Vampires in Vampire: The Masquerade live inside the World of Darkness, a dark world with conspiracies and various secrets. Moreover, Kindred share this TTRPG universe with Werewolves, Mages, Hunters, and other supernatural creatures. Unfortunately, Vampires need to worry about the threats of both these supernatural creatures and their own fractured Kindred society. After all, all Masquerade media (including game adaptations such as Bloodlines 2) separate Vampires within Clans, each with their own history and special gifts called Disciplines.

RELATED: Vampire The Masquerade Bloodhunt: Clans That Should Be Archetypes In The Game

Interestingly, TTRPG fans planning to play a Masquerade game need to choose their Clan choice carefully. After all, their Clan decides the kind of "upbringing" their Vampire would have as soon as they enter Kindred society. Thankfully, some newcomers might want to stick with some Clans known to acquaint new Kindred easily among their ranks. Likewise, they might want to stay clear from some Clans with rather complex narratives.

Updated on September 16, 2023 by Rhenn Taguiam: While the teaser trailer of The Chinese Room’s new take on Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 has yet to reveal specifics on Seattle’s condition in the modern nights, it’s at least hinted that players take the form of a more powerful Vampire Elder instead of a freshly-sired Kindred. However, while the trailer’s showcase of Disciplines teases fast-paced gameplay, there are not a lot of hints as to which Clans players have access to in the Bloodlines sequel. For those playing the TTRPG, there are quite a lot of Clans that may pique their interest, especially with both their powersets and histories. Included among must-try Clans for newcomers are traveling illusionists, wisened warrior scholars, reformed followers of Set, and beings committed to ridding the self of the Beast.

14 Malkavian

Malkavian - Vampire the Masquerade Best Worst Clans For Beginners

Despite eons' worth of conflict, Vampires across all Sects agree with one thing: the Malkavian are unpredictable. Among all the Cainites, the Malkavian have become the unfortunate receivers of Caine's curse of derangement. Despite these circumstances, Malkavian come gifted with supreme senses via Auspex, the ability to hide their presence via Obfuscate, and impose their will on others via Dominate.

Interestingly, playing a Malkavian in any setting can become extremely fun. Players and Storytellers can work on revealing unique insights that only the Malkavian can understand. Unfortunately, playing a Malkavian can be overwhelming for new players. After all, they deliberately have to make unique viewpoints towards an already-deep World of Darkness.

13 Tremere

Tremere - Vampire the Masquerade Best Worst Clans For Beginners

Unlike other Cainites, the Tremere originated as House Tremere within the order of Mages. Thanks to a ritual, the Tremere discarded their magical abilities in order to become vampires. However, what magic they have lost they regained in the form of Blood Sorcery, a terrifying Discipline that allows them to manipulate the very nature of Vitae - or blood - itself. Aside from these, Tremere have remarkable senses via Auspex, and impose their will via Dominate.

While it's extremely alluring to control a Vampire blood mage, the Tremere can be complicated to play courtesy of Blood Sorcery. In V5, Blood Sorcery has a lot of branches, each with their own set of spells and intricate Rituals. In turn, perhaps the more thematic Obfuscate might serve the purposes of a newbie playing a Vampire mage.

12 Tzimisce

Tzimisce from the V5 Companion

Whereas the Tremere specialize in blood magic, the Tzimisce specialize in flesh-shaping. Among the Sabbat, the Tzimisce spark fear due to their obsession with "transcending" both humanity and Vampirism. They primarily do this via Protean and Animalism, Disciplines they have mastered. Likewise, their Discipline of Domination makes them terrifying opponents.

Unfortunately, Tzimisce might overwhelm new players due to the sheer demand for creativity. Unlike other Clans, Tzimisce have unique relationships with other Clans, especially coming from the Sabbat, the Sect that highly opposes the traditional Camarilla.

11 Hecata

Vampires from Cults of the Blood Gods

Unlike the "familial" Clan, Hecata is made up of various Clans with their own agenda and interests, save for a unified fascination with necromancy. In turn, they shine with the Discipline of Oblivion that allows them to control shadows and otherworldly magic. Moreover, Hecata have access to supernatural senses with Auspex and durability with Fortitude.

