Once players stumble upon a Trader in Valheim, they will be able to start buying some essential resources that can make surviving in the harsh and dangerous world of the Vikings much easier. While coins are therefore important, the game doesn't do a great job at explaining how players can earn them, despite the fact that they will usually need to save up a good sum to buy some of the better items. The fishing rod, for example, can provide a consistent source of food, while the Dverger Circlet can act as a flashlight.

These are just a few items that players will be able to purchase as they progress from the Meadows, to the Black Forest, and eventually into other biomes. The good news is, there are plenty of tips and tricks that can make acquiring coins in Valheim easier.

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7 Investigate Viking Graveyards

Viking Graveyard In Valheim

Throughout the Meadows biome, the player will be able to find Viking Graveyards, which can be identified by multiple stones marking the shape of a longship. From a certain distance, this shape can also resemble the outline of an eye.

Digging around these burial sites can uncover a chest. These often contain valuable items including Amber Pearls or a Silver Necklace, both of which are worth a good amount of money to the Trader. As an added bonus, there is also a chance while digging that players will uncover some extra Amber. They may also find Bone Fragments, which can be used for crafting and upgrading certain tools and equipment.

6 Loot Troll Caves

Troll Cave In Valheim

Troll Caves are very noticeable due to the bone piles which always appear near the entrance. Several can be found scattered across the Black Forest. While they can seem intimidating from the outside, each Troll Cave will only have up to three Trolls inside. Sometimes they are empty, allowing the player to look around without any disruptions.

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Amber, Pearls, Rubies, and random coins can be found in a Troll Cave, usually spread out around the floor. Considering how easy they are to access, it's worth raiding as many caves as possible to acquire some handy tools that will help with surviving the Black Forest biome.

5 Skeletons Mean Treasure Is Nearby

Skeletons In Valheim

Skeletons that appear in the Black Forest and Swamps will almost always be guarding Burial Chambers and Ruined Towers. Both of these locations are full of unique items and treasures that can be sold for a pretty penny. Burial Chambers can be a little tricky to navigate since they are set up like a maze. To ensure no stone is left unturned, choose one side when entering and then follow it the whole way around.

Ruined Towers are wooden and stone structures that house chests that players can loot. While they usually don't contain the high-value treasures found in the Burial Chambers, they are still a little easier to find. Players only need to listen for the unnerving noise of a group of skeletons nearby.

4 Explore The Plains At Night

A Fuling Village In Valheim

If the player has passed through the Meadows and Black Forest to reach the Plains biome, there will be a few unique enemies who can be found easily. These enemies will drop coins as soon as they are slain. Among them, the most common monsters are the Fulings.

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While they are rare during the day, Fulings are a common sight when venturing through the lush rolling hills of the Plains at night. Depending on their star rating, they will drop a good amount of coins. They are also easy to kill as long as the player has kept an eye on their armor and upgrades. A great way to eliminate plenty of Fulings quickly is to find one of their villages, and pick them off from afar with a bow with either poison or needle arrows. These will kill each one in a single shot.

3 Hunt For Beehives

Bee Hives In Valheim

Gathering food is an extremely important part of Valheim, and can be difficult to manage if the player doesn't know where to look. While a fishing rod can come in handy later on in the game, buying it too early can end up costing the player a lot of money which they otherwise could be saving up for other useful tools.

Beehives are the perfect workaround to this. They will produce a single piece of honey every twenty minutes and can hold up to four at a time, providing a consistent source of food that can help keep players well-fed without having to spend a single coin. They can often be found nestled away in the many Abandoned Villages spread out across the Meadows. If the player only finds a Queen Bee, all they need to do is head to a Crafting Station, and combine the Queen with 10 wood to build a Beehive.

2 Use Portals Effectively

Portal In Valheim

Players can unlock the Portal recipe by finding 1 Fine Wood, Surtling Core, and Greydwarf Eye. Once these items are acquired, players can decide where they want to place each of their portals, making for a quick and easy way to navigate the map. The best way to use them for coin farming purposes is to place one by Haldor the Trader, and another next to a base which is already a decent distance from the spawn point.

This way, players can keep exploring as they would normally. Each time they acquire an item of value, they can store it in their chests back at the base before they're filled up. All that is required from there is to place the items in the inventory, and step into the portal to sell them to Haldor. This saves the player a tremendous amount of time, leading to a fast coin build-up.

1 Seek Out Sunken Crypts

A Sunken Crypt In Valheim

Sunken Crypts essentially double as gold mines in Valheim, with stacks of valuable items hidden around every corner. As long as players have a Dverger Circlet on them, they will be able to catch every item without anything being left behind. This ensures that they can earn as much as possible when selling.

These crypts will only appear in Swamp biomes. Players can reach them by unlocking the iron gate with the Swamp Key, which is dropped by The Elder, the humanoid tree-like boss who appears early in the game. Most items found in a Sunken Crypt will be stacked rather than simply being a single treasure. This can skyrocket their coin value, making them worth seeking out.

Valheim is available on Xbox One, Xbox Series S & X, and PC

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