Valorant is filled with various agents and abilities which players are constantly trying to keep up with. As Riot Games tries to consistently keep up to date with the latest Meta and find ways to balance it between the agents, there are some abilities which become more overpowered than others.

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The constant patches change which Valorant abilities are the best, but consistently there are some abilities between the various agents which allow for huge advantages to players that are able to use them. Some of the usages of certain abilities is situational, but some abilities are always useful to have around.

7 Devour (Reyna)

reyna, valorant agent with purple siphon in hand

Reyna is considered one of the best individual characters in the game. If a team is working well together, they can bring down even a great Reyna player. But in a situation where both teams are doing their own thing, Reyna is devastating. Devour is one of the best abilities in the game because it allows Reyna to heal herself using the corpse of an enemy.

This capability makes it very difficult to take down Reyna when she goes on a rampage, and especially at lower levels, players will often find a Reyna near the top of the scoreboard as one of the best duelist characters in Valorant for picking up kills near-continuously as the rounds go by. Devour is not Reyna’s only great ability, but it is the one that allows her to trade health in duels and regain that health to be at full strength again for more individual battles.

6 Killjoy (Killjoy)

Valorant Agent Killjoy

Killjoy’s ultimate ability, named after her, has been steadily becoming stronger and a more vitally game-changing ability over recent patches. Since Chamber was brutally nerfed by Riot Games, Killjoy is the best Sentinel in the game and her ultimate ability is a major part of what makes her great.

The ultimate deploys an attack with a wide range which contains and totally paralyzes enemy players caught inside of it. This can be used while the spike is planted to chase off all opposition, and almost no enemy utility can destroy it before the lockdown is complete anymore.

5 Trip Wire (Cypher)

masked valorant agent with wide hat, cypher

Cypher has always been a great character to have on a Valorant team, primarily because of the frustration involved in trying to sneak up behind him. Cypher’s trip wire is a valuable piece of utility which stops enemies from getting near him often.

While this is valuable in itself, the trip wire can also be used to block enemies in a rush to enter a site that Cypher is holding. Adding this to his camera and other utility makes Cypher a deadly opponent to try and get the drop on for any player or character.

4 Updraft (Jett)

valorant agent jett jump feature

Jett is one of the most continuously beloved agents in Valorant. Meta changes are constantly shifting the landscape of which characters are best in the professional setting, but Jett is almost always one of the top duelists in the game. Currently, it is pretty much undeniable.

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With new maps released where she flourishes, and a move set which is always devastating to square off against, Jett is one of the greatest agents in Valorant. Her updraft ability is huge, enabling her to get to locations quickly and easily that are totally inaccessible to almost every other agent in the game.

3 Wingman (Gekko)

Gekko & Wingman In Valorant

Gekko is the newest agent in Valorant and while the Meta could change at any time, he is currently considered to be hugely overpowered. His Wingman ability is one of the more unique ideas that Riot Games have added in a character’s ability, having several uses but one in particular which can be devastating.

When Gekko has the spike, Wingman can take it and plant it for him, enabling him to continue shooting at enemies in the meantime. It can also defuse the spike similarly for him, which is completely ludicrous and will possibly be nerfed in the future. This ability is great for new players trying to learn how to gain points quickly.

2 Leer (Reyna)

Reyna once again appears for this move which can devastate players, again used more at lower levels of play than at professional ones. Even so, Leer is a devastating move which is incredibly difficult to deal with. It blinds enemies and can be fired through walls, but can be destroyed by enemies.

The problem is that this weakness is actually another strength. Either enemies stay blind or snap to destroy the leer, which allows Reyna to snap around a corner and hit them while they are distracted. Both ways, Reyna gets the advantage and the win with minimal danger to herself at all times.

1 Sova (Shock Arrow)

Valorant Agent Sova

Sova is another agent who has long been considered one of the best in Valorant. Despite nerfs in the past limiting some of his abilities, Sova has stayed near the top of the game. Part of that reason is the incredible versatility of abilities such as the Shock Arrow.

This damaging AOE shot can be fired from Sova’s bow with the player choosing how many times it will bounce before landing. This is one of the most complicated pieces of equipment to get to grips with in Valorant, but it is worth it as one of the very best there is because of how many places it can hit, eliminating enemies hiding in many difficult-to-reach corners.

Valorant was released on June 2nd, 2020, and is currently available only on PC.

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