The work of a performer in Hollywood can often get boiled down to a single big role. Any actor who puts on the cowl to portray the Caped Crusader does so knowing that Batman will be in the first line of their description nine times out of ten. However, an actor like Val Kilmer has so much more to offer in his long and fascinating career.

Val Kilmer began his acting career on the stage, but he burst onto the scene in the 80s with performances in comedies like Real Genius and Top Secret. His role as Iceman in Top Gun was recently relaunched into the public eye by the long-awaited sequel. Kilmer's private battle with cancer has sidelined him from the public eye for several years, but his storied career deserves a look back.

RELATED: Val Kilmer Reflects On His Experience Filming Original Top Gun Movie

Madmartigan - Willow

Willow Fun Facts Sorsha and Madmartigan

Five years after the conclusion of the original epic Star Wars trilogy, Lucasfilm attempted to plant its flag in the realm of more traditional fantasy. Their effort took the form of Ron Howard's 1988 film Willow. Though the film wasn't the smash hit some were anticipating from the company, it has developed a modern following. Kilmer doesn't have the title role, but he is the star in many ways. His character Madmartigan is the charismatic Han Solo type. He's a mercenary who joins Willow's quest to deliver the chosen one to a proper family. Madmartigan is the life of the party. He's entertaining, capable in combat, charming in conversation, and a fun player in the film's central romance. The follow-up series which is airing in 2022 heavily features references to the character, but his presence is sorely lacking. Every fantasy story needs a human heart, and Kilmer is a standout in the role.

Doc Holliday - Tombstone

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Kilmer turns in perhaps the definitive modern western film performance. Holliday is something of a legendary figure, in that most of the stories about him are likely apocryphal, but Kilmer imbues him with the power that he deserves. George P. Cosmatos (father of Mandy director Panos Cosmatos,) directed this 1993 classic, which still stands as a high point among revenge films and westerns. Holliday was once a humble dentist until tuberculosis forced him to move to the southwest. While enjoying the dry climate, Holliday did battle in the famed Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. Doc is the hard-drinking saloon cowboy who livens up the grim gunfights. He's a professional, but he's also a ton of fun to watch.

The Mentor - True Romance

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Counting impressions, a lot of actors have portrayed Elvis Presley. Austin Butler's recent performance as the old King of Rock and Roll earned him a ton of positive attention. Tony Scott's 1993 action film isn't about Elvis, but it sure does bring him up often. Kilmer has a brief but impactful role as Elvis, but only in the imagination of Christian Slater's main character. This film was the breakthrough writing gig for a young Quentin Tarantino, so the dialogue has his trademark style and wit. Kilmer shines in his two appearances, easily conveying the effortless cool embodied by Elvis. He's not just playing the musician, he's playing the idealized version of the man that an obsessive fan would imagine, and he nails it.

Detective Stevie Pruit - Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans

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Werner Herzog brought Nic Cage to a new level of ridiculous scenery-chewing acting joy in this largely unrelated follow-up to Abel Ferrara's 1992 character study. Producer Edward R. Pressman insisted on the name, despite complaints from both directors. Cage stars as a dangerous drug-addicted cop and Kilmer appears as his partner. Interestingly, rather than partnering Cage with a good cop to balance him out, Kilmer's character crosses the line in a different way. Kilmer's big scene involves threatening to kill a drug dealer to ensure he can't escape conviction, a Punisher-like rant about the justice system that leaves Cage looking like the good guy. Herzog can drag something out of a performer that makes them look truly beyond sanity, and Kilmer is willing to play ball. He might not be around for a long time, but he's a stellar performer in his limited role.

Dieter Von Cunth - MacGruber

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Though most Saturday Night Live movies don't work out, this action parody is an underrated classic. Kilmer doesn't often get to play the villain, and he hasn't been back to the world of comedy in a while, but he's solid in both positions. Dieter may have a silly name, but in his aggressive performance, he's a fun broad parody of the cartoonish villains that appear in many action movies. He's comical but still compelling. His plan is ridiculous, his goals are silly, and he constantly takes time to brag and mock his enemy. Kilmer is entertaining in almost every role, but when he's asked to dial it up to 11, he's an absolute treat.

MORE: 5 Best Val Kilmer Movies