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The Viking-inspired survival game Valheim jumped onto the stage earlier this month, and has since taken Steam by storm. For the third week in a row, Valheim has topped the Steam best-sellers charts. Many players will find themselves searching for the best weapons to survive the game's purgatorial enemies.

Valheim will start players off with only one weapon, their fists. As players progress through the game, find new materials, and craft certain workstations, options for weapons will open up significantly. One of the best weapons in the early-game, and arguably one of the best weapons overall, is the two-handed club called Stagbreaker.

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Gathering All Materials for Stagbreaker

The main material players will need to collect to make Stagbreaker is core wood, and 20 pieces of it. While getting core wood in Valheim isn't the hardest part of the game, it can pose a challenge to players who are just starting out. The specific trees that will drop core wood are pine trees, which are located in the Black Forest biome. Any axe will do to chop down the pine trees, but players should keep an eye out for the many enemies that prowl through the Black Forest.


The second material players will need for Stagbreaker is five deer trophies. Deer can be found throughout the map, and will randomly drop trophies when they are killed. Deer can easily be spooked and will run off, so it is recommended that players get used to using a bow to kill the creatures. Once players get used to the specific sounds that deer make in Valheim, locating them should be easy.

The third and final item players will need for Stagbreaker is two leather scraps. Sometimes, players can actually find leather scraps from deer drops. Boars are generally the easier way to get leather scraps, especially for players who don't want to be hunting deer throughout the woods. Once players have enough of all three items, the next step is to make sure their workbench is upgraded.

Upgrading The Workbench

The choice to craft Stagbreaker will only become available once a workbench is level two. Thankfully, the process to upgrade it isn't too difficult. Players will need to craft the chopping block add-on for the workbench, which will be possible as long as players have found flint before. The chopping block needs 10 wood and 10 flint, and once made it will open up more possible options for crafting and upgrading items.

Using Stagbreaker as a Weapon

With a level two workbench, and all the required materials, players will finally be able to craft Stagbreaker. It is a two-handed weapon, so players won't be able to use a shield or dual-wield while it's equipped. Stagbreaker is great for dealing with multiple enemies at once, and can easily decimate skeletons found in dungeons or the overworld. This weapon will be especially useful when players begin to get randomly attacked by hordes of Greydwarves, as the knockback from the weapons will help players keep some distance in extended fights.

valheim character wielding stagbreaker, which is a huge spiky mallet

Stagbreaker is just one of many available weapons in Valheim so far, and fans will probably get even more options added to the game as development continues. The Valheim developers are humbled by the game's success and are committed to improving the survival game and bringing new content to players throughout the year.

Valheim is available now for Early Access on PC.

MORE: Valheim Complete Guide for Tips, Tricks, and General Help