Hero-centric games like Valorant are always changing. In order to keep the game fresh, League of Legends, Overwatch, and their peers constantly add new characters, mechanics, and game modes to keep players entertained. Valorant, for instance, recently introduced a new map called Fracture that turns the game's strategy on its head, leading attacking players to pursue objectives from the inside of the map outwards. Additionally, Valorant has regularly added new characters ever since it launched, from the technically savvy Killjoy to the cosmically inclined Astra. Riot games just announced another agent for Valorant players to look forward to: a sharply dressed Frenchman who goes by Chamber.

In a fitted vest and colorful tie, Chamber has a very striking aesthetic that sets him apart from the rest of Valorant's playable cast, but perhaps more importantly, his moveset is extremely unique. Valorant classifies Chamber as a Sentinel, but his gunplay-focused abilities make him totally different from every other Sentinel. Even though Valorant is full of clever and unique characters, Chamber is significantly different from many of his peers, especially KAY/O, the agent who came before him. Valorant's future agents should follow Chamber's lead by bringing wholly unique utility that changes how players think about Valorant.

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Why Chamber Sets a Standard for Valorant

valorant chamber feature

Most Sentinels are designed to set up defensive tools and lie in wait, keeping the enemy team out of a certain part of the map. While Chamber can do that with the slowing trap on his C ability, Trademark, he's encouraged to get aggressive when enemies enter his territory. Chamber can arm himself with a heavy pistol as a basic ability, then use portals of his own creation to teleport in and out of the gunfight. Aside from his heavy pistol, Chamber can summon a very powerful sniper rifle with his ultimate; every kill with the rifle creates a dangerous slow field around Chamber's victim, waylaying their allies. Between his ability to summon his own armaments and his aggressive playstyle, Chamber is a totally unique Valorant agent.

Chamber's surprising kit is particularly refreshing in the wake of his predecessor, an Initiator called KAY/O. This mechanical Radiant hunter's biggest selling point was his ability to suppress enemies, keeping them from using their abilities. Frankly, though, KAY/O's suppression isn't particularly inventive - it's basically the same as the "silence" crowd control type found in many RPGs. What's more, suppression may have been a first for Valorant, but the rest of KAY/O's kit lacked in new ideas. A flashbang and a grenade make KAY/O a strong character, but not a particularly creative one.

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Future Valorant characters should err on the side of Chamber rather than the side of KAY/O. Chamber is evidence that Riot Games still has ideas for completely unique Valorant agents that push the boundaries of the game by making players think differently about basic gameplay elements like buying guns. If Valorant wants to keep feeling fresh, then Riot Games needs to make characters as consistently unique as possible. Thankfully, Chamber suggests that Valorant's future is full of surprising agents, rather than simpler concepts like KAY/O.

Valorant is Spreadings Its Wings


It's worth noting that Chamber is only one sign that Riot Games is getting more comfortable in pushing Valorant's boundaries. The aforementioned Fracture map introduced a great new gameplay angle that no previous map had tried. Before that, Breeze added a more open Valorant map in the style of a Counterstrike: Global Offensive map, subtly nodding at a key source of inspiration for Riot's game. Hopefully, Valorant keeps changing constantly and gaining creative new ideas as time goes on. If there's more concepts like Chamber and Fracture down the pipeline, then Valorant won't get stale anytime soon.

Valorant is available now for PC.

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