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Valheim players only have a small selection of swords, but the best of these options are the top weapons in the game. Swords are the most reliable and consistent weapons players can use in Valheim as they have a decent attack rate and good damage values. Unfortunately, none of the creatures in Valheim are vulnerable to slash damage.

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None of these swords are overpowered in one area, but they are dependable weapons that can be used in a variety of scenarios. This list will rank each of the swords in the game from worst to best. Each section will also include a few tips to help survivors get their hands on them.

Updated March 16, 2023, by Joe Grantham: Valheim is a game that is constantly updated and the Mistlands update was the biggest yet. With the expansion that fleshed out the entire Mistlands biome, a whole host of new enemies and creatures were added, along with the materials that they drop and others that can be mined or foraged. With these new materials, players are now able to forge two new swords which bear the names Mistwalker and Krom. Not only is Krom the first two-handed sword in Valheim, but it is also by far the best even though it is primarily made out of Bronze and Iron.

7 Bronze Sword

Valheim Bronze Sword

The Bronze sword is the lowest-level sword that players can forge. The weapon is a solid early-game sword with 35 base Slash Damage and 20 Barry Force. Additionally, the Bronze Sword has 40 knockback, which is really good for a Bronze weapon. All swords provide an additional 2x Parry Bonus. The sword can block, but it will not be very effective defensively. A fully upgraded Bronze sword boasts 53 Slash.

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Survivors that want to unlock the weapon will need to have a Smelter to refine metal, and a Forge to craft the weapon. Players will need 2 Wood, 8 Bronze, and 2 Leather Scraps to forge the weapon. Bronze is the only alloy in the game, created by combining both Copper and Tin. Copper Ore and Tin Ore deposits are located in a ton of different locations in the Black Forest biome. Both Wood and Leather Scraps can be found in the Meadows.

6 Iron Sword

Valheim Sword

Once players have defeated The Elder, they will be able to find the Scrap Iron needed to forge an Iron Sword. The base Iron Sword has more Slash damage than an upgraded Bronze Sword, so it is worth forging if players are exploring the Swamp biome. The weapon's Parry force mimics the Bronze Sword with the potential for 73 Slash when upgraded.

RELATED: Valheim: How to Get Bronze Pickaxe

The Elder will drop a key granting access to all of the Sunken Crypts in the Swamps. Acquiring the key is essential because it will allow players to collect Scrap Iron which is smelted into Iron. Players that have access should have no trouble picking up the necessary Scraps from Crypts to craft the weapon.

5 Silver Sword


The Silver Sword is a massive upgrade from the Iron Sword. It deals +20 Slash Damage and dishes out an additional 30 Spirit damage against undead enemies. If the Spirit damage applied to all creatures, it would be the most dominant primary in the game. Regardless, it is undoubtedly one of the better primary weapons for the earlier stages in Valheim. A fully upgraded Silver Sword will inflict 93 slash damage. If used against undead, it causes a total of 123 damage, which is more than enough to make sure they are finally laid to rest.

Survivors will need to find Silver Ore in the Mountains to Forge themselves a Silver Sword. These ores will be underground, so players must first locate them before digging to uncover them. Thankfully these elusive Silver Ores can be located with the help of the Wishbone which is acquired after beating Bonemass, the third boss in Valheim.

4 Dyrnwyn


The elemental sword is currently only available for players that have console commands. It is unclear when it will be formally added to the game, but the weapon's stats and the materials needed to forge it are included in this section.

Dyrnwyn will inflict 55 Slash Damage and an additional 30 Fire Damage. When it is available in the Forge, the sword will be slightly better than the Silver Sword since most enemies will not be resistant to its effects. To Forge this mysterious sword, players will need 2 Fine Wood, 20 Flametal, 20 Surtling Cores, and 3 Leather Scraps. Flametal Ore is found in the Ashlands biome, which is yet to be fleshed out.

3 Blackmetal Sword

Valheim Blackmetal Sword

There is no question that the Blackmetal Sword is a top-tier weapon for the mid-game in Valheim. The standard Blackmetal Sword is dominant, with 95 Slash and 40 Knockback. With upgrades, the sword will one hit a host of enemies with 113 Slash Damage. Fair warning, players will want to get their Forge to level 4 before they can craft the item.

To forge the Blackmetal Sword, players will need to be a high enough level to survive in the Plains biome. There, several enemies will drop Black Metal Scraps. Players will need enough Scraps to refine 20 Black Metal, which will take some time to farm. Despite the difficult and time-consuming effort, the Blackmetal Sword will be worth the struggle. With the Blackmetal Sword in hand, few enemies outside the Mistlands will be too powerful to defeat.

2 Mistwalker

Valheim Mistwalker Sword

While the Mistwalker may not deal as much damage as the other sword that is unlocked in Valheim's Mistlands, it does have one huge advantage. When players have Mistwalker equipped they will dispel the mist, similarly to if they use a Wisplight or Wisp Torch.

In terms of damage, this epic-looking sword deals 75 Slash and 40 Frost Damage at level one, but when upgraded it can also deal small amounts of Spirit Damage. Crafting Mistwalker however is by no means easy, as other than requiring a Black Forge, players will also have to find 10 Refined Eitr and 3 Wisp, on top of 3 Fine Wood and 15 Iron.

1 Krom

Valheim Krom Sword

For players who brave the Mistlands and come out alive, the best sword in Valheim awaits them. Krom is the only two-handed sword currently available and one of the best two-handed weapons in all of Valheim.

It deals an incredible 150 Slash Damage with a far superior knockback compared to other swords. Unlike other late-game weapons though, Krom is mostly forged out of the early-game materials Bronze and Iron, though 5 Scale Hide will also be necessary. It can also only be forged at a Black Forge.

Valheim is available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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