Valorant was released in 2020, and quickly became Counter-Strike fans' new favourite. The gameplay is incredibly smooth and varied, making it exciting but not confusing for a minute. Its gunplay is very similar to that of CS, but with a twist on mechanics.

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There are currently 15 agents players can choose as a character, and each of them have unique abilities and strengths. And while all of these abilities are awesome, some are considered stronger than the other, or a greater asset in the long run.

15 Sage

Valorant Agent Sage

Sage is a great pick in maps like Split. Her resurrection skill is one of the best assets in the game, and while her heal is much more limited than other agents, she can use it from much farther distances.

She's one of the best team members because of her revival and healing skill, but despite her character being a game-changer in teams, she's not a huge asset in 1v1 combat and solo gameplay.

14 Astra

Valorant Agent Astra

Astra is a phenomenal agent in pro games, as she can influence any part of the map at any time. The reason only a few players stick with her, in the long run, is because she's very hard to handle.

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It's best for players to familiarize themselves with this agent early on, and really fulfil her potentials in pro games, as that's where she truly shines.

13 Killjoy

Valorant Agent Killjoy

While an S-Tier agent, Killjoy is not as strong as fans hoped, but that doesn't make her less of an asset. If her skills are used correctly, she can be one of the best agents in the team. But for her skills to really shine through, players need to master handling this agent.

Players should get to know her early on, but she's most useful in pro matches, as her skills can wreak havoc on complex playgrounds.

12 Viper

Valorant Agent Viper

Viper is an excellent agent, but her style is really hard to master and can even hurt her allies. Players who choose to commit to Viper need to master her gameplay style and skills. In a team, other players need to be familiar with her style as well to avoid falling victim to her skills.

Communication is key when it comes to this agent, but Viper in good hands can cause a lot of damage. More and more of these agents are seen in pro games because once a player falls in love with her, she can be taken to the big leagues with no problem.

11 Yoru

Valorant Agent Yoru

Yoru is a great agent for playing solo, or in teams. His weapons and skills are very efficient and can hold their own even when the character is alone.

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He can flash for himself and his team as well, combining the skills of Breach and Phoenix. He's a true asset in any team, and players can easily get used to his style of play.

10 Omen

Valorant Agent Omen

For players looking for the coolest looking agent, they've finally found him. Omen is the master of maps, his first priority always being map-control. He's also able to teleport which can come in handy, and really surprise the enemy.

But his truly amazing capabilities are his smokes and flash, both of these causing massive damage on the receiving end. He's great for solo play as well, but when communication doesn't lack, he really shines in team plays.

9 Skye

Valorant Agent Skye

Skye is an agent who's hard to master but has a lot of great skills that are useful when playing in a team. Using her healing abilities, scouting, and gathering, when communicating clearly with the team, she can make a huge difference in the game.

Having said that, Skye suffers to hold her own when trying to play solo games with her. She's highly reliant on team play, but in a team, she excels and can be the reason for winning.

8 Raze

Valorant Agent Raze

Raze is one of the most frustrating agents to play against, making her a number one choice for strategic players. She excels in chaotic situations, so it's best to use her in plays where communication can be inconsistent.

She has a lot of useful skills, the best being her rocket launcher which kills enemies instantly with a huge radius. Her skills and character are not the best for team playing, because of her chaotic style of play, but those who master this agent are the ones to look out for.

7 Reyna

Valorant Agent Reyna

Reyna is the perfect agent for close combat, so for the players who excel in or enjoy 1vX game styles, this agent is a perfect choice. Although she doesn't have as many useful skills as a lot of other agents, her style is easily mastered and a classic in these types of games.

Reyna is a good agent to start off with, easing into the other agents who are harder to handle in combat. Also, when having the perfect position in a team, she holds her ground effectively. In solo style gameplay, she might not be that big of an asset.

6 Cypher

Valorant Agent Cypher

Cypher is the best agent when it comes to safely gathering information. He can multitask, and he's also the best at setting traps. Players have to truly master his skills in order to use them to their full potential.

These skills combined, Cypher is the best team player when it comes to defending grounds. Sites defended by Cypher are incredibly hard to attack, and he's very useful on his own as well, holding his ground for a long time.

5 Breach

Valorant Agent Breach

Breach is the heart and soul of any team. His skills and abilities can take place out of sight, they can catch any enemy off guard. And against him, it's hard to survive these hits. Players who use Breach need to know the map they're playing on

Communication is crucial when playing with him in a team because his skills can hurt allies as well. Breach is definitely one of the best agents in teams, but players need to master his style, and need to have the skill of easily navigating on any map.

4 Jett

JETT Far shore Location Shot

Jett is the number one choice for 1v1 combat. She's definitely the easiest agent to get around with. She can easily reach tough spots, her dash ability lets her jump in and out of cover quickly, and her cloudburst makes her movements unseen.

Against her, players have a slim chance of escaping, and beating her is incredibly hard because of her blades. Jett is a great agent to start out with and practice using skills, and a lot of players stick with her in the long run, loving her 1v1 combat style.

3 Phoenix

Valorant Agent Phoenix

Phoenix is like taking Cypher and putting him in the offence position. He's incredible at safely gathering information, but his arsenal is full of versatile tools and skills, making him great in close combat as well.

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He's the character that most resemble Counter-Strike, he has a lot of skills others do too, making him Jack of all, but is able to use them in a smaller radius. Phoenix is also able to heal himself, making this agent one of the best investments in the long run.

2 Brimstone

Valorant Agent Brimstone

This agent is great for any player because his skills are easily mastered. He's one of the best agents on the list, proving valuable on offence and defence as well.

He's able to pinpoint where he wants his grenades to land, making him the best offence agent in a team. Furthermore, his molotov ability is great for flushing out enemies from their covers. Players can't go wrong with Brimstone, most players staying loyal to him through the entire game.

1 Sova

Valorant Agent Sova

Sova is a phenomenal agent for starters and pros alike. His ability to gather information is the best in the game bar none, and his various skills can be used in all types of gameplay, making him the most versatile agents in the game.

His scouting arrows can shine a light on close-by enemy's whereabouts, and his drone can tag a lot of enemies on the field. His real weapon though is his three powerful arrows that players should look out for because if they find anyone, there's close to no hope.

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