Gentlemanly Chamber adds style to his signature skills as an assassin in Valorant. Sniping his way to the roster back in November 2021, Chamber changes Valorant with his slate of defensive measures - all emphasizing precision, speed, and positioning. Fans who want a steadfast and deadly accurate Agent can rely on Chamber to successfully do the job.

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As an Agent, Chamber relies on custom weaponry to add a dose of pain to the already-deadly arsenal of firearms in Valorant. Aside from a heavy pistol, Chamber has a sensor that slows down enemies (Trademark), a teleporter (Rendezvous), and a sniper rifle for an Ultimate that scores a guaranteed kill (Tour De Force). However, with such deadly weaponry in his hands, just how can players maximize Chamber?

10 Precision Is Key To Defense

Chamber fighting with Tour De Force

Unlike other defensive Agents such as Cypher and Killjoy that love traps or Sage and Skye that excel with healing, Chamber’s success as a Sentinel relies heavily on the player’s skill. Their best way of defending any point is by how well they can spot and eliminate enemies from afar. This necessity is built into his toolkit, with Trademark (C) letting Chamber slow enemies in range while Rendezvous (E) lets Chamber teleport from one defensive point to the next.

Meanwhile, Chamber’s combat potential is heavily tied to the players' ability to secure their shots. Headhunter (Q) gives Chamber a heavy pistol with almost the same punching power as a shotgun, whereas his Tour De Force (Ultimate) is a heavy sniper that can eliminate enemies with most direct hits.

9 It’s Bull’s Eye Or Die

Chamber fixing his tie

Chamber’s key advantage to a fight is his core weakness - his reliance on good aim. Being a Sentinel almost always demands a team support ability, which is something Chamber doesn’t necessarily have. Considering he has two weapon skills and one self-teleport, his enemy-sensing Trademark is practically his active “contribution” team-wise.

As such, players can circumvent this disadvantage by maximizing Chamber’s role in the team. Being a backdoor defender, Chamber players should avoid unnecessary confrontations and instead secure defensive lines until their allies rotate back to their location. A Chamber that can out-aim foes and keep them off crucial map spots is doing their job right.

8 A Sentinel That Packs A Punch

Chamber alongside Skye

Unlike other Sentinels, Chamber definitely has a more aggressive toolkit - making him more of a Duelist among his fellow defensive Agents. His Headhunter and Tour De Force alone provide him with excessive firepower that can help him dominate other Agents in defensive plays. As such, a recommended approach is to always set down a Rendezvous back to a defensive position and keep another one for an instant exit whenever Chamber kills an enemy and exposes his position.

This approach shouldn’t necessarily mean that players use Chamber aggressively. Rather, his mobility and firepower advantage encourage using Chamber for reconnaissance and picking off stray enemies with an arsenal of punishing weapons.

7 Trademark Slows Down Enemy Assault

Chamber deploying Trademark

Similar to Killjoy’s Alarm Bot, Chamber has got an alarm bot of his own in the form of Trademark. At its core, this alarm bot is a scanner with an effective range of 10 meters at full 360 degrees. When activated, it has a countdown timer before releasing a slow field that lasts for around 9 seconds. On defense, Trademark is a recommended placement in hot corridors for rushes. And on offense, Trademark can help secure flanking locations for the team.

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To maximize Trademark, it’s always a good idea to put it away from out in the open, boxes, and penetrable walls. A great way to use Trademark is for baiting an enemy - if they get into a corner, do they risk exposing their position and kill an ally or eliminate Trademark instead? Those few seconds of indecision can be enough to decide the round.

6 Rendezvous Secures The Position

Chamber using Rendezvous

If Chamber’s weapons help him secure kills, it’s Rendezvous that helps secure the position. At its core, he has two teleport anchors he can place anywhere within 30 meters of each other. When in range of the anchors, he can instantly teleport to them at 10-second intervals.

When defending, Rendezvous can provide very easy defensive rotation. It’s easy to put both anchors within the closest possible distance from A-Site and B-Site respectively and teleport immediately to meet the enemy. When attacking, Chamber can place an anchor to a safe spot and grab one from where he wants to peek. Ideally, Chamber can secure a hit and teleport instantly before the enemy even hits him back.

5 Headhunter Is An Easy Eco Round Pistol

Chamber aiming with Headhunter

With Headhunter, Chamber gets a heavy pistol with its own ADS at right-click. Stats-wise, it gets a maximum of 8 shots and can deal 159/55/46 (Headshot/Body/Leg) Damage. For a mere 100 Creds per bullet, Headhunter is an easy substitute weapon during eco rounds.

In terms of eco round mechanics, Chamber can go safe and purchase just four bullets and light shields. Likewise, he can go full assassin and secure all eight Headhunter shots. After all, players who miss all their shots can go back to the Classic as a standard pistol. Likewise, landing one-taps here and there can post tremendous advantages in terms of Creds rewards plus its slowing effect.

4 Headhunter Easily Dominates Other Guns

Chamber summoning Headhunter

Given its status as a skill-triggered weapon, it’s easy to compare Headhunter with other existing guns. However, the Headhunter dominates a lot of guns in various categories, sometimes making its 800-Cred full load a worthy purchase compared to some loadouts. This works well with Agents that excel in gunplay, such as Duelists.

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For instance, compared to the Sheriff which is a sidearm with equal pricing, the headhunter doesn’t suffer drop-off damage. This means the Headhunter performs just as well in long-range fights. In speaking of long-range, the Headhunter’s base stats make it function more as a Rifle such as the Guardian (2250 Creds), or even the Phantom (2900 Creds) and the Vandal (2900).

3 Tour De Force Secures Sniping For Cheap

Chamber using Tour De Force

Compared to the Headhunter, Tour De Force is a sheer sight to behold. When activated, Chamber gets a custom sniper rifle that has 5 bullets, each capable of dealing 255/150/150 (Headshot/Body/Leg) damage. What’s more awesome is that fragging with Tour De Force leaves a slow field, leaving more enemies open for Chamber to obliterate.

With this sniping advantage, different teams can get double snipers for much cheaper prices. Aim specialists like Jett can get an Operator and Chamber can have a sniping partner, with Chamber just as capable of resorting to another loadout if their position is compromised. When combined with Rendezvous, Chamber can cover multiple points quickly and much faster.

2 Tour De Force Is Better Than Operator

Chamber deploying Tour De Force

In speaking of Operator (4700 Creds), it seems even the Tour De France performs much better than the famous Sniper Rifle. Numbers-wise, Tour De Force is much cheaper and can secure kills even with leg shots alone, which is a big deal in terms of heated firefights. However, where Tour De Force shines the most is in its slow proc upon kill, as this lag time is more than enough for Chamber to disrupt most enemy strategies.

For instance, while the Operator can leave its user vulnerable due to its slow loading time, Tour De Force has a better firing rate. This gives Tour De Force and Chamber faster re-peek times and, through the slow, punish anyone trying to help the enemy.

1 King Of The Eco Rounds

Chamber being chosen in the select screen

Similar to Jett, Chamber’s unique toolkit incentivizes “going eco” to aid the team during crucial eco rounds. As players recall, an Economy Round is a round where players spend little Creds in order to have more in store for the next round. While all Agents can technically participate and go eco, Chamber has the advantage in the form of his Headhunter and Tour De Force - meaning, going eco will still guarantee Chamber at least one weapon.

With this in mind, Chamber can invest in Creds to buy better gear after the eco round without compromising his current loadout. Likewise, he can use his own Creds to help a comrade get a better weapon for the upcoming round without losing firepower himself.

Valorant was released in June 2020 and is playable on the PC.

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