
  • A Valheim player impressively replicates World of Warcraft Horde structures in the Plains biome, using Wood and Stone to construct 19 buildings.
  • The Meadows biome is popular for building due to lower raid risk; bases in Black Forest, Mountain, Swamp, and Plains can face dangerous enemies.
  • The horde-inspired base in Valheim's Plains biome includes Altar of Storms, Tauren Totem, and other WoW structures recreated without mods.

A Valheim player has outfitted their Plains biome to resemble a World of Warcraft Horde settlement. With how many building options there are in Valheim, players have shared countless impressive creations, and this one introduces World of Warcraft to the game.

Of all the Valheim biomes, the Meadows have become the most popular to build bases in. Because bases can be periodically raided, the Meadows is the least risky location to trust with elaborate structures. The further into the game players wait to build, the likelier their bases are to be destroyed in most cases. Valheim's Black Forest is the first challenging biome that players may encounter, but the Mountain, Swamp, and Plains also have dangerous raid enemies. One player has decided to disregard this potential hazard to build an incredible World of Warcraft-themed base in the Plains.

Valheim Player Creates Impressive Riverside Base

A Valheim player creates an impressive base that acts as a river port after reaching the Plains biome and discovering the Tar resource.

Reddit user PARTECK11 recently shared nine images of their World of Warcraft-inspired base in Valheim's Plains biome. The Plains naturally has some similarities with World of Warcraft's Barrens zone, which makes it particularly fitting that the structures the gamer created are all Horde-influenced. In total, there are 19 structures in this Horde settlement, many of which are watchtowers. The buildings primarily use different types of Wood and Stone, which make them somewhat replicable given how easily acquired the resources are.

What Horde Structures Are Represented in the Base?

  • Altar of Storms
  • Beastiary
  • Barracks
  • Great Hall
  • Orc Burrow
  • Spirit Lodge
  • Stables
  • Tauren Totem

Each building included in this base is an impressive recreation of something that can be found in World of Warcraft. It resembles a base that players can also create during the Warcraft 3 campaign, which requires its own resource gathering. According to PARTECK11, this fort only includes 13,000 instances that are primarily taken up by the buildings as minimal terrain manipulation would've been needed in the Plains. The most duplicated buildings from it are the Burrows and Watchtower. No mods have been used to create the fort, and the wolf statues that are part of the Altar of Storms have been impressively crafted using Darkwood.

The Reddit user has stated that they intend to make a tutorial for their Horde base, which may help other players replicate it. Although the buildings don't serve the same purpose as in World of Warcraft, gamers can emulate the feeling of being part of the Horde. As Iron Gate Studio continues to update Valheim with new materials, the base may be expanded on in the future.