The upcoming battle royale Bloodhunt recently revealed some gameplay, as well as its intent to release on PlayStation 5. The game takes place in the greater universe of the Vampire: The Masquerade universe. While Bloodhunt may not be the most conventional entry in the series, it does appear to be a refreshing take on the battle royale formula.

Battle royales have become common, but Bloodhunt is looking to bring some enhanced excitement to the experience. The game is currently available on Steam as an early access title but revealed itself as an upcoming PlayStation 5 release at Sony’s recent PlayStation Showcase 2021.

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The trailer begins by showing off Bloodhunt’s bevy of customization options, which will allow players to create the vampiric creature of their dreams. From the trailer, it seems that players will have the option of customizing everything from haircuts to tattoos. There is even a wardrobe section to let players dress however they please.

Bloodhunt’s newest trailer showcase also revealed a large map that has become the standard for all battle royales. But this map has a twist: it is populated with NPCs. It appears that players will be able to use their vampiric abilities to drain NPCs for some kind of benefit, though it was unclear as to what exactly that benefit will be.

Players also get a glimpse of Bloodhunt's unique vampire clans that they will get to choose from, each boasting two unique classes. The first clan shown is the Toreador clan, with classes named Siren and Muse. The next is the Nosferatu clan with the Prowler and Saboteur classes. Finally, players are shown the Brujah clan with its Vandal and Brute roles.

Just from the trailer, it is unclear if Sharkmob intends to add more clans or classes to the game, but the end of trailer does show some kind of advanced military-like force with technology able to combat the vampires. Players get a glimpse at the threat wearing heavy armor, and they have some kind of technology that allows them to drastically impact the various vampire classes in some way.

While the Bloodhunt PS5 reveal trailer may not give future PlayStation players much information, PC players are able to join the game in early access via Steam. Bloodhunt’s departure from its Vampire: The Masquerade roots is shaping up to put an interesting and unique spin on the battle royale subgenre.

Bloodhunt is currently available for early access on PC, with a PS5 release scheduled for 2021.

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