It's perfectly natural to feel overwhelmed in the world of V Rising. As players try to craft anything, the game will ask for resources that haven't yet been discovered, with no hints as to whether the parts are found or created. Acquiring new powers can be even tougher, leading players to fight bosses they aren't prepared to take on.

V Rising: How To Get Reinforced Planks

Looking to expand the castle? That's going to require a hefty amount of reinforced planks. There are a couple of ways to meet this quota.

And, of course, there are time limits to figuring things out. The vampire will be frying in sunlight and starving for blood. It's not possible to sit around and craft a perfect plan, it's all messy. Thankfully, with a couple of tips, new players can emerge from the depths of V Rising with a firm grasp and game plan to get to the top.

Updated on May 8th, 2024, by Abigail Angell: This tips and tricks guide for newcomers to Stunlock Studios' V Rising has been updated to include some more information, including a breakdown of some of the best servers in the game.

Choose A Server Carefully

V Rising Initial Choices For How To Play

V Rising is not a one-size-fits-all experience. Like many survival games, it appeals to several types of players. On the one hand, some players are looking for a hardcore, all loot drops on death, no forgiveness experience. Others are just looking to get together with their pals, using servants and each other's efforts to conquer the world's challenges.

Experienced gamers know that it is rarely fun for anyone if these players are forced together. Luckily, the developers seemed to be aware of this during the development process, and in V Rising, players can easily self-segregate onto servers with their preferred playstyle. All servers are marked with PvE or PvP tags, and everyone can easily host their own public or private server. To ensure players get the experience they're looking for, they should shop around. Don't just click the biggest button, followed by the first server name on the list.

The Best Public Servers In V Rising

For those who are unsure where to start, some well-regarded servers in V Rising can be found in the table below.

Server Name



The Shadow Realm

  • PvE
  • Beginner-friendly
  • No server wipes
  • Teleport with items enabled
  • Dedicated Discord Server

V-Dracula Squad PVP

  • PvP (squad)
  • Higher loot drops
  • Faster Crafting
  • Dedicated Discord Server

V Arena

  • PvP Duels
  • Dedicated Discord Server

AMPERE Fresh Start

  • PvE
  • Beginner-Friendly
  • Vanilla Settings
  • No Server Wipes
  • Recently Redone for the game's full release

Dracula Rise

  • PvP (raiding)
  • Solo/Duo
  • Increase Loot & Faster Crafting
  • Weekend Events & Scheduled Raids
  • Dedicated Discord Server

Crimson Horizons

  • Roleplaying Server
  • Modded Server (QoL)
  • Planned Events
  • Dedicated Discord Server
  • No Server Wipes

Tinker With The Advanced Game Settings

V Rising Location Of The Advanced Game Setting Button

Hand-in-hand with being on the right server is checking out the advanced game settings for each one. This has a massive impact on the overall experience, determining whether players can build one or five castles, how much everything costs, and how tough the enemies are to fight.

Weapons range from excellent to underwhelming in standard modes of play, but different modes might reward speed over damage (or vice versa). A common change is to increase the stack size in the inventory. It's worth checking out these sliders and options to customize the overall experience.

Starting Over Is A Good Thing

V Rising Quitting A Game

Characters and creations do not transfer from server to server. Starting over means starting over entirely. For this reason, many players will stay on a server that isn't ideal just because starting over seems like a lengthy venture. Don't let this happen; start over the instant settings aren't right.

Find the save file and delete it, if memory space is a concern. The most important resource is knowledge. Starting over with all that knowledge allows players to get back to endgame content within a single play session. Don't get too attached early into the process of finding a server that feels just right.

Pick A Great Spot For A Castle

V Rising Best Place To Build A Base In The Dunley Farmlands

Building a castle is one of the first things vampires need to do. The construction process itself is highly experimental; demolishing walls and floors to move tables and make room for new technologies. But the location itself is a rather permanent fixture. While you can uproot the whole thing and move, it is an extremely arduous process. Imagine slowly moving everything from one storage unit to the inventory, to another castle, and then back again. Instead, choosing a good location the first time will save players hours of work and headaches.

V Rising: How to Get Ghost Yarn

Learn how to get Ghost Yarn from specific locations or via farming in V Rising, along with other helpful tidbits.

While some desirable features of a castle's location are dependent on the server type - PvE and Roleplaying servers tend to encourage castles near traders and settlements, while PvP servers encourage castles in out-of-the-way, defensible positions - in every case you'll want to be near a couple of key resources.

  • Timber
  • Stone
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Clay
  • Nearby NPCs to turn into servants

Build The Fundamentals

V Rising Locating The Fundamental Bar In The Build Menu

Eventually, players will want to get advanced and build shops to make stone bricks or rare creations. This will come; when it's time to build such a workplace, it will be obvious. Instead of climbing the extensive tech tree immediately, start simple.

By building everything in the 'Fundamentals' tab, players will give themselves a head start on the game. They'll have a coffin to resurrect in when they die, a protected place to rest, a device that blocks out the sun from doing damage, and places to store the resource piles.

Store Valuables In Vampire Lockboxes

V Rising Opening A Vampire Lockbox

Early in the process, players can turn their lumber into planks at a sawmill. Use the first of these planks to make at least one Vampire Lockbox, sealing away resources from enemy vampires looking to steal some valuable resources.

There is little worse than getting ahold of some rare scourgestone, then having it pilfered while away. Put anything important in these are rest assured knowing that no disaster can ever take these items away.

Don't Toss Anything

V Rising Powering Up A Castle Heart With Blood Essence

Although the focus of the game will certainly shift from hides, lumber, stone, and blood essence toward rarer gems and materials, these base items never fail to be useful. It's a terrible feeling to be building the perfect room for a new workbench and then run out of stone before the wall can be completed.

It costs very little to build big storage containers and dump materials in them. Plus, even if the place is raided completely, there will be more resources than inventory spots, so some of these base components will be left behind to rebuild with.

Let The Blood Altar Guide The Action

V Rising Tracking Down An Enemy With The Blood Altar

The Blood Altar, the last of the fundamental buildings, plays an important role in V Rising. It tells players the levels of enemy bosses and their rewards, directing them how to get there by showing a red vortex every so often. By following this vector, vampires can kill bosses in their range.

V Rising: How To Build A Prison

Here's how players can build and use a prison in V Rising.

These bosses and the paths to them will be brimming with resources of the appropriate player level. There will likely be waygates to use for fast traveling along the way. Consider it a guide that explicitly states where to go next.

Running Away Is Better Than Death

V Rising Getting Into A Fight With Low Health

Here is a surprising fact about the combat; most enemies do not have their health increase after the fight has ended. Knowing this, it's possible to take down really tough bosses by attacking them, backing off to refuel, and then jumping back in.

When players die, they drop most of their items. On PvE servers, this is a hassle. On PvP servers, this can be devastating. If the fight looks close, it's better safe than sorry. Back up, take a breather, heal up, then finish the job.

Raid With Purpose

V Rising Preparing To Attack A Human Settlement

Even if inventory settings have been been the maximum amount of latitude in the advanced settings, players will still fill it up after just a couple of fights and a bit of harvesting. Anybody going out and attacking for the fun of it will run out of space within seconds.

Each time players leave the castle, they should have a distinct goal and stick to it. It's alright to raid a human colony for the fun of it, but know that this will be a very quick venture. Prepare with the right abilities and ideal weapons ahead of time.

V Rising Tag Page Cover Art
V Rising

May 17, 2022
Stunlock Studios
Stunlock Studios
MMORPG , Survival