Typical to most team-based FPS is the mechanic of two teams duking it out to either plant or defuse bombs; in Valorant, the destructive Spike has to be either protected or defused by Agents with special abilities. Alongside the game’s crazy techniques is a simplified physics engine that allows players to affect the game map in ridiculous ways, making Valorant both a test of skill and gunplay.

Related: Valorant: Tips For Playing As Agent Cypher

As such, while leveling up is all a matter of simply playing through matches, there are actually ways for players to maximize their gains while still having the most fun. Moreover, there are ways to speed up the levelingprocess without feeling like trudging the EXP bar forever. Here are those methods.

Updated on 16 November 2022 by Rhenn Taguiam: Fans of Valorant finally got a water-themed Agent in the form of Harbor in Act 3 of Episode 5: Dimension. Also known as Varun Batra, this India-based Controller is allowed to actively protect his teammates from threats, courtesy of watery walls and puddles that slow opponents as well as a defensible water shield, and even a concussive geyser.

Those who want to maximize Harbor may want to ensure they’re playing the game to its utmost potential, and this often involves getting as high a level as possible throughout one’s playthrough. More tips players can use in this regard include knowing which mains to use, how to manage their approaches to Daily and Weekly Missions, and even minding the time it takes to finish matches.

Differentiate XP From AP

A team defending the Spike

Similar to other shooter games, Valorant offers a variety of things for players to level up. Players can progress through three different things as they play the game. While players add their respective XP to these meters, it could help to understand just what they are increasing whenever they play matches. Here are these elements:

  • Account Level: This denotes the overall level or experience the player’s account has acquired throughout their journey in the game. Completing matches gives Account Points (AP), and reaching certain level milestones will confer new level borders for players to tout and flex in matches.
  • Agent Contracts: The other “main” gauge the players can level up, Agent Contracts denote how much experience someone has with a particular Agent. Leveling up Agent Contracts happen through XP, which players obtain after playing matches. After reaching certain Tiers or levels, players obtain rewards. Players can acquire new Agents to use after reaching Tier 5 of their respective Contracts.
  • Battle Pass: Battle Passes in Valorant work similar to other games. Every season has a Battle Pass with unique rewards per level, and players who purchase it get more benefits compared to people who stick to free accounts.

Get A Main To Play All The Time

Sova in Valorant

Granted, playing Valorant means learning how different Agents interact in various maps. However, having a go-to Agent whose skills players know from cover to cover can definitely give them an edge when it comes to leveling up as fast as they could.

Simply put, maining an Agent provides an advantage in performance. Being able to capitalize on an Agent’s skill set means committing fewer mistakes and more tactical moves. In turn, this means players work their way through a round faster and earn XP more frequently.

Choose A Main For Efficiency

While Valorant provides a lot of characters to choose from that fits a player’s gameplay style, it would help level-focused players to pick a character based on convenience and ease of access instead of enjoyability. In this regard, here are ideal players for fast-and-loose playthroughs:

  • Sova: His enemy-sensing Recon Bolt and nifty Shock Bolt makes him a deadly character for players who love knowing where enemies are before striking. This makes fast-paced gameplay a possibility.
  • Sage: Her walling and healing abilities give a ton of responsibility for Sage mains to know which areas to seal off and when to heal allies. Mastering Sage allows players to master defensive plays, and the self-heal can save players from danger in emergencies.

Persevere Through Daily Missions

A Firefight in Valorant

In the context of leveling up the Battle Pass, Valorant provides similar extra methods of progression similar to other games with Battle Passes. These include Daily Missions, which are essentially unique missions players are assigned whenever they log into the game.

These Missions only last for 24 hours, and each give 2,000 XP to players who get to finish them. While these might seem mediocre at first, the relative “ease” of finishing these dailies after a few matches make them extremely viable ways of leveling up a Battle Pass fairly quickly. Daily Missions include picking up Ultimate Orbs, purchasing abilities, and dealing damage.

Consider Ticking Daily Missions In One Go

Players who have a limited time to play Valorant or are eager to get as much XP as possible would want to find ways of ticking off Daily Missions in a single match. This is largely dependent on the nature of the set of Dailies in question. For instance, Daily Missions that need players to purchase armor and score a headshot means players are likely encouraged to play Unrated/Competitive (for purchasing) and equip Snipers (ideal for headshots).

Strategically Approach Weekly Missions

A Match in Valorant

Given how a Valorant season lasts for a few weeks, there are usually unique missions for players to tackle. Players get three Weekly Missions every week, which are then replaced once on the weekends.

Related: Valorant: Tips For Playing As Agent Phoenix

Unlike Daily Missions that expire, however, Weekly Missions actually pile up and have different XP rewards. While players who play regularly can pull off the Weekly Missions consistently, it may also help to hold off on those Missions and wait for the next week’s tasks. That way, players can tick off multiple missions at once and earn a lot of XP in one go. And for players having difficulty pulling off other Missions, they can at least accomplish the ones they find doable.

