There is always a need for jeopardy when it comes to a survival crafting experience, and although you are technically an immortal vampire rising to take your place in V Rising, the dangers that are present in the world can be quite threatening if you are unprepared.

This was the case in the game's Early Access version, where the game presented a level playing field for all who decided to dive in, but with the 1.0 launch, Stunlock Studios has made it a point to make the game more accessible with different Difficulty Settings.

V Rising: Tips And Tricks For Beginners

V Rising has a very light tutorial that can leave newer gamers feeling overwhelmed by the world around them. Being a pro just takes a few more tips.

What are Difficulty Settings in V Rising?

In short, V Rising will give players the option to choose their preferred way to experience what the game has to offer.

This will be applied to the entire server, and for hosts, it can be changed at any time to either liven things up or bring a wave of calm for the other vampires playing with you. In total, there are three different Difficulty Settings to choose from.

Relaxed Mode

As the name suggests, this mode will allow players much more peace and quiet as they go about their vampire business. Take the time to marvel at the game's visuals, explore to your heart's content, and put in the time and effort to create a castle worthy of your status. Combat is still a key part of the adventure, but in this setting, you are the one that is to be feared.

  • Sun damage reduced.
  • Blood Drains more slowly.
  • Enemies deal less damage.
  • V Blood bosses have less health.

Normal Mode

V Rising Difficulty Settings Normal

If you are used to the trials and tribulations that V Rising can offer, especially for those coming over from Early Access, then the Normal Difficulty Setting is nothing new. Everything that was familiar remains, such as enemy difficulty and V Blood bosses, with no additional surprises to catch you off guard.

Brutal Mode

This is where the true vampires can cut their teeth and demonstrate to the world just how scared they should be. Brutal Mode is not for the inexperienced bloodsuckers, as all the challenges present in the game are turned up a notch. It is an entirely new way to enjoy the game, and is perfect for those that have already mastered everything.

  • Many V Blood bosses now have new behaviors and abilities.
  • V Blood bosses have more health.
  • V Blood bosses deal significantly more damage.
  • V Blood bosses are higher level.
  • Enemies deal significantly more damage.
  • More loot drops from all sources.
  • Item durability drains more slowly.
V Rising Tag Page Cover Art
V Rising

May 17, 2022
Stunlock Studios
Stunlock Studios