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Valheim's Mountain Biome is a challenge for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the area's enemies. There are Drakes, Wolves, and enormous Stone Golems that players have to take on when traveling to this area. But, despite these challenges, there are a number of important items and ores in Valheim's Mountain Biome that players need to get in order to progress through the game.

One of the more important of these is the Freeze Gland, which plays an important part in surviving in this biome. For those players looking to get their hands on a Freeze Gland and better understand what to use it for, this guide is here to help.

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Where to get Freeze Glands in Valheim

In order to get Freeze Glands in Valheim, players need to first travel to the Mountain Biome. Because Valheim gives players different seeds with different map layouts, there isn't one obvious direction to travel in order to locate a Mountain Biome. In general, players should be on the lookout for higher elevation areas as well as snow in order to get themselves to the right place.

valheim mountain biome

Mountain Biomes are the natural next step after defeating Bonemass in Valheim, the game's third boss and players need to have invested quite a bit of time in armor and gathering weapons in order to take on this challenge. Once there, the Drakes that fly across the area are the key to acquiring Freeze Glands.

valheim drake hunting

These creatures are the only source of Freeze Glands in the game and are much less of a challenge to kill as long as players have either the Wolf Armor Set in Valheim or are actively under the effect of the Frost Resistance potion. Drakes are weak to fire and should be taken on with any of the game's bows.

What are Freeze Glands Used for in Valheim

Freeze Glands are important for crafting one club, one type of arrow, and one food recipe as of this writing. At a level 3 Forge, players can craft Frostner, one of the more powerful clubs in Valheim. Frostner costs 10 Ancient Bark, 30 Silver, 5 Ymir Flesh, and 5 Freeze Glands to craft and deals both blunt and frost damage when used.

frostner in valheim

Likely the most important usage for Freeze Glands is for the crafting of Frost Arrows. These can be created at a Workbench and cost players 8 Wood, 4 Obsidian, 2 Feathers, and 1 Freeze Gland. This recipe crafts 20 arrows and these deal 26 piercing damage, 52 frost damage, and add a slowing effect to enemies.

eyescream and frost arrows valheim

Freeze Glands final usage is for creating Eyescream. This food item can be crafted at a Cauldron and combines 3 Greydwarf Eyes with 1 Freeze Gland. The resulting food item adds 21 to a player's maximum health and 65 to a player's maximum stamina.

MORE: Valheim Complete Guide for Tips, Tricks, and General Help