
  • Valve discusses the possibility of a new Steam Deck device, suggesting it could be a few years away, shedding light on the future of the console.
  • The current Steam Deck has been popular but faced issues with battery life, and Valve is committed to improving performance and addressing this issue in the next iteration.
  • The release timeline for the Steam Deck 2 indicates Valve's patient approach to developing a high-quality product that can compete in the handheld gaming market.

In a recent interview, Valve has discussed the possibility of a new Steam Deck device, suggesting that it could be "a couple of years away." Valve's portable handheld gaming PC has been a hardware sensation, but discussions about the successor to the Steam Deck were not entirely clear prior to this interview. This new information sheds some light on the future of the console.

The Steam Deck was released to considerable acclaim, quickly considered by some as one of the best consoles of 2023, capable of running PC-exclusive titles in the comfort of a device similar to a Nintendo Switch. However, it was not without some issues. The device's popularity and the potential for a sequel have spurred discussions about its future, whether it will be an update to the console (similar to what Nintendo did with the Switch OLED) or the emergence of a successor that not only offers more power but also addresses the issues.

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Pierre-Loup Griffais, representing Valve, discussed the company's vision for the Steam Deck 2 and assured that the successor will not arrive until at least the end of 2025 or perhaps even later. The latest leak seemed to have made it clear that there wouldn't be any announcements regarding the Steam Deck 2 soon. However, Griffais acknowledged the desire for a new iteration, he emphasized Valve's commitment to maintaining a consistent performance target for developers. According to him, the goal is to ensure that every Steam Deck can play the same games without significant variations in performance. Valve is cautious about altering performance levels, as any changes must result in a substantial increase without compromising power efficiency and battery life.

steam deck client update august
Valve's Steam Deck handheld

Griffais also addressed the battery life issue that has plagued the current Steam Deck. Even when running SteamOS, the device's battery life has been less than stellar. The challenge lies in maintaining both portability and reasonable battery life, a crucial aspect of handheld gaming. He added, "I don’t anticipate such a leap to be possible in the next couple of years."

The news of a potential Steam Deck 2 is exciting for gamers who have been looking forward to an improved version of Valve's portable gaming PC. While the current version has impressed users with its capabilities, concerns about the Steam Deck's battery life remain a sticking point. Valve's commitment to addressing this issue and enhancing performance in the next iteration is a positive sign for the future of portable gaming.

However, the timeline for the release of the Steam Deck 2 indicates that Valve is not rushing into development. This patient approach suggests that Valve is dedicated to delivering a high-quality product that can compete in the handheld gaming market. Gamers can anticipate exciting developments in the coming years as Valve works towards a Steam Deck sequel that seamlessly combines performance and portability.

MORE: Best Games for the Steam Deck (September 2023)

Source: The Verge