Astra of Valorant is the very definition of control. As a Controller Agent, Astra can manipulate the cosmos itself to influence the flow of combat. Thanks to this Valorant Agent’s toolkit, Astra can disrupt enemy movement through her multi-effect Stars. With the right setup, a tactical player can have Astra predict and anticipate encounters and use her Stars to her advantage.

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Of course, this demand for map awareness and tactical prowess can make Astra quite daunting to use. Thankfully, players who get a knack of Astra’s toolkit can capitalize on her balanced potential to become offensive behemoths or defensive juggernauts.

10 Map Awareness Is Key For Triggers

A Map in Valorant

Despite map awareness being sage advice for any player of multiplayer shooters, this becomes all the more important due to the nature of Astra’s abilities. Thanks to the multi-use nature of her Astral Stars, Astra players need to know precisely the best areas and the best situations to trigger outcomes in their favor.

For instance, Astra can position her Stars near key push areas prior to a match. That way, she can use her Gravity Well and Nova Pulse to disrupt enemy movement and stop them from pushing into the object. On the offense, Astra can position her Stars after the planting stage. That way, she can tap her Stars to stun/pull enemies from defusing in the crucial final seconds.

9 Astral Form Taps Into Setups

Astra checking out the map in Astral Form

It’s thanks to Astral Form (X) that Astra can become the perfect queen of setups. When activated, Astra gets a full view of the gameplay map. From here, she can deploy up to five Stars around the map or even retract previous ones. Since she has access to Astral Form from the get-go, it’s advisable to try and put some Stars on crucial spots of the map immediately.

Astral Form also allows Astra to activate any Stars she deployed, making this option quite useful after its 150-second recharge. In high-intensity firefights, Astra can drop ideal Star abilities based on the combat situation.

8 Mind The Cooldowns

Astra charging a Star

Cooldowns are one of Astra’s most interesting components as an Agent. Unlike other characters, all of Astra’s abilities remain in their respective cooldowns. As such, as long as she’s alive, Astra can deploy or retract Stars and activate them to her liking.

Theoretically, Astra can deploy Stars via Astral Form before a match round or use them all on the fly during a firefight. For as long as she has Stars and can manage her rotation well, Astra can have a constant supply of abilities that can turn the tide of combat.

7 Get Freaky With Psychological Warfare

Astra triggering a Star

Fans who use Astra for the first time might realize that even enemies can see Astral Stars prior to activation. What’s the use of her fancy toolkit when enemies just naturally avoid her Stars along the way? Thing is, this “natural avoidance” stems out of the unassuming nature of Astral Stars. And Astra players can use this fear of ambiguity to catch enemies off-guard.

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For example, placing Astral Stars near the bomb post-plant can discourage a defuser from carelessly wandering around the site. However, while avoidance increases their playtime, it does decrease the time they have for defusal. Will the defuser risk getting baited into an Astral Star trap for the sake of defusing the bomb?

6 Gravity Well Transforms Space Into An Enemy

Astra activating a Gravity Well

Thanks to Gravity Well (C) an Astral Star can transform any space into anyone’s worst nightmare. At its core, players within the vicinity of the Gravity Well become pulled to its center for 2.75 seconds before it explodes, leaving everyone vulnerable for another 5 seconds. Despite the hefty 25-second cooldown, the 5-second vulnerability can give Astra’s team a much-needed edge in gunfights.

Depending on the approach, Gravity Well can spell doom for various kinds of opponents. Aside from enemies with predictable patterns, Gravity Well is a great counter for campers who love hanging out in high-traffic spots. This strategy can punish attackers while protecting roamers.

5 Nova Pulse Forces A Deadly Pause

Astra activating a Nova Pulse

With Nova Pulse (Q), an Astral Star charges briefly before detonating into an explosion. When hit, players in the vicinity get a 4-second stun, courtesy of a concussive blast. Despite its 25-second cooldown, that 4-second stun can give Astra’s team enough time to wipe out the enemy – regardless if it’s on offense or defense.

Of course, the smaller range of Nova Pulse means Astra needs to get enemies precisely near the point to trigger it. Post-plant, an Astral Star near a bomb can give a defender a 4-second advantage against a defuser. In terms of pushing, luring enemies into a firefight in the open can become a nifty scenario for a Nova Pulse. When combined with Gravity Well, this combo transforms into a delicious team wiper.

4 Nebula/Dissipate Enhances Control

Astra near a Dissipate

Courtesy of Nebula/Dissipate, Astra gains a pseudo-control element that enables her to either distract enemies or replenish her resources. With Nebula (E), Astra can cause a Star to transform into a puff of smoke that lasts for 14.25 seconds. This ability is best used to smoke off usual defender angles such as higher ground, choke points, or even entry points.

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Meanwhile, Dissipate (F) is a nifty resource management tool for Astra. When activated, a Star dissipates into smoke for a second before returning to Astra. After this, the Star can be deployed again.

3 Cosmic Divide Disrupts Combat Entirely

Astra near a Cosmic Divide

Albeit not a defender, Astra can definitely boost her team’s defensive potential with Cosmic Divide (X). When activated, Cosmic Divide can connect two points Astra selects for 21 seconds. Throughout this duration, these two areas will heavily dampen audio and block bullets.

Astra needs to be careful when using this, as neither team can see through the barrier. And while sounds are dampened, grenades and even abilities can still pass through. For offense, Cosmic Divide effectively transforms a push into an unsuspected ambush. Meanwhile, defensive plays can let Cosmic Divide mask defending players from unsuspecting defusers.

2 Stars Make Area Denial A Big Deal

Astra with some team mates

Given Astra’s nature as a controller, the best strategies using her will always involve manipulating the flow of battle via the map as much as possible. Theoretically, just having a Star in a location should effectively deny that area to opponents. In turn, proper placement could force enemies to avoid pushing or over-rotating in certain areas.

With this in mind, Astra players might want to set up Stars on both sites to confuse the enemy with their rotation. If players get to communicate properly, Astra can “fake” enemies with her Stars alone and lure them into ambushes.

1 Trust In The Switcheroo

Enemies near a Gravity Well

While “faking it” with Astra’s Stars can scare opponents, doing it frequently enough can make strategies quite predictable. If possible, Astra should build different plays with her Stars as often as possible. She can start with her default smokers and evolve her strategy depending on the situation.

Ideally, Astra should have a Star in a site, a hotspot, a camping spot, and two on her at all times. That way, Astra can at least try to adjust her activation strategies on the fly.

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