Consider Finishing Weekly Missions With Dailies

Aside from players of Valorant finding ways of clearing Daily Missions in one go, they can apply the same strategy with Weeklies as well. Instead of waiting for Weeklies to pile up so “similar” missions can be finished in a single match, players can see if there’s a Daily Mission that demands a similar approach as that of a Weekly Mission. This maximizes the time spent in a single match, as players can focus on clearing these missions aside from plainly winning.

Mind The Match XP Rewards

XP Rewards in the Match

One of the most important things to consider when trying to level up in Valorant is the XP Rewards players gain as they course through the game. Instead of playing the game willy-nilly, players need to consider how much XP they get per match.

Thing is, XP gained per match depends not only on how players perform but also on the game mode chosen. At its core, game modes offer these kinds of XP rewards:

  • Unrated, Competitive: 200 XP per round won, 100 XP per round lost
  • Replication: 200 XP per round won, 100 XP per round lost
  • Spike Rush: 1,000 XP per match (regardless of performance)
  • Deathmatch: 900 XP per match (regardless of performance)
  • Escalation: 800 XP per match (200 XP Win Bonus)
  • Snowball Fight: 800 XP per match (150 XP Win Bonus)

Check XP Combinations To Maximize Level Strategies

One ideal way for players to identify which Valorant match mode fits them is to see whether XP earned for each fits their daily level up goals. For instance, players who are on a limited playing time and want to maximize their XP earned might want to consider a few Spike Rushes instead. However, those who have the time to climb their way through the XP ladders may be able to fit a few Unrated matches in their session.

Consider The Time Frame Per Match

Always play with friends

Another important consideration when trying to level up in Valorant is the timeframe it takes to get through a level. This concerns how many matches are played and how long it takes to get from one contest to the next.

Related: Valorant: Tips For Playing As Agent Viper

Here are the average time frames per match:

  • Unrated, Competitive: 30 to 40 minutes (first to 13 wins)
  • Replication: 10 to 15 minutes (first to 9 wins)
  • Spike Rush: 8 to 12 minutes (first to 4 wins)
  • Deathmatch: 15 to 20 minutes (first to 40 kills)
  • Escalation: 7 to 9 minutes (first to Level 12)
  • Snowball Fight: 10 to 15 minutes (first to 50 kills)

Check Time Combinations To Avoid Burnout

Playing through the same Valorant mode over and over again can become a quick recipe for disaster, particularly burnout, for players who simply want to level up quickly. To avoid this, players may want to consider the timeframe of match categories in order to maximize the fun they have while avoiding wasting time earning XP. Energy levels play a huge part of this - players should go for longer matches (e.g., Unrated, Competitive) if they have a lot of focus, and stick to shorter matches (e.g., Spike Rush) if they simply want to let loose.

Spike Rush Is The Most Practical Choice

Defusing the Spike

Given the XP conferred for every win and the length of time per match in each game mode, Spike Rush is the most economic and practical candidate for farming XP. While Unrated and Competitive certainly give players options to choose weapons they want, and Replication and Escalation offer oddities such as escalating weapons and playing the same Agent, Spike Rush is simply the most straightforward mode.

Consider The Length Of A Spike Rush Match

Granted, the longer Unrated and Competitive rounds can offer as low as 1,300 XP on a loss and as high as 2,600 XP on a win. However, the 30-to-40-minute match time frame means players can insert as many as three to four Spike Rushes in the same period. This will guarantee them 4,000 XP regardless of the result, so even a short playtime of four hours will grant 24,000 XP. Doing this for an entire seven-day week ensures 168,000 XP. If players do this for two hours a day, they will get up to 84,000 XP per week.

Always Play With Friends

A Valorant Team

Most Valorant game modes are played in teams of five. As players can create parties, it’s perfectly possible for people to communicate with each other over apps such as Discord.

Teams aren’t just helpful for the purpose of more coordinated assaults and defense, as the number of players in a team confers bonus XP every match. Consider these numbers:

  • 2 Friends in a Party: 8% XP Boost
  • 3 Friends in a Party: 12% XP Boost
  • 4 Friends in a Party: 16% XP Boost
  • 5 Friends in a Party: 20% XP Boost

Play Everyday


While this sounds like odd advice, playing every day does have its perks in the larger context of Valorant. Aside from being able to encounter various Daily Missions, Valorant also rewards players who simply play through their first match.

Players get a bonus of 1,000 XP whenever they win their first match in a day, which can result can in 30,000 XP per month. And considering how each Act (and therefore Battle Pass) lasts for about two months, players who win at least one match every day are guaranteed around 60,000 XP.

Valorant is available on PC.

More: Valorant: Tips For Playing As Agent Omen