As of this writing, Split is one of the most controversial maps in Valorant due to it being extremely defending team sided. It has two bomb sites, both of which are very different and unique. A site is pretty wide open with not much cover whereas B site is very congested with multiple structures on it. Due to Split having a lot of angles and covers, many players do not like playing on the map.

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Players not familiar with the nuances of the map will often find themselves in a disadvantageous position. However, like every map in Valorant, Split can be mastered with proper learning and practice. Here are ten tips that will help players of all stripes perform better on Haven.

10 Gather Information When Defending B Site

Defending the B Site is all about gathering information and delaying the opposing team’s aggression. B Site is usually held by a solo Agent and the best picks suited for B Site defending are Viper, Cypher, and Sage.

Cypher is the crème de la crème here because he allows you to stay safe while also allowing you to keep an eye on B Main with the help of his Spycam. He can also delay any rush from the enemy team by placing the Trapwire near B Main.

9 Hold The Line When Defending A Site

A Site is a pretty standard and feels very similar to bomb sites in CS:GO. Agents such as Phoenix, Raze, and Viper are great at holding A Site, but nevertheless every Agent is viable here.

Commonly held by two players, A Site is usually played more passively. A Site has a lot of angles, and simply holding a position and stopping the enemy attack is the way to go. Blocking A Main with abilities or utilities can easily halt any enemy push.

8 Use Utility Cycling When Defending Mid

The main thing to focus on while holding Mid is a technique called Utility Cycling. It is basically using your abilities again and again on the same spot. Since pushing directly through B and A is pretty difficult, most players on the attacking team usually tend to push through mid.

Spamming abilities and utilities on Mid will not only delay the assault from the attacking team, but it will also buy your team members enough time to rotate.

7 Secure B Site Early On

B Site requires proper setup before the execution of infiltration. The optimal way to tackle B Site is by using abilities near B Main while simultaneously pushing Mid. Using abilities near B Main will draw a lot of attention, which will result in Mid being more vulnerable.

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Confident players can take an aggressive peek through B Main and look for an early kill. Securing an early kill in B will allow your teammate to quickly capture the point as B Site is usually held by a single player.

6 Be Aggressive When Attacking A Site

The main objective when pushing A should be taking control of Heaven. This requires a lot of proper ability usage and good team coordination. Blocking vision of A Short will allow players to either aggressively push through Short or sneak behind A Site through Heaven.

There will probably be a defending enemy in Heaven, so talking out the opposing player should be of utmost priority. A Site does have a lot of angles, so it’s recommended to check very corner before proceeding further.

5 Be Careful When Attacking Mid

When pushing through Mid, the most common spot where players take a fight is towards Rope and Mail Room. The right way to approach Mid is just by baiting out enemy utilities and abilities.

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Avoiding early damage or causality is very crucial, and it’s better to wait behind covers instead of peeking mid. After drawing out enemy abilities, players can push through Mail Room or Vent depending upon the situation.

4 Be Wary Of Fall Damage

Although very minor, it’s still important to know that players jumping on B Site from Towers will take fall damage. Players will take 15 fall damage, which goes through Shields. Even a slight health discrepancy between you and enemies could lead to you losing a trade.

It’s better to use the rope for getting down from Towers instead of jumping and losing health. Players can clutch onto the rope by simply standing next to it and pressing F.

3 It’s Easier To Defend On Split Than To Attack

As mentioned before, Split heavily favors the team on the defensive end. Its structural layout makes it very hard for attackers to play aggressively and push onto bomb sites. Players should always keep this in mind when picking an Agent as not every Agent is viable in Split.

Either one could go for standard defensive Agents such as Cypher and Sage or bolster the attack even further by picking Agents such as Jett and Phoenix. Whatever the case may be, players should always keep both attacking and defending in mind while forming a team.

2 Choose The Right Agents

Agents with strong utilities in their kit generally perform well in Split. However, Agents that can solo carry also shine in Split. The best Agents to play in Split are Viper, Sage, Phoenix, Brimstone, and Cypher (pictured above).

All these Agents pack strong utilities and can operate individually anywhere on the map. Jett with her constant dashing is also a dark horse in Split, but her kit requires proper execution to be effective.

1 Get Control Of The Orb Locations

Both the Orbs in Split are on a choke point. Players can find these Orb at both A Main and B Main of the map. Taking control of the Orb location can be tricky and it requires proper teamwork and utility usage to capture the Orb.

Getting an Ultimate point from the orb can be very crucial as it reduces the Ultimate’s cooldown. Agents with smoke such as Brimstone, Jett, and Omen can usually easily take control of these Orb spots.

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