V Rising has players take on the role of a weakened and aspirational vampire who seeks to reestablish their kind's prominence in the world. However, doing so is easier said than done as there is much contention and hostility among these blood-sucking creatures. Vampires seek to dominate others of their kind just as they do the rest of humanity. The game reflects this desire for supremacy in its competitive PvP mode, which has players fight against the usual enemies and each other, forcing them to vie for dominance through whatever means they see fit.

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The PvP mode of V Rising not only inspires competition amongst players but provides them with an additional challenge. By pitting players against one another, the game presents them with another danger, one demanding much time and effort to combat. Players will often find themselves struggling to fend against the typical threats of the world in addition to each other. There are, fortunately, various ways for them to mitigate the difficulty of the PvP mode. Players can excel and become undisputed by following these crucial tips for PvP in V Rising.

5 Never Go Alone If You Can Help It

V Rising Work Together

The PvP mode of V Rising pits players against one another, but it also allows for some cooperation beyond having feebleminded servants. Likeminded vampires can unite themselves and create a Clan, a group consisting of up to four members that can collaborate in various ways. Being part of a Clan ensures that players have others they can depend on in their time of need. Therefore, mitigating many of the demanding challenges that players often face in V Rising. Players in a Clan also benefit from never having to venture alone, which proves immensely dangerous in PvP mode.

Players that travel alone are at a greater risk of being slain at the hands of enemies or opposing vampires, especially when pitted against multiple foes. Solo players often find themselves dying due to an overwhelming number of adversaries that they cannot combat effectively. Having an ally will make players much more capable of fending against these threats, significantly improving their survivability. So, if players can help it, they should never travel alone lest they chance meeting an untimely end.

4 Use Blood Types To Your Advantage

V Rising Different Blood Types

A pivotal element of V Rising is blood, as it is a resource used for various essential purposes, such as keeping vampires fed and well. However, players often overlook a vital feature of blood which is its type. There are six different blood types, each with unique beneficial effects that it grants to players. The varying blood types include Brute, Creature, Rogue, Scholar, Warrior, and Worker. Different enemies possess different blood types, but players can learn which they have and discover trends upon defeating them.

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Players can use blood types to their advantage and make progression in PvP mode much less strenuous. Using the benefits of particular blood types, players can lessen the difficulty of demanding tasks or improve their capabilities. For instance, feeding on a creature with the Worker blood type will grant boons such as an increased resource yield. Players should utilize whatever blood type will benefit them or their pursuits appropriately. Failing to do so will hinder players and prevent them from excelling in V Rising's PvP mode.

3 Slay Bosses To Become Stronger

V Rising Boss

V Rising features dozens of bosses for players to challenge, allowing them the opportunity to test their mettle and earn rewards. Overcoming these formidable and revered enemies will provide players with the means to improve their capabilities, making them much more powerful. Defeating bosses is no easy feat as they possess superior strength, but it proves immensely rewarding, especially in PvP mode. Players must heighten their combat capabilities and progress if they are to contend with others.

Since the most effective way to become stronger in V Rising is to slay bosses, players must do so frequently. Players can view and hunt these unparalleled foes using the Blood Altar, a tracking device that players can build at their castle. This instrument will display information on bosses that players have slain and those they have yet to kill. Selecting a boss on the Blood Altar will cause a swirling red mist to appear, which will guide players to their quarry. Players must defeat a considerable number of bosses so they may survive in PvP mode.

2 Find A Good Place For Your Castle

V Rising Vampire Castle

One of the most beneficial and rewarding things that players can do in V Rising is building a castle. Doing so grants them access to numerous essential objects and allows them to embrace the lifestyle of a vampire completely. Moreover, players can seek refuge in their castles and hide from persistent enemies for as long as they desire. These versatile structures are essential to players as they could not progress through V Rising without them, especially in PvP mode.

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With other enemy players running amok, it is pivotal for players to have a formidable and impenetrable castle. However, it is equally if not more vital for their fortress to be in an advantageous location. There are particular areas of the map that are exceedingly dangerous, exceedingly limiting, or unfavorably open. Should players construct their castles in these disadvantageous locations, they will be prone to raids or similar attacks. The last thing players want is their sole haven to be destroyed in PvP mode, as they will be rendered defenseless.

1 Keep Your Castle Heart From Decaying

V Rising Castle Heart

Players will spend hours building their castle and designing it to meet their specifications. However, regardless of all the perfecting and designing players do, it will be for nothing if they forget to feed the castle's heart. Players must provide their Castle Heart with Blood Essence, a resource that commonly drops from slain enemies. The more Blood Essence the Castle Heart receives, the longer it will remain. Should players fail to supply their Castle Heart with Blood Essence, it will starve and become vulnerable to enemy attack.

Should this happen in PvP mode, players will likely suffer a considerable loss as their castle falls to ruin and their precious resources pillaged. So, players must ensure that their Castle Heart always has an adequate supply of Blood Essence. Players can farm Blood Essence by killing everything in their path, or they can use a Blood Press, a machine that takes Hearts and transforms them into this invaluable resource. With the Blood Press, players will expend much less time and effort as the machine will passively produce Blood Essence, so long as it has Hearts. A player's castle is undeniably vital, so they should ensure that the Castle Heart never decays.

V Rising is available in Early Access on PC.

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