Interestingly, new players who want to play a Vampire without any strict ties to a large group might appreciate being in Hecata. After all, they will most likely explore the dynamics of society outside the conventions of Kindred organizations, which can provide a fresh look into the World of Darkness. In turn, Hecata works well with players who love roleplaying but don't want to deep-dive into Masquerade lore.

10 Banu Haqim

Banu Haqim from the V5 Camarilla Sourcebook

The Banu Haqim succeeded where Clans like Toreador and Ventrue failed, in that their isolation resulted in a united people that coexisted with their mortal herds. Such was the reputation of the Banu Haqim that twice were they cursed – first by the Baali which made them crave Kindred blood, and another by the Tremere which made feeding on it quite the excruciating experience. These setbacks didn’t stop the Banu Haqim, however, as they still grew over the centuries as perhaps the most skillful Clan in their craft, be it assassination, espionage, or sorcery.

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Despite the Banu Haqim’s rather peaceful existence, the reawakening of the sorcerer Methuselah Ur-Shulgi tore the Clan apart in a schism in the modern nights. This factor can make the Banu Haqim difficult to play in the story of Vampire: The Masquerade, as internal Clan politics could make it difficult for newcomers to navigate the plot. Moreover, Ur-Shulgi also broke the Tremere Curse, which resulted in the member once again being addicted to (Blood Addiction) or having poisonous Vitae (Noxious Blood).

9 Ravnos

A vampire about to partake in a meal

Among the Kindred Clans of Vampire: The Masquerade, the Ravnos have both a complicated and a rather tragic history. While usually hired as spies and tricksters for their keen ability to misdirect, Ravnos across the world are often taught the Path of Paradox, wherein the immortal vampires now have to seek and fulfill their “purpose” as they no longer have the mortal “gift” of reincarnation. Modern nights have been unkind to the Ravnos, unfortunately, as the wakening of their Antediluvian Zapathasura resulted in the near-annihilation of their Clan during the Week of Nightmares in the wake of the 21st Century.

Now close to extinction, the Ravnos have been forced to constantly find new shelter or else start to get burnt from within (Doomed). This is on top of their Compulsion to solve problems with the riskiest of solutions (Tempting Fate). Newcomers may be inclined to choose a Ravnos due to the accessibility of a nomadic character, but the supernatural need to move locations could get difficult in a Chronicle where players eventually get a domain to protect.

8 Nosferatu

Nosferatu - Vampire the Masquerade Best Worst Clans For Beginners

Unfortunately, Nosferatu suffer from having hideous physical appearances after their Kiss. In fact, this "hideousness" grows into a deep complex, making Nosferatu have unique takes on anything about appearances. They come gifted with Obfuscate, allowing them to hide their presence. Moreover, they have extreme ferocity with Potence and can tap into their animalistic side with Animalism.

Sadly, playing a Nosferatu can be tricky in most World of Darkness settings, as Nosferatu might have a harder time socializing with others. For newcomers, they may need to get acquainted with the tricky puzzle of socializing with various Kindred in power. Once they do, they can probably play an excellent Nosferatu who can navigate the same webs from their own hidden networks.

7 Salubri


Ever in the pursuit of the true abandonment of the Beast through Golconda, the Salubri were once a mighty Clan until the mage Tremere diablerized Saulot to achieve true vampirism. Previously admired as healers, the Tremere’s eventual propaganda labeled the Salubri as soul-devouring vampires. This smear campaign, on top of the systematic diablerization of their other Elders by other Kindred, had whittled down the numbers of Salubri to a rumored seven in the Modern Nights.

Despite their nature being endangered, a newcomer being one of seven supposedly Salubri in Vampire: The Masquerade gameplay can give NPCs an incentive to protect them from various threats. Due to the harsh nature of the World of Darkness, such a plot armor could be useful in making a newcomer’s first Chronicle quite enjoyable. Moreover, their blood being capable of forcing a Hunger Frenzy on a feeder (Hunted) and the Compulsion to help others (Affective Empathy) may be more beneficial than harmful to a player's character.

6 The Ministry


Notable for their belief that the actual Egyptian God Set was their Antediluvian, the Ministry had an unfair reputation of being “tempters and corrupters” when their original vision was to amass power to help ease the return of their ancestor, who was often recognized in different forms depending on the Ministry Bloodline. With their vision often misunderstood and with enemies aplenty in the Modern Nights, the Ministry often keep to each other while preferring to play the role of liars and tricksters to become a part of the most advantageous side.

