Skye of Valorant has nature by her side throughout her many incursions. As an Initiator, Skye specializes in reconnaissance and making tactical decisions regarding enemy engagement and advances. Thanks to her Trinkets, Valorant Agent Skye can call upon a wide variety of creatures to aid her in various combat situations.

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Given her passive nature, it’s easy to see how playing her can become a bit discouraging for new players in particular. However, those who take the time to master her toolkit can easily manipulate the tide of battle through her various summons and animal companions.

10 To Push Is To Succeed

Skye and a Companion

Being an initiator, Skye excels in reinforcing the team’s offensive push. When used properly, her skillset can wreak havoc among the enemy’s defense and flush them out on the map for the kill. Ideally, her Seekers and Trailblazer should be able to enforce that push and recapture points from the enemies.

Meanwhile, her Regrowth and Guiding Light can provide nifty tactical options to turn the tide of battle. In a pinch, Regrowth can help the team bounce back from a deadly firefight. Likewise, Guiding Light’s flash ability can provide a few seconds of distraction to secure the kill.

9 Never One In The Front Lines

Skye and her teammates

Despite her toolkit’s penchant for reconnaissance and pushing, Skye’s rather low survivability means she’s never meant in the front lines. Rather, Skye’s abilities allow her to help the team’s Duelist secure the kills via entry fragging.

At its core, players can maximize Skye’s potential by disrupting the enemy’s defense enough to minimize risks for the team. Likewise, Skye on the defensive can use her abilities to spot enemies who may attempt a push. It’s Skye’s cooperative potential that may explain why, on their own, Skye’s abilities can’t give her enough firepower to eliminate enemies.

8 Distance Remains Key

Skye using the Guiding Light through a window

Unlike other Agents with reasonable ability prices or low CDs, Skye’s abilities have rather high cooldowns for their short duration. When used from afar, Skye wouldn’t be able to deal optimal damage as her trinkets would be long gone by the time she arrives. To compensate for this liability, Skye needs to take note of her distance whenever activating her abilities.

As much as possible, Skye would want to be using cover or within range to see her abilities upon activation. That way, Skye could easily signal allies to gather near her position or adjust the team’s position accordingly.

7 Regrowth Adds Survivability

Skye using Regrowth

Thanks to Regrowth (C), Skye equips a healing trinket. When holding fire, Skye can channel energy from this trinket to heal 20 HP per second to allies in her line of sight and within range. The trinket has a 100 HP healing pool, and Skye can reuse the trinket until the healing supply gets depleted.

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Despite this ability’s healing nature, players need to remember that this can’t heal Skye herself. However, compared to Sage’s Healing Orb, Regrowth can heal multiple allies simultaneously. Since Regrowth will force Skye to holster her weapon, it’s best used after confrontations or while regrouping for emergency heals. Given the fast-paced nature of the game, the situational benefit of Regrowth makes it not much of a priority.

6 Trailblazer Transform Into A Deadly Setup

The Trailblazer Running Off To Scout

With Trailblazer (Q), Skye equips a Tasmanian tiger trinket that manifests into a controllable creature (100 HP) upon firing. Another fire within the tiger form will have it leap forward and explodes. Enemies suffer 30 Damage on impact and are stunned from 2.5 to 4 seconds depending on the distance from the explosion.

Theoretically, the slight stun from Trailblazer can become a neat setup for Skye and her team. When in the push, Trailblazer can become a surprise from around the corner and stun enemies so Skye and the rest can zoom in for the kill. In terms of defense, Trailblazer can surprise a pushing team and halt their progress.

5 Guiding Light Is Great For Recon

Guiding Light flash-detecting an opponent

When using Guiding Light (E), Skye equips a hawk trinket that manifests into a hawk (60 HP) and follows the direction of the player’s crosshair. Reusing the trinket will have the hawk become a flash of light. Enemies that are and were within range and line of sight of the hawk will trigger a hit confirm.

However, players should invest in Guiding Light, particularly when facing corners and obstacles such as walls and buildings. Since the hawk does follow Skye’s crosshairs, players can theoretically have the hawk fly above buildings or curveball on corners. Thanks to its flash ability, Guiding Light essentially becomes a handy flashbang. When used correctly, Guiding Light can disrupt pushes while revealing enemy positions.

4 Seekers Can Disrupt Firefights

Skye activating her Seekers

Thanks to Seekers (X), Skye becomes the ultimate disruptor. When used, Skye equips a Seeker trinket. Firing with said trinket will have three Seekers track the three closest enemies to Skye. Upon contact, they suffer three seconds of Nearsight. As deployable gadgets, Seekers have 150 HP.

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Despite the attractive nature of Seekers, players do need to remember that not only do they only Nearsight opponents but they also move slowly. As such, Seekers shouldn’t be used in empty areas where enemies can simply reposition upon spotting them. Rather, Seekers deal more impact when used in high-intensity firefights, as enemies won’t likely have any time to deal with them.

3 Secure Scouting Via Trailblazer

An opponent attacking the Tiger Companion

Despite its attractive damage option, Trailblazer is a better tool for reconnaissance instead of combat due to its weaker HP. Moreover, the Trailblazer is not an ideal offensive tool - it makes too much noise, it has limited vision, and its damage is subpar.

As such, Trailblazer is better at spotting enemies and pushing them away from angles. When Skye assumes control of the tiger, she should try to scout potential push zones, chokepoints, and even the flank as soon as possible. That way, the team can immediately identify where enemies are setting up an ambush. When used in this manner, Trailblazer can also become useful in forcing enemies to alter their rotation.

2 Avoid Unnecessary Flashing

An ally following Skye's Guiding Light

Due to the tricky nature of Guiding Light, it’s not impossible for Skye to flash her teammates by mistake. After all, Guiding Light doesn’t have sound cues and set times, unlike other Agents’ flashes. As such, Skye players should communicate whether they plan on flashing a zone so allies can avoid getting in the crossfire.

Communicating flashes become almost always essential when using Skye to defend points. In these situations, it may be better off for Skye to flash opponents first before having teammates follow up for the sweeping kill.

1 Get Fake Flashing

Skye releasing her Guiding Light

Players using Skye for the first time on comms would likely hear allies getting mad for accidental flashbangs. However, just because Skye is using Guiding Light for recon doesn’t mean she always has to flashbang opponents when she sees them. After all, enemies who see Skye’s hawk will almost always look away to avoid the flash, right?

Thing is, players can capitalize on that instinct for the team’s benefit. Skye can orchestrate an ambush by leading a hawk straight into the enemy. As soon as they look away, her team can zoom in for the kill. Granted, this high-risk move will only give Skye and hear team a second or two of leeway to initiate the gunfight. However, with the right team comp, these few seconds may be all that Skye needs to secure kills.

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