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As players explore the harsh world of Valheim, they will obtain a variety of materials, tools, and more. Not every one of these items will be worth keeping indefinitely, though, and the game's carry limit may leave some fans looking to delete their undesirables. Fortunately, it is possible to destroy items in Valheim, though it is not something that can be done by simply clicking a button from within the inventory menu.

Indeed, Valheim players that wish to destroy items will need to employ some slightly unconventional methods, the first of which requires the assistance of a body of water. More specifically, fans can get rid of items by dropping them into water, as that will cause them to disappear instantly.  The concern here is that problems could arise if these dropped items still exist somewhere in the game world, but it seems unlikely that this would occur under most standard circumstances.

RELATED: Valheim: How to Craft Wolf Armor and Stop Freezing

Another option that fans can pursue for deleting objects is to use a specific Valheim console command in order to remove all item-drops in an area. This process begins by dropping all of the undesirable items onto the ground in an open area and then pressing F5 to bring up the in-game console window. Players can now enter "imacheater" into that window and then input "removedrops" to immediately destroy all of the discarded items.

Valheim Viking Riding a Raft Morning

To note, fans should make absolutely sure that they want to get rid of an item before they employ either of these methods, as they will not be able to recover anything that is deleted. The console command approach in particular should be used with extreme care, and players may want to do some testing with it before they start trying to clear out their inventories. Indeed, fans that do not take some precautionary measures may find that they have accidentally destroyed a valuable item in Valheim, and again that will be a permanent loss.

While it is possible that a future Valheim update will give players the ability to destroy items directly from within their inventories, that has not been officially addressed at the time of writing. Even still, fans that are hesitant to use one of the aforementioned methods are certainly free to store undesirable items in chests with the hope that they will be able to easily delete them in the future. They can also leave piles of to-be-destroyed objects scattered across the landscape, though that can become a bit of an eyesore.

Valheim is available now in Early Access on PC.

MORE: Valheim Complete Guide for Tips, Tricks, and General Help