While Valve is better known for offering digital storefronts or hardware these days, the company is apparently getting back into game development in a pretty big way in the near future. In fact, Valve is apparently working on several new titles at the moment and the company believes they're all pretty exciting.

The company behind Steam apparently has plans well beyond releasing its own handheld console in the Steam Deck. To some degree, the company has already gotten back into game development with the release of Aperture Desk Job a spinoff from its popular Portal franchise that was made to help people understand how to use their Steam Decks. While that was a smaller game geared to go along with the handheld, the company has some other titles in the pipeline as well.

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Speaking in a new interview with Axios, Valve designer Greg Coomer confirmed that while the company didn't have a big release to go along with Steam Deck as some people thought, plans are moving forward for several titles. Specifically, Coomer said that there are "multiple games in development right now at Valve."

Image of a Valve Steam Deck with a Half-Life 2 picture on the screen showing Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance.

Coomer added that he thinks whatever titles the company is working on are going to be "pretty exciting." However, he added no actual background or detail about what these upcoming Valve games could be and if any of them might be continuations of beloved franchises like Portal.

There have long been people who were hoping that either a Portal 3, Left 4 Dead 3, or another Half Life would eventually get made. Those wishes continue going plenty strong despite the fact that it has been quite a while since the last installment in any of those franchises was released. For the most part, the company behind Steam has been pretty cagey about the idea of those games ever really being a possibility. That hasn't changed, but gamers could take some solace in the comments about multiple titles being in development.

As it's still early days, Coomer also didn't make any sort of comment about when people could expect to get official announcements about these "exciting" titles and there's certainly no information about when they will eventually release. What does appear to be clear is that with the success of Steam Deck, Valve isn't going to rest on its laurels and rely on old games to power its user count but is getting back full force into making brand new games, whether they're based on old IPs or fresh titles.

MORE: Valve Needs Its Own Game Pass For Steam Deck

Source: Axios