Riot Games has released a new patch for Valorant this week, and there’s good news and bad news, depending on which of the Agents and weapons in Valorant players like to use.

As the full notes for Patch 1.07 show, the new update makes a few noticeable tweaks to the tactical shooter. First off, the patch finally addresses Valorant’s hit registration issues with a few key changes to the game’s visual effects, resolving the problems that were causing confusion as to where shots were landing for months. The patch also introduces a few other quality of life improvements, most notably a new “remake match” option that lets a team immediately end a game if they begin with one or more teammates missing.

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But what will probably matter most to players are the buffs and nerfs Valorant's newest patch introduces. Breach is easily the Agent that benefits the most, as he now boasts the ability to carry three flashes instead of two, a reduced detonation delay with his ultimate, and an upgrade to his Concussion ability that de-scopes enemies and prevents them from re-scoping. While not as major as Breach, Viper has also been buffed with a faster Toxic Screen, a Decay that no longer affects allies, and the ability to see her ultimate’s area of effect on the team mini-map.

On the other end of the spectrum are the long-awaited nerfs Riot has been teasing for Sage. 1.07 hits the healer Agent pretty hard, reducing her heal on allies and self heal from 100 to 60 (while also slowing self-healing speed), reducing the size of her Slow Orb by 30%, and making it so her Barrier Orb’s wall only becomes fully fortified after three seconds. This should go a long way to address complaints that Sage is a little too overpowered, though only time will tell if this stops her from being a viable pick altogether.

valorant patch notes 1 07

Meanwhile, Killjoy, Valorant’s newest Agent, sees her first major change with a nerf that reduces the damage of her Nanoswarm from 60 per second to 40, following complaints that it was too strong. Balancing things out, however, are buffs to her Turret that make it fire more effectively on an enemy’s last known location and prevent it from being revealed by Sova’s Recon Bolt.

Lastly, 1.07 follows up the shotgun nerfs from Valorant’s previous patch with another set of nerfs designed to keep shotguns from being effective outside of their desired range. The lone exception to this is one shotgun, the Vandal, which has seen a slight boost in both damage and firing speed, a move intended to allow it to better compete with one of the game’s top weapons, the Phantom.

Valorant is available for PC.

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Source: Valorant