A newcomer to Vampire: The Masquerade mechanics could appreciate the neutrality of the Ministry, especially since the Clan’s rejection of the Camarilla gives them leeway to side with the more independent Anarchs. Despite a Bane of being disadvantageous in open light (Abhors the Light) and being Compelled to corrupt (Transgression), these “chaotic” tendencies only incentivize new players to experiment with their roleplaying potential.

5 Lasombra

Julia from Clan Lasombra in Shadows of New York

The Lasombra originally served as the Sabbat counterpart of the Ventrue, ruling the Sect with an iron fist. In V5, some Lasombra have joined the ranks of the Camarilla, forming a unique relationship between the two factions. Lasombra specialize in manipulating the shadows via Oblivion. However, they showcase both remarkable strength with Potence, and sheer willpower via Dominate.

Unfortunately, players might want to try out Ventrue first before getting into Lasombra. Despite being highly conversational (and even political) Clans, the Lasombra's brutal and rigid upbringing can be hard to roleplay for newcomers who naturally need new information a Lasombra should "already know."

4 Gangrel

Gangrel - Vampire the Masquerade Best Worst Clans For Beginners

Instead of roaming streets, Gangrel commonly roam the wilderness. As a result, they remain in touch with a Vampire's base animalistic instincts, being the Clan capable of the closest thing there is to "controlling" the terrifying Beast. Gangrel who hone their skills can tap into the Discipline of Fortitude, giving them incredible durability. Meanwhile, their connection with nature is reflected in their Disciplines of Animalism and Protean, allowing Gangrel to communicate and control animals, as well as literally unleash their animalistic sides.

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It's their isolated nature that makes Gangrel perfect for TTRPG beginners. In Gangrel society, older Vampires don't immediately "teach" their Gangrel children. Moreover, Gangrel are only deemed "worthy" of training should they survive their first nights alone. In turn, Gangrel players are in a perfect position to be "strangers" to the world they're living in while remaining deadly thanks to their need to adapt to survive.

3 Ventrue

Ventrue - Vampire the Masquerade Best Worst Clans For Beginners

As one of the founders of the Camarilla Sect, the Ventrue have continuously proven their royal bloodline. In fact, a Ventrue has inherited Caine's pride that they suffer arrogance and the compulsion to only gain satisfaction from drinking the blood of a particular type of person. Outside these, the Ventrue has a commanding charm via Presence, the willpower to command via Dominate, and the body of power via Fortitude.

Players who want to immediately immerse in Masquerade's inter-Clan politicks will appreciate the Ventrue's status of royalty. Moreover, unlike other powerful Vampire Clans, Storytellers can easily shuffle in an excuse to go lightly on new Ventrue players, courtesy of their membership within the highest parts of the Camarilla echelon.

2 Brujah

Brujah - Vampire the Masquerade Best Worst Clans For Beginners

The Brujah descended from Vampires known for keen ferocity and discipline - turning them into warrior-kings of ages past. Despite being one of the main Clans of the Camarilla Sect, the Brujah in V5 left them for the Anarch Movement, possibly a reflection of their inner fires to bring back glory to the Clan once more. New Brujah often get grouped with the rebellious Iconoclasts, while Clan leadership often rests on the calmer Idealists.

TTRPG newcomers might appreciate trying the Brujah for their overall balance of powers. Brujah possess the Disciplines of Celerity and Potence, highlighting sheer speed and strength that make them suitable for battle. Meanwhile, they also come gifted with Presence, enabling the Brujah to bolster their power of conversation and attraction, perfect for roleplaying.

1 Toreador

Toreador - Vampire the Masquerade Best Worst Clans For Beginners

The Toreador make seduction and sensation into art. As a result, Toreador often come in the form of artists or people of extreme passions, with their vampirism taking them to greater heights. These socialites use their unique take on Presence to allure NPCs into doing their bidding. Likewise, they possess the uncanny ability of peering into the veil of the supernatural via Auspex, and uncanny nimbleness with Celerity.

TTRPG newcomers with a knack for talking would love the Toreador. Whereas others might expect Brujah to punch someone, the Toreador almost never fails to defuse a tricky situation. Like the Brujah, a Toreador's abilities remain extremely balanced. In turn, their Celerity can get them out of trouble, while Auspex and Presence improves their performance in roleplaying.

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 is slated for a 2024 release.

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