Dual Pistols have been introduced together with a boatload of other content in V Rising: Secrets of Gloomrot, and they're shaping up to be an excellent addition to the players' vampiric arsenal. They shoot fast, hit hard, and offer a totally new way to enjoy the game.

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Getting these new weapons will require a fair bit of effort, especially considering how V Rising got an overhauled progression system. Pistols aren't locked too far down the tech tree, but getting their crafting recipe will still take some time. Here's how to get the early-tier versions of these weapons.

How to Unlock Iron Pistols Recipe in V Rising

Jade the Vampire Hunter info screen in V Rising

The first tier of pistols is made of iron, and the recipe for them can be unlocked by defeating Jade the Vampire Hunter, a powerful, level 57 V Blood boss who often patrols the roads of the Dunley Farmlands. Jade uses bombs and twin pistols herself, and she can be a real tough customer to handle.

For this boss fight, players should use the Corrupted Skull spell from the Unholy Tree—it fires projectiles that summon Skeletal Warriors on impact, which can take Jade's attention away from players and give them a chance to land a few hits. Also, any shield-type defensive ability like Frost Barrier from Vincent the Frostbringer can help protect players against Jade's ranged attacks.

If possible, try to lure the boss away from the road and into the wilderness, preferably a spot with plenty of cover. This gives players the opportunity to hide from her big attacks while also minimizing the odds of running into a group of patrolling militia members. Once Jade is defeated, she will give players the Iron Pistols and Primal Blood Essence recipes as well as the Chaos Barrage Ultimate.

Crafting Iron Pistols

Crafting Iron Pistols in V Rising

Like all iron-based weapons, Iron Pistols are made in the Smithy, which is unlocked by beating Quincey the Bandit King in the northern part of the Farbane Woods. These guns cost 16 Iron Ingots and 12 Planks to craft, just like every other basic weapon of the same tier.

The recipe for Merciless Iron Pistols can drop from any boss and other viable loot sources in the Dunley Farmlands, though farming for it in combat or exploration can be unreliable. Instead, players can stock up on Silver Coins and visit the new Farmer's Market in the region. There is a vendor there that sells a variety of different recipes, including ones for Merciless armor and weapons.

V Rising is available now on PC.

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