also project themselves unto others through Presence - further intensifying their nature as both backstabbers and diplomats. Likewise, their unique Serpentis Discipline gives the Ministry unique shapeshifting abilities associated with Serpents, allowing them to change skin or even hide in the ground for safety.

2 Hecata: The Necromancer


As a vampire, humans are simply food - but for the Necromancer within the Hecata, dead humans and spirits can offer vast opportunities for knowledge and spiritual guidance. A new Clan composed of multiple bloodlines, the Hecata within Bloodhunt can prove their dominance despite their fledgling status by proving their prowess with the dead is a skill the Camarilla should be scared of.

And such is the case should the Hecata be translated into Bloodhunt. While their Auspex can give them new map-marking talents and Fortitude enhance their defense, it’s Oblivion that is their most terrifying Discipline. In the TTRPG, this allows them to not just communicate but even control the dead. In Bloodhunt, Oblivion can help the Hecata gain more benefits by feeding or diablerizing, or even making use of recently-fed humans.

1 Salubri: The Unicorn


When Tremere diablerized Saulot, the great and pacifist Salubri became more of a bloodline than a Clan. However, those aware of the Salubri are also aware of their innate talents, particularly with the presence of their third eye and remarkable control over the Beast. This makes them rare exceptions among Kindred, as their unlives often shape them to be more selfless than anything else.

In Bloodhunt, the Salubri can use their third eye’s enhanced senses to mark important elements in the map via Auspex. Likewise, they can use Fortitude to enhance their defenses against foes. Most uniquely, Obeah allows the Salubri to tap into their blood and enhance its regenerative properties, allowing them to heal others - something that can make them an extremely effective support Archetype.

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt is currently available on PC and PS5.

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