After 180 hours, a Valheim player finds their first two-star Troll in-game, something many Valheim players have done in their first playthrough after a handful of hours. Valheim offers players plenty of adventures, customization features, and many enemies, giving players a fierce challenge in each of their experiences, and this player faced a feared enemy after a prolonged time.

Valheim launched in early access in 2021, and since then, thousands of players have been enjoying the captivating experience developed by Iron Gate Studio. Valheim offers players a procedurally generated map with mysterious enemies, treasure, materials, and more. Despite launching in 2021, Valheim recently added a new feature many Minecraft fans would remember from their playthroughs. Now, Valheim players can play in Hammer mode, a game mode equivalent to Minecraft's Creative mode. Besides its impressive building mechanics, Valheim gives players an engaging combat system that allows them to choose the playstyle they prefer to battle against feared enemies capable of killing them in a few attacks like the two-star Troll a Reddit user found while exploring Valheim.

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On June 19, Reddit user Kanasoturi56 made an unexpected discovery after hundreds of hours of gameplay and shared it with the Valheim community on the game's subreddit. According to Kanasoturi56, after spending about 180 hours playing Valheim, they encountered their first two-star Troll in the game. This is a surprising discovery as many Valheim players know this enemy is hard to find, rarely spawning on Valheim except on a few instances in specific parts of the map. Trolls are dangerous opponents in Valheim feared by many gamers in the game, one of the reasons this Valheim player killed him with wooden arrows when they faced him.

Soon after the Reddit post went live, some Valheim players shared their experiences facing Trolls. A few gamers confessed how after spending hundreds of hours in the game, they had not found a single Troll in their playthroughs, showing how rare Troll encounters are in Valheim and how lucky players are when more than one spawns in their sessions. Trolls are capable of inflicting a lot of damage to structures and players. Their incredible stature and powerful attacks are why many players prefer to run than face them in one on one combat.

Thousands of Valheim players have fought against challenging opponents, forcing many gamers to learn how and where certain Valheim enemies spawn. Luckily for gamers, Valheim offers plenty of weapons to choose from, allowing players to fight against enemy creatures in their favorite combat style using powerful weapons and abilities to decimate anyone in their path.

Valheim is available now in early access on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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